How to Keep Rodents and Other Pests out of Your Home for Good

How to Keep Rodents and Other Pests out of Your Home for Good

If you own a home, you know how hard it can be to keep rodents and other pests out of your home, especially in certain weather conditions, such as rainstorms and cold temperatures. Though it’s impossible to totally keep pests out of your home, there are some things you can do to greatly reduce the chances that the invaders will find their way inside.

Seal up Entryways

One of the best ways to keep pests out of your home is to take away the places they use to get inside. This means you need to go over your house with a fine-toothed comb to find every little crack, slit, crevice, and hole. Start by checking around your doors, windows and utility boxes and caulk or weather strip any gaps. You also want to seal any foundation cracks or cracks in your basement floor. If you have a fireplace, have it inspected to make sure critters aren’t already using it, and have it sealed if needed. You also should check your roof vents and look in your attic to find any possible means of entry.

Don’t Invite Them In

Pests are attracted to food, so you need to make sure you are not leaving uncovered or opened food out on your counters and shelves. You also want to make sure that you are not leaving pet food or water outside for long periods of time. And, of course, you want to make sure that any trash you throw away outside is in sealed bags and that the trash can lid is firmly secured.

Take Away Their Shelter

Pests are always looking for a place to live, so you don’t want to attract them to your home by giving them one. Some companies, like American Pest Control Inc., know that keeping trees and shrubs trimmed back away from your home and cleaning up piles of branches or debris around your yard can also help. If you have a deck, don’t store anything under it that might provide a hideout.

Use Pest Treatments

In addition to all the other measures mentioned, it’s still a good idea to treat for pests to help keep them out. You can use commercial products that you can buy on your own, but if those don’t work, it’s worth it to call a pest control service.

Pests are a nuisance and can be a health hazard. Following these tips will help to keep them out of your home and keep you and your family safe.