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Retrofitting Your Home for Increased Energy Efficiency

energy efficient home

As buildings account for 39% of energy use in the US, a new trend called green building is on the rise. Building green includes opting not only for energy-efficient models of construction and renovation, but for water efficient components, eco-friendly building materials, waste and toxics reduction components and improved air-quality, as well. In order to financially help you retrofit your home, the Government offers energy incentives for the upgrades in residential buildings.


Insulation reduces heating and cooling costs significantly. The measure of the insulating effectiveness is the R-value. The higher the R-value, the better insulation. The R-value depends on a large number of factors, including the type of insulation materials (its thickness and density), the location of insulation, the climate and the type of heating and cooling systems you have.

Before choosing the type of insulation and the insulation material, you should be familiar with following information – where you want to install insulation, the R-value of materials, the ease of insulation, the indoor air-quality impact of insulation, etc. The most common places of insulation are duct systems, exterior walls, cathedral ceilings, floors above an unheated garage, foundation, a basement, concrete slabs and a crawlspace.

energy efficient homes


A great variety of advantages of double glazed residential windows makes them an ideal energy-efficient option. Consisting of two glass panes between which inert gas/dehydrated air is sealed, double glazed windows provide excellent thermal insulation. Dehydrated air molecules are less mobile than regular air molecules, meaning they transfer less heat. As far as inert gases, such as krypton, xenon, or argon are concerned, they provide even better thermal insulation than dehydrated air. In addition to this, these windows will also help you achieve optimal noise reduction.

energy efficient windows


The best investment is installing an energy-efficient door with a steel skin, a polyurethane foam insulation core and a magnetic strip for weather-stripping. Glass doors are considered a poor insulator, but if you want this kind of door in your house, choose a double-glazed door. Before installing a pre-hung door, apply expanding foam caulking between a new doorframe and the rough opening and the threshold. Storm doors are usually a good option if you have a non-insulated door.

Renewable energy systems

A geothermal heat pump is usually installed when building a new house. Its main disadvantage is that it cannot be moved. When it comes to solar energy, you can consider a solar electric, or photovoltaic system for the production of electricity and/or a solar water heating system. If you live in a rural area, you can benefit from a small wind electric system, while a microhydropower system is a good choice for houses with an access to flowing water.

Appliances and electronics

Energy Star products are labeled this way if they are more energy-efficient that the minimum government standard tested for each product. Before purchasing, calculate electronic energy use of your current appliances and electronics, consider the price of an Energy Star product and its estimated energy use in order to know which model and brand to buy at what price.

Eventually, you should include passive solar design of the home in order to maximize energy-efficiency. The orientation of the home so that you can optimally benefit from sun exposure is extremely important. Plant trees providing a shade in the summer and enabling sun penetration in the winter. Consider window treatments, external shading and LED lights, too.


Smart Solutions for Garden Rainwater Storage

rainwater collection

There’s no denying the fact that owning a garden is a true blessing, but one that comes with certain responsibilities. Along with all the hard work needed for keeping it functional and presentable, it can require substantial funds and any savings that can be made without jeopardizing any important features should be taken into serious considerations, particularly if they provide long term effects. One of the biggest savings that can be made surely is maximizing the use of rainwater on the expense of tap one. Storage is the biggest concerns here and these smart solutions will make it both possible and convenient.

Initial concerns

rainwater collection barrelBefore you choose the most convenient storage solution, think about where you will be using the collected rainwater. If you plan to use a central container which will hold all the collected rainwater in one place, you will need to make sure that all your downpipes are connected and that the all rainwater ends up in one place. On the other hand, if you want to have rainwater on several locations, then a centralized collection system would be inadequate and several individual outlets would be a more convenient solution. Also, check online or at your local authorities whether you are entitled to a rebate for using rainwater.

Garbage bin

Let us start with the simplest and the cheapest possible solution that uses what everyone probably already has in their gardens, a garbage bin. Even if you do not own one, buying it at the local store will not cost much. Naturally, it needs to be watertight so check it thoroughly for any cracks or holes and fix them if needed. All you need more are rubber washers, a faucet, a suitable hose and a hose clamp. Attach the faucet close to the bottom of the bin using the washers and the hose clamp. Drill the hole on the top of the bin, cover it with fabric that will keep the residue and dirt out and place it under the matching downpipe.

