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6 Signs of a Rodent Infestation in Your Home

Do you suspect a rodent infestation of some sort in your home?

Hopefully, it’s not true, but the unfortunate fact is that rodents can turn your home away quickly. If they breed, their population size can multiply essentially overnight. Aside from being intrusive pests, rodents can also spread diseases and endanger your health if they get inside your home.

Like most people, finding a mouse in your home is enough to make your skin crawl. But what if you find a mouse and have no idea how it got there? You might be dealing with mice infestation.

Here are some signs to look for:

1. Gnawings

Mice like to gnaw on things, and they can do a lot of damage to your belongings. Gnaw marks can be found on food packaging or furniture, damage to wiring or insulation, and the presence of rodent nesting materials.

You may also see small footprints in dust or dirt around your home. If you find evidence of gnawing, it’s time to start checking around your home for more signs of rodents.

2. Droppings 

Mice leave behind small, dark droppings wherever they travel. They may be found in cupboards, drawers, behind appliances, and in other dark, warm places.

If you see rodent droppings in your home, it is crucial to contact a pest control professional to get rid of the infestation. Otherwise, rodents can cause severe damage and spread disease

3. Nests

Mice will build nests out of anything they can find, including paper, insulation, and fabric. If you find a nest, there’s a good chance there are mice nearby. This can help you assess the situation and develop a plan for removal.

4. Noises

You will likely have a rodent problem if you hear scratching, chewing, and scurrying sounds on your walls, floors, or ceilings.

5. Odors

Mice produce a strong, musty smell from areas where rodents are active. If you notice a strong, musty odor in your home, it could signify a rodent infestation. Mice and rats leave behind a pheromone in their urine that smells musty to us but is attractive to other rodents.

6. Presence of Rodents 

One of the most apparent signs of a rodent infestation in your home is the presence of rodents. If you see a mouse or rat running around your house, there likely are more where that came from. 

To get rid of rodents, you can try traps or baits. You can also seal up any openings in your home to prevent them from getting inside.

If you have a severe infestation, you may ask our pest control company for help. Click here for more details. 

Prevent Rodent Infestation Today!

If you see any of these signs, you should take action immediately to get rid of the pests and prevent them from returning. Early detection is key to preventing a full-blown rodent infestation, so don’t hesitate to ask for help.

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How to Identify Termites in Your Home

Termites can cause huge amounts of damage in a matter of weeks, and those bugs are going to bring countless germs into your home. Those are just a few of the reasons why you should always keep an eye out for any signs that you might have a termite infestation on your hands.

Damaged Wood

If you have a termite colony in your home, then you are probably going to notice damaged wood at some point. During the initial stages of the infestation, the damage is going to be very minimal, and you probably won’t see anything more than some splintering or minor cracks. As soon as you find that type of damage, you should immediately contact a local contractor who offers termite treatment services.

Blistering Paint

After the wood panels and studs have become damaged, you will most likely see some distinct changes to the paint. The paint might become blistered or bubble up as the underlying wood pushes against it. Within a few months, you are probably going to notice cracked paint around doors and windows as the wood shifts from its original position. Before you repaint those areas of your home, you must take care of the infestation.

Piles of Frass or Wings

Once the termites have settled in your home, you are going to notice some unusual debris in areas that they frequent. Frass is nothing more than termite droppings, and it usually resembles coffee grounds or sawdust. Their droppings can generally be found near a large nest, but you might also see those piles in areas where they have access to water. Wings are another common sign of a termite infestation. These body parts tend to be very small and translucent.

Mud Tubes

There are a few different types of termites, and some of those species burrow into the mud to create colonies. Mud tubes are almost always found around the foundation of a building, and they sometimes resemble anthills. Termites that burrow into mud are especially dangerous because they can compromise the structural integrity of your home, and that could lead to very expensive damage after a few years.

The easiest and most effective way to prevent a termite infestation is to have an experienced exterminator spray your property at least once every few months. Your exterminator can also help you get rid of anything that might attract unwanted pests such as standing water or small openings where they can nest.

