Stand Out: 3 Landscaping Strategies To Make Your Curb Appeal Pop

Stand Out: 3 Landscaping Strategies To Make Your Curb Appeal Pop

Real estate professionals know the importance of “curb appeal” for residential properties. They know that when a home looks attractive and inviting, they’re more likely to attract serious buyers. You can make your home a showplace by adding simple landscaping that adds value to your home and makes it look welcoming and well maintained. Here are a few suggestions that increase curb appeal and help make your home more desirable when you’re ready to sell it:

1 – Ornamental Trees For Your Entryway

Stand at the sidewalk outside your house and take a careful look at the entryway. Consider how an ornamental tree at your entryway would help to balance the visual aspect of your home and create a more tailored look to your property. A slim evergreen can provide more vertical design for the front of your home. If you need more horizontal balance for a tall home, try a rounded, flowering ornamental tree. Dwarf spruce, cypress, crepe myrtle, dogwood and Japanese maple are often used at entryways.

2 – Update Plants On Your Property

One of the easiest ways to improve your home’s curb appeal is to add flowering plants with colorful blooms. You can plant a variety of flowers in curved beds, either in a single color or bold, contrasting colors, such as red and white. Flowering plants can also be hung in baskets on porches to give the entryway an old-fashioned, homey atmosphere. Pansies, marigolds, zinnias, begonias and petunias are good plants for this use. Foundation plants are those that are planted close to the foundation of your home to cover the cement and add more elements to the visual design. These plants are often evergreen types that are easy to maintain and provide both color and texture to your home’s exterior. Boxwood, holly, yew, hydrangea or azalea are commonly used for this purpose.

3 – Add Some Fencing

Another way to enhance the curb appeal of your property is to add a fence that separates the property from sidewalk traffic or close neighbors. You can choose from a variety of materials, colors and style to suit your home’s design. Vinyl fencing, such as the type found at Family Fence Company, allows you to add this important feature to your home at an affordable price.

Homeowners can update the front of their homes in a number of ways that make it look either more tailored or casually welcoming. Many of these measures are generally easy to do, but they make a big impact on your home’s exterior appearance.