Plastic containers

Using a second-hand plastic container is another affordable and efficient rainwater storage solution. They come in so many different shapes and sizes that everyone should be able to find a suitable one for their terrain specifics and needs. However, there is one important consideration. When you are in the process of choosing a suitable plastic container, make sure you opt for a food grade one. This guarantees that the rainwater collected will not change if stored for a long time and you will be able to use it whenever and wherever. The preparation and connection principle is similar to the garbage bin one explained in the previous paragraph.

Go pro

On the other hand, if you prefer professional approach and want to have the highest quality solution that will probably outlive you, modular baffled Rainwater_harvesting_tankcartage tanks deserve the top spot on the list of smart solutions. Made of lightweight shock and corrosion resistant polyethylene, they come in various sizes and capacities and are equipped with a scale that enables you to know level of liquid contained at all times. They are easy install and maintain and can even be linked together if a higher capacity is eventually needed. The same goes for one of those larger sprayers, which you can use both for storage and different spraying application.

Rain barrels

This is probably the first solution that comes to mind of the majority of people. And, this is not surprising, given the easiness of setup and use. Metal and plastic ones are equally used, the former being sturdier and more convenient for static use and the latter ones more practical for relocation. The biggest limitation is their capacity which is fairly easy to fill, but if you do not require too much rainwater on a regular basis everything else works to their advantage.

As you can see, there is rainwater storage solution for any requirement. Dedicate enough time to initial consideration and you will surely end up with the most convenient and long term affordable solution for you garden.




Common Reasons behind Unreasonably High Electric Bills

Common Reasons behind Unreasonably High Electric Bills

A good deal of instances when bills are sky-high are connected with the distribution of electricity and its use, and you may not even be aware it’s happening to you. To help you begin saving your money, we have compiled a set of possible problems and energy slurpers with tips for improvements. Stay tuned.

Silent energy suckers

An abundance of devices that remain plugged in all the time even when they’re not being used are one of the biggest hidden expenses that amass the electricity bill. A decade ago this was not the pressing issue, but modern apertures and gimmicks drain the electricity even when you turn it off. You could say that contemporary technology never sleeps. The standby mode of computers, DVRs and TVs is designed for faster resuming of the previous actions.

Consequently, these appliances and machines are slurping on electricity in our house as they’re on hold for next scheduled action or a new task. The array of these devices definitely includes the clock equipped items such as coffee machines of microwave ovens, and even old VCRs that maintain this feature.

What to do: Connect the appliances to an extension block with a switch and make sure to turn it off when you don’t need it. This off finally means off.

Feeding the power monsters

washing-machineLarger machines such as washing machines, dishwashers and dryers have the incredible appetite for consumption of electricity and frequent use can make your bill go through the roof. The average household in developed countries utilises approximately 40 gallons of water and loads the machine 400 times a year. Ouch!

What to do: Dishwasher wise, avoid running the cycle when there’s not enough dishes to fill it completely. Also, choose the best suited mode and leave them to dry on its own, minus the heating programme. For dryers and washing machines, strive to do your laundry only once a week, exploit its capacity and dry on low.

Overusing the fans and light fixtures

I admit, I am the first one to turn up the lights wherever possible to brighten the atmosphere of the interior, and this augments the bill more than we expect. In fact, intelligently employed lights that tend to the target spots in the room such as working station, dining table and sofas are more efficient.

Similarly, ceiling fan instalments only influence the temperature in the place they’re in, and it’s not sound to leave it on when nobody’s inside. Thankfully, fans have a toggle button that activates the change of blade direction for custom seasonal use.

What to do: Exploit illumination solely in the specific, occupied areas and turn it out in vacant rooms. On top of that, consider replacing the standard bulbs with their more energy-savvy counterparts that last longer and save extra money. For ceiling fans, make sure to utilise the toggle control (clockwise for winter and counter clock wise for summer months).

Let go of the veterans

Are you still using a bunch of old devices that were bought decades ago by grandparents and then passed on to you? Well, the thing is these are the bigstove players in the consumption game too. Basically, older machines have no energy efficient mode at all. Invest in upgrades of your old-century appliances which involves stoves, ovens, fridges, washing machines and wiring installations among others.

What to do: Don’t burden your outdated house apertures with demanding tasks they’re not up to. Energy star models of the vacuum cleaners, for example, are more energy-preserving than the past millennium models. Since wires are linked throughout the house, call a professional to assess whether you need a switchboard wiring upgrade that will accommodate the demanding newcomers.

Chargers everywhere

The chain of mobile chargers, audio players, tablets and laptops, electric toothbrushes and games consoles are all charging for our next use. The tech generation has transformed us into power hungry users looking for the nearest socket.

What to do: Disconnect all the adapters and chargers when not in function, and avoid all-time charging. It’ll cost you the bill and a new battery.