Guest Post By:

Anica Oaks.
Freelance writer and web enthusiast

Identifying an Underlying Pest Infestation in Your Home


Are you getting ready to move into a new home? Whether you’re buying the home or you’re renting it out, one thing you’ll be checking for is that the home’s integrity is in place such as structure, plumbing, electrical and other major components. In most cases, your mortgage company will likely require a pest inspection. Even if the pest inspection was done weeks or months ago, an infestation can still be new or it could have gone undetected. Here are a few pests that can unknowingly creep into your home and what you can do to eradicate the issue.

Battling Bed Bugs

Over recent years bed bugs have become more prominent and more problematic, especially in public places. Because of this, they are more widespread and a lot easier to carry back into your home. You can pick up a bed bug not just in a bed but in a movie theater, visiting a restaurant or by visiting someone’s residence that is infested with bugs. They love to hijack a ride on your clothing or in your luggage and other personal belongings. Some tell-tale signs of a bed bug infestation include:

  • Bite marks on the extremities that often appear as three small dots that itch and may be mistaken for a mosquito or spider bite
  • Dots of tiny blood stains on sheets and pillows
  • Black, crusty shells of the bugs on or near your bed
  • Presence of tiny crawling bugs that are around the size of an apple seed or as small as a sesame seed
  • Itchy bite marks anywhere on your body
  • Black specs or insects in the seams of your mattress, or underneath it as well as baseboards

Bed bugs are very resilient and can live up to five months without a blood meal. Not only are they very hardy bugs, they are also extremely hard to get rid of. Because they multiply so rapidly and are difficult to detect in their early lymph stage, an infestation can happen quickly and be hard to control. If you suspect bed bugs and you have bites or other signs of bed bugs, don’t hesitate to call experienced exterminators like Moxie Pest Control St. George. They not only have the knowledge necessary to successfully eradicate bed bugs, but the resources to get the job done right the first time.

Terrifying Termites

When moving into a new home another pest that can raise the blood pressure of any new owner is the termite. Termites are common in most warm climates and there are different species depending on where you live. Some of the most popular types in the U.S. include:

  • Subterranean
  • Formosan
  • Drywood
  • Dampwood

Termites consume cellulose plant materials. They can hide out without being visible to the human eye and oftentimes are only found through a professional termite inspection or after the destruction of property has already occurred. If you notice a sudden onset of winged insects, wood that is falling apart or sounds hollow, it could be signs of a termite infestation. Mud tubes on your walls or in crawlspaces are also signs of a possible problem with termites. You should have professional pest operator come out and destroy the colony and you also contact a professional contractor to check for structural damage and give you’re an estimate for repairs.

Battling Rodent Problems in the Home 

Almost everyone has likely spotted a mouse from time to time on their property and sometimes in the house. They are persistent little critters and can easily make their way inside through a small crack or gap in your windows, doors or crawlspace. Even though some people have rodents as pets, most people don’t appreciate one, much less a family of them roaming and rummaging through their personal space. Getting rid of a mouse or rat problem is a priority. If you’ve been noticing mouse or rat droppings, chewed up foodstuffs or ripped material throughout your home, you have a rodent problem. You may be able to control a small infestation with traps and sealing up gaps in your home, but for large-scale infestations, it’s time to call in a pro.

Keeping Spiders at Bay

Spiders love to find dark, moist environments to raise their little families and have a good life. Many times, this in the presence of your home. While a good dusting and keeping your home sealed up can help prevent a spider infestation, sometimes they multiply too rapidly for you to keep up. Because there are many venomous spiders, such as the brown recluse spider common in the U.S., you’ll want to have a pest control professional come and properly identify the spiders in your home.

Don’t fight pest problems in your own. Get the help you need now to protect your family and property year round.

How to Keep Rodents and Other Pests out of Your Home for Good

How to Keep Rodents and Other Pests out of Your Home for Good

If you own a home, you know how hard it can be to keep rodents and other pests out of your home, especially in certain weather conditions, such as rainstorms and cold temperatures. Though it’s impossible to totally keep pests out of your home, there are some things you can do to greatly reduce the chances that the invaders will find their way inside.

Seal up Entryways

One of the best ways to keep pests out of your home is to take away the places they use to get inside. This means you need to go over your house with a fine-toothed comb to find every little crack, slit, crevice, and hole. Start by checking around your doors, windows and utility boxes and caulk or weather strip any gaps. You also want to seal any foundation cracks or cracks in your basement floor. If you have a fireplace, have it inspected to make sure critters aren’t already using it, and have it sealed if needed. You also should check your roof vents and look in your attic to find any possible means of entry.

