Simple Hot Tub Troubleshooting Tips

Hot TubIf you have a hot tub in your home or elsewhere, learning some simple troubleshooting and repair skills could go a long way in helping you save both time and money. Most of the costly repair works performed on machinery and electrical appliances could easily be avoided by conducting simple and regular maintenance work. It is important to learn what you should do in case you experience any form of ineffectiveness on your hot tub cover, water leakage, heating hitches as well as clogged and dirty filters. Below are some of the common problems you are likely to encounter with your spa and how best to troubleshoot them.

Hot tub taking too long to heat

In case of any heating problems, the first place to check should be the filters. Clogged and dirty filters can be ineffective when it comes to the clearing of impurities and this will eventually mean that the heating cycle is reduced due to poor filtration. You can solve the filter problems by carrying out a simple cleaning procedure or replace the aging filters with new and effective filter cartridges. If you replace them, make sure that the selected cartridges are of high quality for maximized effectiveness. It is advisable that any hot tub parts you buy for replacing the old ones should be branded as this will help guarantee durability, effectiveness and reliability. If the problem doesn’t end after checking the filters, look at the thermostat or the cover insulation.

Poor water quality

Your hot tub water should be clear and clean. However, it is possible to experience a situation where the water looks cloudy. This could be as a result of chemical imbalance or dysfunctional filters. Check the chemical levels and add the necessary ones to either adjust the PH up or downwards. You should avoid the usage of excess amounts of chemicals as this could cause rashes and skin allergies.

When the hot tub is not heating at all

Apart from slow or poor hot tub heating problem, it is possible to experience a situation whereby the water is not heating at all. This could be caused by factors such as poor insulation, or simply the thermostat being off. You should check these two and if the power is turned on, make sure that the motor is functioning. If all your troubleshooting efforts fail, call in a professional.

Frequent damage to the filters

A spa can easily bring you stress especially if it requires frequent filter replacement. If you clean your filters regularly and they do not serve you as they should and for a prolonged period of time, it could be that they are of low quality. You should consider replacing the existing parts with new ones, but make sure that that the new ones have advanced features to help enhance the filtration process.

These and many other simple repair and troubleshooting procedures will help reduce breakdown rate and thus save you money and time. Your hot tub should not cause stress. Don’t be in a rush to call a repair professional before checking out the different components as aforementioned.

Author About:

Jacqueline Mya is the author of this article who loves to write on Hot Tub Service Raleigh. If you would like to find out more information about Hot Tub Service Raleigh you could go to Here I found some helpful information while writing this article.

If you own a hot tub and are experiencing problems, we hope you find this article helpful! ~Gary B.