The Best Ways To Prepare When Planning For The Future

The Best Ways To Prepare When Planning For The Future

Few of us want to think about planning years down the road, especially when the world around us seems so unstable. It’s hard to imagine what we’ll need or want a decade from now, or what the best thing will be for our children in later years. However, taking the time now to sit down and prepare for the future is imperative, as you don’t want to be stuck in a hard situation when an emergency comes up or when it’s time to send your child off to college and the money just isn’t there.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to ensure that your family’s future is taken care of, and it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. Taking care of these small things now will help you plan better for the years ahead and give you peace of mind. Here are some of the best ways to go about it.

Consider a college account

Higher education doesn’t come cheap; between tuition, books, supplies, transportation, parking passes, and housing, even smaller colleges will cost the average student thousands of dollars per year. Get a head start on the bill by opening up a savings account specifically for your child’s education. With a 529 college savings account, you’ll receive special tax benefits and the money will grow tax-free until your child is ready for school. The only drawback is that if he or she decides not to go to college or receives a scholarship, the money may not be available to you. If you’re unsure at this point whether your child will want to attend school, open up a basic savings account at your bank in his or her name. It won’t garner much interest, but the money will be safe and can be used for anything your child wants when the time comes.

Plan for your estate

No one likes to think about not being here, but planning for your estate now will save your family from being involved in a lengthy legal battle. Sit down with legal counsel and work out the details of your finances, your home and other assets, and your will. This way, should something unforeseen happen, your children will be taken care of and your estate will be settled easily.

Save now, reap the benefits later

Saving money isn’t always easy, especially if you’re one of many Americans who lives paycheck to paycheck. However, it’s important to do what you can now to save anywhere you can. This can include utilizing coupons as much as possible, taking your lunch to work or school instead of eating out, carpooling to save on gas and wear-and-tear on your car, cutting back on expenses such as cable television and fancy phone plans, and only buying things when they’re on sale. Pinching pennies now can really add up at the end of the month, and anything you save can go directly into a savings account.

Prepare a 401K

Most employers will offer a 401K plan, so if you don’t already have one, ask your HR rep about it. These plans don’t require much from you–the money is taken directly from your paycheck and put into an account–and you’ll receive statements now and then that show how much money your retirement fund has accrued.

Upgrade when you can

If you own a home, spending can get out of control when appliances, furnaces and A/C units, and hot water heaters reach a certain age. It’s never fun to think about, but it’s much easier to save up and upgrade when possible so you won’t have to worry about an emergency down the road. If you have older appliances in your home, consider replacing them even if they still work; this will save you a lot of grief down the road when something breaks down in between paydays.