10 Ways to Make Your Home Greener

10 ways to make your home greenerThere are many ways in which you can make your home greener; doing so means that you can raise your property’s future resale value, while also being able to save money on bills. To achieve this, it’s worth thinking about the benefits of switching to eco-friendly appliances, as well as considering how long term investments like solar panels can help to generate future savings. These approaches, and more, to making your home greener are listed below:

1 – Use Eco-Friendly Appliances

Old white goods in the kitchen like washing machines, fridges, and freezers can consume a lot of energy and emit heat and noise. You can reduce their environmental damage, and their costs, by switching to energy saving appliances.

2 – Consider Solar Panel Installations

An excellent long term idea, solar panels can add real value to a property over time. While it may take a long time to recoup your initial investment in solar panels, they will provide backup power and can be subsidized through government feed-in tariffs that pay you for surplus energy.

3 – Compost

If you don’t already, composting represents a great way to deal with waste while recycling nutrients for your garden. You can make a compost heap using a sealed wheelie bin and it doesn’t require a large garden to make one work. Tea bags, coffee grounds, and food scraps can be added to a compost heap and will eventually produce mulch and fertilizer for your garden.

4 – Use Less Water

Making savings on your water usage can add up to significant bill savings. There are some simple ways to achieve this – don’t leave taps running when you’re brushing your teeth or shaving and set limits on showers. Alternatively, invest in low flush shower and tap faucets and recycle grey-water from baths for the garden.

5 – Insulation

A home that has up to date insulation will be a greener property as you won’t have to rely as much on central heating. Windows and doors can be re-insulated using natural materials and blinds made from recycled materials can be added to rooms.

6 – Switch to Energy Saving Bulbs

If you’re using old light bulbs, it’s worth considering a switch to energy saving bulbs and LEDs. While they might initially be more expensive, energy saving bulbs last longer and are better for the environment.

7 – Use Eco Friendly Cleaning Products

Try to clean your home using eco friendly products that won’t damage the atmosphere. Toilet cleaners, air fresheners, and other natural cleansers can be picked up at relatively little cost but can have a big impact on your home.

8 – Get On Top of Recycling

Make sure that you’re separating paper and plastic  and find a local bottle bank if there is no collection. You can also order extra bins and  arrange for special collections for old furniture and white goods.

9 – Change Your Eating Habits

By eating more local food and buying from farmer’s markets, you can end up with produce that’s healthier and better for the environment by reducing distribution and packaging costs.

10 – Switch Appliances Off at Night

Most people tend to leave their appliances switched on or left on standby overnight – anything non-essential can be switched off at the mains rather than left on overnight or standby. Doing so will help to make your house greener and will save you on your bills over time.

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Author Bio: Liam Ohm writes about home improvement. He recommends investing in bespoke furniture in order to ensure it fits your specification and holds its longevity. In his spare time he enjoys reading, socialising and travelling.