Shamefully high electricity bills are not the necessity of the modern age. Go ahead and test our advice to save yourself from the hidden energy expenses.

Go Green in 2016 – Sustainable Design Basics & Innovations

Go Green in 2016

In the past, we dwelled so much on efficiency that we forgot about finiteness of many things. In other words, we were occupied with how fast we can and we completely forgot to ask for how long we can keep up with this pace. Luckily, seems like things are about to change, since the world is growing more and more aware that our only exit lies in sustainability. A revolution as significant needs to start in our very homes. This being said, here are some latest trends and innovations in sustainable design, which are bound to make a big splash in 2016.

Always look for the local materials

Go Green in 2016 Design Basics

Regardless if we are talking about the construction of your home, your furniture or simply your home decoration, local materials are almost always eco-friendly. The reason for this is quite simple. With local products, you can completely eliminate transportation which is a huge issue when it comes to pollution. Furthermore, by investing in local goods, you will strengthen your regional economy which may also encourage others to do the same. So, always go for local furniture stores when equipping your home and local materials if you are building it on your own.

Zero energy home

Zero energy home

In order for your home to become genuinely ‘’zero energy’’, it needs to have two major features. First one is that it saves as much energy as possible – which means that good insulation and quality residential windows are a most definite must. Good windows can cut down your heat loss down to 40%, which is not a figure to be trifled with. The second feature of a “zero energy” home is that it creates its own energy. Which is why, it is a good idea to install either a compact wind turbine or several solar panels at the roof or in the backyard. Bottom line is that the amount of energy that you produce is approximate to the amount you spend; hence the name “zero energy”.

Energy saving appliances

Sustainable living design basics

This next issue we need to deal with is in direct continuation of the last part. Namely you can make a whole world of difference by finding some energy saving appliances for your home. You can always look for a fridge, stove or even TV that spends less power. Of course, before any of that, you might want to replace all your iridescent light bulbs with some stylish yet eco-friendly designer LED lighting. The difference that these two make for our planet is so big that iridescent bulbs are on their way to be banned in the entire of EU. Sure, each of these items separately may not save that much, but try to combine them and their joint saving is more than significant. In other words, not only is this step great for our planet, but for your budget as well. A clear win-win scenario if there ever was one.

Power is not the only resource

Go Green

Now, when earlier we spoke about making a sustainable home, we usually talked about either power or fossil fuels (in raw materials section), however saving water can be equally as important. There are several ways in which you can make a difference here and the choice is all yours. You can start by gathering rainwater and conserving it for later use in either bathroom or for watering your garden. Furthermore, you can replace all your bathroom appliances with low flow ones. Low-flow faucet, shower and even toilet all spend no more than 1/3 of the water their regular counterparts do. Finally, even just raising your awareness a bit can make a huge difference in your monthly and annual water spending.

As you can see, most of these innovations do not require too much of an effort, but they do require a no small initial investment. Although this scares a lot of people away, just keep in mind that while saving the planet these features also save your own money, by making you pay less for your power, water and heating bills. This being said, in time, each and every one of these investments is bound to pay off in due time. If you are planning for the long run, than these renovations are absolutely mandatory.
Guest post by:

Chloe TaylorChloe is an art historian, recreational ballet dancer and a contributor at smoothdecorator.com. She is passionate about photography, dance and music. Her biggest dream is to travel the whole world with her husband and take stunning photographs of beautiful places. She also enjoys learning and writing about home design, since she is crazy about aesthetics. You can find Chloe on FB, Twitter, and G+.

How To Heat An Old Home With Modern Technology [infographic]

We all love the charm and history of older homes but they can be very challenging to heat. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, there are more options available to homeowners of older homes that won’t break the bank. The following infographic outlines some helpful tips to make your home greener and save you money on expensive energy bills!


Modern Technology to Warm an Old Home by Cast Iron Radiators 4u
Modern Technology to Warm an Old Home by Cast Iron Radiators 4u.

Tips On How To Improve Indoor Air Quality

indoor air quality

Keeping your home clean and healthy is not an easy thing to do as harmful bacteria, viruses and toxins are lurking from each corner. Therefore, you need to clean it on a regular basis to prevent any issues that might occur due to various pollutants. Cleaning surfaces is not nearly enough to keep your home toxin-free. It’s important to pay attention to the quality of the air you’re breathing if you want to make your home truly safe and healthy.

There are several ways to ensure a good ventilation and high quality air in your home. If you want to do everything you can in order to breathe healthy, read these essential tips on how to improve indoor air quality.