Don’t Invite Them In

Pests are attracted to food, so you need to make sure you are not leaving uncovered or opened food out on your counters and shelves. You also want to make sure that you are not leaving pet food or water outside for long periods of time. And, of course, you want to make sure that any trash you throw away outside is in sealed bags and that the trash can lid is firmly secured.

Take Away Their Shelter

Pests are always looking for a place to live, so you don’t want to attract them to your home by giving them one. Some companies, like American Pest Control Inc., know that keeping trees and shrubs trimmed back away from your home and cleaning up piles of branches or debris around your yard can also help. If you have a deck, don’t store anything under it that might provide a hideout.

Use Pest Treatments

In addition to all the other measures mentioned, it’s still a good idea to treat for pests to help keep them out. You can use commercial products that you can buy on your own, but if those don’t work, it’s worth it to call a pest control service.

Pests are a nuisance and can be a health hazard. Following these tips will help to keep them out of your home and keep you and your family safe.

Creepy Crawlers: How to Eliminate Pests in Your Home This Summer

Creepy Crawlers How to Eliminate Pests in Your Home This Summer

The weather is warming up outside, which means that insects and other creepy crawlers will be coming out of hibernation soon. And they are all going to be looking for places to provide them with food, water, and shelter. So houses all over the country will become rapidly infested with them if they aren’t prepared. Luckily, when this happens, there are three ways to eliminate the pests quickly and safely.

Store Food Properly

Proper food storage habits will help keep pests at bay by making the place unappealing to them. All food must be put away in containers that seal shut. And nothing should ever be left out at night that they could snack on. That means, dirty dishes and leftovers all have to be cleaned up before heading to bed.

Keep Things Dry

Most pests can’t endure hot, dry conditions because they need a steady supply of water to drink. So naturally, they tend to congregate around areas that are damp and wet. That is why one of the easiest ways to deter them is to remove as much moisture as possible in the house. This can be done by fixing all of the drips and leaks and removing any sources of water that might be tempting to them. All the sinks in the house should be towel dried in between use. And water dishes for the pets have to be put away at night too.

Remove Trash and Clean

According to Allrid Pest Management, homes with an excess amount of trash and debris make the perfect environment for pests to live in. And the pests will end up spreading to all of the surrounding houses, which perpetuates the problem. That means, even if someone has an immaculate house, they can still end up getting an infestation of pests because they have a dirty neighbor. So the best thing to do in this situation is to report the problematic house to the local authorities to ensure that it gets cleaned up quickly. Then, the neighbors who live in the vicinity need to have their houses treated as well.

Everyone needs to participate in these pest-deterring procedures for them to be effective. That way, the sources of food, water, and shelter are all taken away, which makes the area uninhabitable for the creepy crawlers. But remember, those who already have a severe infestation may need to call in a professional pest control company if these procedures aren’t enough.


Residential Pest Control: The Basics

Residential Pest Control: The Basics

If you’re like most home-owners, you want to keep pesky pests and creepy crawlies well away from your home. Coming in unannounced, these uninvited guests can do a lot of damage to your place of residence, and even your loved-ones. When looking to tackle this problem head on, you will need to run through the basics of keeping your home pest-free. To help you, here are the essential preventive measures and control methods you can employ.

Keep It Clean

Most animals we consider pests arrive to our homes for two reasons: food and warmth. By keeping your home clean you are denying pests the reason to enter your residence. When it comes to trash, always use trash containers with a lid, and make sure to rinse out excess food from plastic or glass jars and bottles. After cooking, wipe down countertops, stoves, ovens and sinks with kitchen solutions, and make sure to keep all dry goods in sealed containers.

Get Rid Of Damp and Moisture

Many insects, like cockroaches, millipedes and lice, are also attracted to damp conditions. To get rid of insects, you want to moisture-proof your residence, start at the kitchen and bathroom. Fix leaky faucets and make a DIY drain cleaner to clear clogs, since pests can thrive in the leftover particles found in pipes. Additionally, make sure to deal with mold in your home, since it too can provide a breeding ground for pests.

