Tiny Abode: How to Remodel Your Small Space to Make It Feel Larger

Tiny Abode How to Remodel Your Small Space to Make It Feel Larger

As you sit in your home, you might think that the walls are closing in around you. Some small spaces feel this way because there simply isn’t enough space for all of the belongings that you have. There isn’t enough space to entertain or have friends over to the house like you would want. Fortunately, there are a few ideas that you can try to make your small space a bit larger.

Adding Color

One of the ways that you can make a small space seem larger is by adding a new coat of paint. The paint should be in a bright shade, such as white, teal, light gray or yellow. Choose a color that works best with that room of the home, such as green or yellow for the kitchen or a neutral shade for the living room. Once you have the walls painted, you can easily add decorations that will bring out your personality in a way like never before in your small home.

Open Things Up

When it comes to small spaces, it’s important to be able to open the area up more from time to time. This can be done by opening up a window or a bi-fold doors, like the ones that specialty glass stores like Nu-Look Glass & Aluminium Windows have. If the doors lead outside onto the patio, you can leave the doors open during the summer. You can also have certain rooms that lead into living rooms and other common areas have bi-fold doors as well so that you can open them up and have the illusion of having a bigger space.

Hidden Storage

While you’re sitting on the couch, you can grab a book or a magazine from the inside of the coffee table, surprising others in the room as they might not expect this kind of storage. You can find numerous pieces of furniture that double as a table or even a chair with hidden compartments for added space. Small items, like toys that get left on the floor, can quickly get tossed into these compartments.

Extending Upward

Instead of extending out to the center of the room, utilize the space that you have on the wall. Add shelves that reach to the ceiling for everything from books in the living room to toiletries in the bathroom. When the eye looks upward, it makes the room seem larger instead of being cluttered with items that take up most of the room.

A small space can quickly make everyone stir crazy. Use the vertical area that you have for more storage, and add brighter colors to make the room feel open. Consider changing the design of the rooms once in a while as well to give a new look.