One of the best methods to remove pollutants from the indoor air is duct cleaning. There are many reasons to clean the ducts, but the most important one is the fact that dust mites live inside the heating and cooling ducts from which they enter your home and travel to carpets, mattresses and air, causing respiratory issues and allergies.

How frequently should you clean the ducts? It should be done once per year, but whenever you notice mold on heating and cooling components, you should do it immediately. A proper cleaning includes cleaning all of the components and the inside of the heating and ventilating system and applying disinfectant.

Having your air ducts cleaned won’t endanger your health if it’s done properly. So, if you don’t have experience in duct cleaning and you don’t have the necessary tools, it would be probably best to call the professionals who will get everything out of your ducts: harmful microbes, mould, dead insects and small animals, dust mites and debris.

Here’s another good tip: minimize the use of dangerous chemicals. Cleaning products are full of ingredients that can harm your skin and lungs. Always choose low-emitting, green and safe products that have been labeled with Green Seal. If possible, make your own cleaning products, based on lavender, lemon and vinegar.

Dust mites are attracted to warm and humid air, so make sure that you keep your home dry. Relative humidity levels should be lower than 50 percent (somewhere between 30 and 50). If you live in extremely humid climate, think about using dehumidifiers to control moisture and allergens. Make sure that there are no water leaks and open windows after you take a bath.

essential oilsWe all love when our homes smell nice. However, using synthetic fragrances is never a good idea. Chemicals that can be found in air fresheners are far from safe and they are rarely listed on the labels. Avoid risks of using synthetic scents and use only 100 percent organic, natural fresheners or perfume the air in your home with essential oils or slices of lemon or orange.

The last, but not the least important tip (and certainly the easiest one): always open the windows (at least 15 minutes per day) and let fresh air into all rooms. Also, don’t smoke in your home. Smoking cigarettes will surely decrease the quality of indoor air as cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 harmful chemicals!





Planning an Eco-Friendly Home? Here Are Some Tips!

An eco-friendly home is the best way to express your gratitude towards nature. Moreover, it also saves you a lot of money in giving energy bills. That’s why a greener home is a good choice to fulfill the energy needs of your home without destroying the environment.

planning an eco friendly home

Modern technology offers you huge options for eco-friendly materials. But if you are confused where to take a start then consider the following post.

Seal Doors and Windows Properly

If your windows and doors are poorly sealed then this allows the air to flow in and out of the home. This puts load on the heating and cooling systems of your home and they have to work harder in order to maintain a particular temperature. This means simply waste of energy and money.

So, save energy and money by choosing quality doors and windows that don’t put stress on the heating and cooling system of your home.

An Efficient Duct System Can Save Costs

If you have efficient duct systems at your place then your heating and cooling costs will get reduced to great extent. Around 20% of the air that flows through duct systems of your home gets lost because of leaks and poor connections. Thus, sealing duct system can help you to save energy and energy bills.

Make Use of Solar Energy for Your Home

Instead of installing clay or asphalt tiles for your home it’s better to get solar panel roof tiles for your home. Clay or asphalt tiles are subject to environmental and temperature strain and also are not an eco-friendly choice. Thus, get in touch with a company which provides photovoltaic solar panels that can cover the entire roof. This is a good choice to satisfy the energy needs of your home without big energy bills.

Don’t Ignore Insulation

Poor insulation leads to large heating and cooling losses in your home. Rather poor insulation only leads to utilization of more energy than needed because poor insulation makes heat exchange easier.

So, get quality insulation for your home so that the insulation continues to control your home’s temperature for years. A good home builder will guide you to find the suitable insulation for your eco-friendly home.

Choose Efficient Lighting Systems

Lightning is important but if you use energy efficient devices then you can cut down your electricity/AC bills. Install only Energy Star certified light bulbs and fixtures so that less energy is utilized and more bill is saved.

Also try to use natural light and avoid installing extra bulbs here and there in your home.

Eco-Friendly Faucet Fixtures

As per World Health Organization, one in three people are suffering due to lack of sufficient water resources. Thus, you can do your part to solve this problem of water scarcity by using the water only which you need and not wasting it. Installing water-efficient faucets can help solving more than half of the problem. Electronic faucets are also an eco-friendly choice as they will prevent water wastage by allowing water to run only when required.

According to EPA.gov, around 10,000 gallons water gets wasted every year due to household leaks and if these leaks are fixed it would lead to reduction of 10% of water bills.