Residential Pest Control: The Basics

Set Traps

One of the safest methods to get rid of pests is setting efficient, non-toxic  traps, claim the guys at Gold Coast Pest Control. While some traps use chemicals, these can also harm your pets or your loved ones. When it comes to rodents use glue or mouse traps, while for insects you could resort to flypaper or bug-zappers. Alternatively, you can make a trap, by mixing sugar and borax with water in jars, which can lure ants and fruit flies.

Use Natural Pesticides

When resorting to pesticides, always try to choose natural solutions. Essential oils of some plants, like lavender or lemongrass, mixed in with alcohol, can get rid of ticks, mosquitoes, fleas and flies. Use the solution to spray known infected areas of your home, or throughout your home, as they won’t harm your family and give out a fragrant scent.

Introduce Animals That Help with Pest Control

Welcoming pest control animals into your home can be yet another simple solution to your problem. While they may not be the complete answer to the question of pest control, they help in controlling pest populations, and serve as a preventive measure. As natural predators, cats and barn owls can be used to prey upon rodents and larger pests. Similarly, welcoming spiders, bats and sparrows into your home or garden helps keep insect populations away from your residence.

Plant Insect-Repelling Flora

When it comes to naturally repelling insects from your home, you can plant insect-repelling herbs and flowers. Outside, on your deck, in the garden, or near doors and windows, you can plant citronella, marigolds, or catnip. The fragrance they give off can repel insects from your home, as well as protect other plants in your garden. Inside, you can create an herb garden in your kitchen, and use basil or rosemary as your main bug repellent plants.

When All Else Fails…

Sometimes, none of the natural ways to get rid of pests are quick or powerful enough to get rid of pests. In those cases, it is best to seek professional help. Pest control experts can use appropriate pesticides to eliminate all the pests from your home. Remember to check into a hotel during that time, and, once you return, clean your home thoroughly.

Even though sometimes toxic chemicals are the only solution to pest control, they can be harmful to your family, so use it only as a back-up plan, trying basic natural pest control methods first. However, the best solution for pest control is always prevention, so make use of natural repellents and keep your residence clean. It will ensure unwanted guests stay where they belong – outside your home.

Sneaky Pests: 4 Signs Your Home Is Infested

Sneaky Pests 4 Signs Your Home Is Infested

Pests can be a serious nuisance to homeowners. In some cases they can do real damage to a home. Not all pests are easy to spot. Some keep a low profile and you have to look carefully to find clues of their existence. Here are four possible signs that you have sneaky pests lurking in your home.

Damage to Your Home or Furniture

Sometimes you don’t see the pests themselves but only the damage that they cause. Termites and carpenter ants, for example, leave holes in wooden beams, floors or furniture. Another sign of wood-destroying pests are small piles of sawdust. Rodents may gnaw through food packages or anything made of wood or plastic. If you notice teeth marks or signs of gnawing anywhere around your home, chances are you have pests. Pests that are causing visible damage are a serious threat to your home. If you see evidence of damage, you should call an experienced pest control service as soon as possible.


Droppings are another clue that pests are around. The droppings of rodents and larger pests are easiest to spot. These are usually small pellets, which may appear on the floor, in the sink or on counter tops. Mice in particular are good climbers, so you may find droppings in pots, on the stove or anywhere that they might be searching for food. Insect droppings may appear as dark spots. Bedbugs leave feces in the form of blood specks. Search for droppings in out of the way places, including closets, basements and storage spaces.


Larger pests such as mice may not be visible during the day. They’re more likely to be lurking around the house at night, when they hunt for food. You may hear them scurrying across the floor or jumping on tables or counters. You can set traps for mice and other rodents. You should also be careful to seal food in airtight containers as rodents can easily gnaw through cardboard packaging.

Carcasses and Body Parts

If you find dead insects or body parts, such as wings, around your home, chances are there are live pests nearby as well. Places to look for this evidence includes windowsills, closets, attics, basements and under furniture. If you’re not sure what species of pest you’re dealing with, you should consult with a pest control service in Arlington or your particular locale.

Insects, rodents and other pests can cause serious problems in your home. Even apparently minor infestations can quickly become worse if you don’t deal with them promptly. You can take basic measures and precautions to get rid of your pest problem. If these don’t work, it’s advisable to seek professional help.

Guest Post By:

Anica Oaks

Freelance writer and web enthusiast
Read some of my published work on my Google+ page.

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