3 Common Heater Problems You Can Fix Yourself

A malfunctioning heater can be a serious problem, especially in the winter months when you need the heater to keep your house warm. Instead of calling a repair company to fix the heater, you can save some time and money by troubleshooting the problem yourself. Although there are a number of reasons why your heater is not working properly, investigating three common problems can help you to diagnose and fix your system as soon as possible.


Check the Thermostat

One of the most common causes of a heater problem is the thermostat, which is the device that regulates the temperature in your home. The first step is to make sure the thermostat is turned on and has power. If you have a digital thermostat, ensure the screen is not blank and then check the wires behind the device to see if they are securely connected. If necessary, replace the thermostat’s batteries, reconnect the device to the wall outlet or secure the wires.

If your thermostat has power, the second troubleshooting step is to check the settings. If the settings are wrong, your heater may only work periodically or not at all. For example, if you inadvertently set the temperature too low, your home will remain cold. Review your thermostat’s user manual to get the exact directions to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home.

Heating Duct Problems

Your home’s heating ductwork is an integral part of the HVAC system because it circulates air throughout your home. Professionals, like those at Princeton heater repair, can offer expert advice and solutions regarding heating issues. Even the most powerful heater can be ineffective if the ductwork is failing. There are several reasons why your home’s ducts are not circulating enough air to keep your home warm.

If the ducts are dirty from dust, grime, debris, and pollutants, air will not be able to flow through your home. Cleaning your ducts can significantly improve the air circulation in your home. In addition, ducts that are torn, twisted, kinked, and ripped can also prevent air from circulating through your home or simply leak enough air to cause a major inefficiency in the heating system. Repairing these problems, such as kinks and tears, can restore your home’s air circulation to proper levels.

Check the Filter

Another common problem that is easily fixed is a dirty air filter. A clogged air filter can severely limit the flow of air from the heater, which can eventually cause the heater to overheat and shut down. Regularly checking the filter and replacing it when necessary can eliminate this particular problem from ever becoming a serious issue.

Although some heating problems require professional help, troubleshooting your heater can help to keep your heating costs down and also give you a better understanding of how your heating system operates.