Author Bio: – Dan Kogan is owner of NY handyman NYC, one of the leading handyman in New York City, with more than 20 years of experience. He is passionate about all things related to home improvement and fixes all the things around your home.

Save Green: 4 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bill

Save Green 4 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bill

Reducing your energy bill doesn’t have to require you to make significant sacrifices in the way that you live your life. Making simple changes and investing in new technologies to help you better manage your home can help you save substantially on your utility bills. Take advantage of new smart home technology and soon you’ll find that your power bill more than makes up for itself over the course of a year.

Smart Home Technology

You don’t need a complete smart home solution to benefit from smart home technology. Instead, you can just purchase a few appliances or outlets that you use most to help reduce your output. There are wall adapters that you can plug your devices into, and then you can control those devices using a mobile app. This is also helpful for when you go on vacation, and you want to create the impression that someone is still home.

Programmable Thermostat

If you would like something a little more low-key and automated, consider getting a weekly programmable thermostat. A thermostat that is digital and that you can set manually can help you automatically save money, and you can even save on the startup costs with a Discountrue coupon for AliExpress. Set the thermostat to automatically rise or fall a few degrees before you come home, and make sure it’s just the right temperature when you return.

Stock Your Refrigerator

Aim to keep your refrigerator at least 75 percent stocked to keep costs down. When you keep items in your refrigerator, they cool to the desired temperature. While the refrigerator has to work harder initially, once you cool down the items in the refrigerator, it won’t have to work as hard to maintain temperature. The same is true of your freezer. Keep ice bags or ice blocks inside your freezer to keep it full.

Use Candles in the Winter

During the winter, make use of candles to help heat up your house before you sleep at night. Surprisingly, candles are an affordable way to produce a noticeable bit of heat. There are even candle wreaths you can purchase to greatly increase the heat production. The amount of heat produced by a set of candles can offset some of the cost associated with running your heater.

Try to keep your thermostat at about 78 degrees in the summer and 68 degrees in the winter. These settings can help you get the most out of your cooling and heating system while saving you money. It’s estimated that you can shave six to eight percent off your energy bill in the summer for each degree higher than 78 you set your thermostat to.

Guest Post By:

Anica Oaks

Freelance writer and web enthusiast
Read some of my published work on my Google+ page.

Are You Prepared For The Mini Ice Age (Infographic)

Recent research suggests that by 2030 the UK and the USA could be entering a new “mini ice age”.  This isn’t an ice age at all, but does mean that winters could be harsher and summers colder.  This infographic guides you through the steps you need to take to make your life mini ice age proof!

Preparing For The Mini Ice Age by Cast Iron Radiators 4u
Preparing For The Mini Ice Age by Cast Iron Radiators 4u.

Is Your Home an Energy Hog? 4 Reasons for Your Sky-High Bill

is your home an energy hog

If your monthly energy bills have begun to spiral out of control, then it is time to start searching for inefficiencies around your house. Here is a look at some of the most common reasons that utility bills will skyrocket and what you can do to stop it.

1. Vampire Electronics

Families are often surprised to hear that vampire electronics could be costing them hundreds of dollars a year. This phrase is used to describe gadgets that consume a small amount of energy when they are plugged in but not being used. Connecting smaller devices to a power strip and then unplugging that single strip before heading to bed or leaving the house is a great way to solve this problem.

2. You Are Misusing Appliances

Appliances are an integral part of our life, but it is important that they are used correctly in order to avoid wasted energy. Two of the worst offenders are dishwashers and washing machines. Families should only run the dishwasher when it is completely full and keep it on the coldest settings whenever possible. The same can be said for washing machines that are often used to clean just a handful of clothes instead of being filled to the brim.

3. The Thermostat Is Set Incorrectly

Setting your thermostat just a few degrees in the wrong direction or leaving it on when no one is home can cost you thousands of dollars per year. The first thing that a family should do is invest in a smart or programmable thermostat to have more control over their home’s temperature. When a family is home and awake, the thermostat should be set at 78°F during the summer and 68°F during the winter.

4. Your HVAC System Needs Servicing

A home’s HVAC system is almost always the biggest energy hog, and these systems consume even more energy when they have not been recently serviced. Biannual service calls to Avery Heating & Air Conditioning or an HVAC provider near you will allow a technician to check for any damaged parts, change filters, lube moving parts, fill the coolants, check the accuracy of the thermostat, and give you an idea of when the system will need to be replaced.

Fixing just these four problems around your house could save you thousands of dollars on your energy bills every single year. In addition to saving some money, your family will also be reducing their carbon footprint and helping to protect the local and global environment.

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