Spruce up Your Garden for Spring

When the temperatures start raising once again, the sun starts sending those warm rays of light and the cold winds become replaced with the soft breeze, we all start looking forward to yet another spring. But of course beside these delightful things the spring brings with it, there are those not so cheerful chores that we are not looking forward to. Of course, we are talking about spring cleaning. And when you are done with cleaning your entire house you know it is time to spruce up your garden a bit. So what are some of the essential things that you must not miss while preparing your garden for another spring?

Spruce up Your Garden for Spring

Squeaky Clean

Before you start doing any serious work, first you need to clean up your yard. During these few lengthy months there are certainly all kinds of piled up rubbish, different kinds of debris, fallen leaves or branches that you should take care of. Also, do not forget one of the most tedious jobs – weeding. After you have finished, make sure to mow your lawn, so it would welcome spring looking fabulous.

Feed the Soil

When you are done with cleaning up, it is time to prep your soil. This means giving it a round of feed and seed and making sure that your garden is up and ready to grow some new plant life. To feed soil, add organic matter such as compost, manure, cover crops, straw, or grass clippings from a non-treated lawn. Make sure to protect your garden soil structure from copaction. This is a crucial step as you want to make a good and healthy foundation for all your plants to grow.

Start Planting

The next step is deciding on what you wish to grow this time. If you want to have a mixed garden with veggies, fruits and other decoration plant life, the best option is to start with the foodflower garden plants as some of them need to be planted in early spring. After that, decide on your flowers, prepare your pots, containers and flower beds and start planting!

Spring Trim

Of course, you must not forget your already grown plants. It is a good idea to give your bushes and trees a nice spring trim. A good idea is to use an ewp for those high reachable areas that you need to prune. This way you will encourage healthy growth and flowering of your plants, but also, make your garden look neat and healthy.

Mulch It Good

When you have finished with everything, the final step is to re-mulch your garden. This is always a nice touch, as it truly gives your yard a strong base for another warm season. This step is quite similar to feeding the soil, as your garden needs to be taken care of before and after planting as well.  Just make sure before re-mulching to turn the old mulch to allow air, water and nutrients to reach plant roots. Do this step by using a metal rake, garden weasel or pitchfork. Also, you will need about an inch deep, light topdressing of mulch. Never apply mulch over three inches deep.

Finishing Touches

After all is said and done, it is time to give it some last finishing touches. A garden is a perfect place to get in touch with Mother Nature and feel closer to home. That is why it is important garden finishing touchesto create a pleasant ambient by placing some accessories and decorations. You could try repurposing a few of old things like bicycles or crates, placing garden gnomes or making miniature fairy gardens to add a bit of charm to the place. Also, consider placing a patio with a few lawn chairs, just so you could enjoy the wonder of nature in all its glory. Do not forget to check your old pots and containers whether they need some fixing up or should you simply use your wits to create new ones.

Most of us simply adore spring and all the wonders it brings with it. Of course, if we wish to completely enjoy in the fruits of our labour, we need to work for it. So get busy and spruce up your garden to make place for another amazing spring season.