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An Introduction to Home Garden Landscaping

So, you’ve realized that your garden can be turned into a thing of beauty and you’ve got time and money to invest? Congratulations and welcome to the club of amateur garden landscapers. We don’t meet once a month to discuss new ideas, nor do we ever stop making changes to our design. There is always room for improvement, as they say, but before you can improve you have to start with something. What do you need to take into consideration?

An Introduction to Home Garden Landscaping


Obviously. Don’t be discouraged by how small or intimidated by how big your garden is. There are many solutions and options to choose from. Finding a suitable one, to begin with, depends on many factors, especially finances.


Do you want to use your own tomato for that gazpacho in late August? Would you like to be able to entertain friends by a grill or would you rather allow kids some space to roam freely? Your wishes and plans can be saved on a piece of paper, though many are turning to free software for help.


Know your space

You need to know which part of the garden gets the most sunshine, where excess water flows as well as which way the wind usually blows. These are all important factors for your final design. Perhaps they will make you realize that your first sketch is not really the best idea.

Start small

Choose a small segment of the garden to work on first. It will be easier for you to focus on, cheaper, and you’ll get an idea about what it takes to cultivate a space. If you can’t come up with an original design, fear not. There are so many wonderful and creative garden landscaping ideas you can use to inspire you. A small improvement might give you great satisfaction.

Basic design principles

You’ll have to learn about colors, sizes, shapes and materials and how they interact. This is quite important if you want to achieve the right effect. It is also good to know when each tree or shrub blossoms, and if they do, what color the petals are.

home garden


This may not seem crucial, but in order to make the most of all the help available, particularly on the Internet, you need to be able to understand what people are talking about. Here is a glossary to help you get started.

Experiment if you wish

Not every plant needs to be in a bed. Think flowerpots, for example. If you’re not obsessed with symmetry, you can let your imagination run wild and create a masterpiece. Luckily, you may change any part of your work if you realize that’s not what you had in mind.

First things first

Which part of the garden you need to work on first? Is it the lawn, so that kids can play? The backyard, because it’s small and all you can afford at this moment? Whatever the answer, you need to be aware that converting your garden is usually a long process. Don’t be fooled by those TV shows where dozens of knowledgeable, young and strong people storm out of trucks and pick-ups and transform a lucky homeowner’s garden in a day or two. In your case, it will take time. Much more time. And patience.

If you approach garden landscape design as a never-ending process, you won’t be wrong and you’ll be able to appreciate every phase. Ideally, you should equally enjoy the process and the outcome, and learn from the mistakes you’re bound to make. Hopefully, your loved ones will get on board with your idea(s), which would make it even more special and precious. The time spent planning and implementing the plan will most likely be very exciting, but you shouldn’t let it turn into too much stress. The whole point of having a nicely designed garden is to relax and enjoy it, and we hope that’s exactly what you’re going to do.




Smart Solutions for Garden Rainwater Storage

rainwater collection

There’s no denying the fact that owning a garden is a true blessing, but one that comes with certain responsibilities. Along with all the hard work needed for keeping it functional and presentable, it can require substantial funds and any savings that can be made without jeopardizing any important features should be taken into serious considerations, particularly if they provide long term effects. One of the biggest savings that can be made surely is maximizing the use of rainwater on the expense of tap one. Storage is the biggest concerns here and these smart solutions will make it both possible and convenient.

Initial concerns

rainwater collection barrelBefore you choose the most convenient storage solution, think about where you will be using the collected rainwater. If you plan to use a central container which will hold all the collected rainwater in one place, you will need to make sure that all your downpipes are connected and that the all rainwater ends up in one place. On the other hand, if you want to have rainwater on several locations, then a centralized collection system would be inadequate and several individual outlets would be a more convenient solution. Also, check online or at your local authorities whether you are entitled to a rebate for using rainwater.

Garbage bin

Let us start with the simplest and the cheapest possible solution that uses what everyone probably already has in their gardens, a garbage bin. Even if you do not own one, buying it at the local store will not cost much. Naturally, it needs to be watertight so check it thoroughly for any cracks or holes and fix them if needed. All you need more are rubber washers, a faucet, a suitable hose and a hose clamp. Attach the faucet close to the bottom of the bin using the washers and the hose clamp. Drill the hole on the top of the bin, cover it with fabric that will keep the residue and dirt out and place it under the matching downpipe.

Plastic containers

Using a second-hand plastic container is another affordable and efficient rainwater storage solution. They come in so many different shapes and sizes that everyone should be able to find a suitable one for their terrain specifics and needs. However, there is one important consideration. When you are in the process of choosing a suitable plastic container, make sure you opt for a food grade one. This guarantees that the rainwater collected will not change if stored for a long time and you will be able to use it whenever and wherever. The preparation and connection principle is similar to the garbage bin one explained in the previous paragraph.

Go pro

On the other hand, if you prefer professional approach and want to have the highest quality solution that will probably outlive you, modular baffled Rainwater_harvesting_tankcartage tanks deserve the top spot on the list of smart solutions. Made of lightweight shock and corrosion resistant polyethylene, they come in various sizes and capacities and are equipped with a scale that enables you to know level of liquid contained at all times. They are easy install and maintain and can even be linked together if a higher capacity is eventually needed. The same goes for one of those larger sprayers, which you can use both for storage and different spraying application.

Rain barrels

This is probably the first solution that comes to mind of the majority of people. And, this is not surprising, given the easiness of setup and use. Metal and plastic ones are equally used, the former being sturdier and more convenient for static use and the latter ones more practical for relocation. The biggest limitation is their capacity which is fairly easy to fill, but if you do not require too much rainwater on a regular basis everything else works to their advantage.

As you can see, there is rainwater storage solution for any requirement. Dedicate enough time to initial consideration and you will surely end up with the most convenient and long term affordable solution for you garden.




Spruce up Your Garden for Spring

When the temperatures start raising once again, the sun starts sending those warm rays of light and the cold winds become replaced with the soft breeze, we all start looking forward to yet another spring. But of course beside these delightful things the spring brings with it, there are those not so cheerful chores that we are not looking forward to. Of course, we are talking about spring cleaning. And when you are done with cleaning your entire house you know it is time to spruce up your garden a bit. So what are some of the essential things that you must not miss while preparing your garden for another spring?

Spruce up Your Garden for Spring

Squeaky Clean

Before you start doing any serious work, first you need to clean up your yard. During these few lengthy months there are certainly all kinds of piled up rubbish, different kinds of debris, fallen leaves or branches that you should take care of. Also, do not forget one of the most tedious jobs – weeding. After you have finished, make sure to mow your lawn, so it would welcome spring looking fabulous.

Feed the Soil

When you are done with cleaning up, it is time to prep your soil. This means giving it a round of feed and seed and making sure that your garden is up and ready to grow some new plant life. To feed soil, add organic matter such as compost, manure, cover crops, straw, or grass clippings from a non-treated lawn. Make sure to protect your garden soil structure from copaction. This is a crucial step as you want to make a good and healthy foundation for all your plants to grow.

Start Planting

The next step is deciding on what you wish to grow this time. If you want to have a mixed garden with veggies, fruits and other decoration plant life, the best option is to start with the foodflower garden plants as some of them need to be planted in early spring. After that, decide on your flowers, prepare your pots, containers and flower beds and start planting!

Spring Trim

Of course, you must not forget your already grown plants. It is a good idea to give your bushes and trees a nice spring trim. A good idea is to use an ewp for those high reachable areas that you need to prune. This way you will encourage healthy growth and flowering of your plants, but also, make your garden look neat and healthy.

Mulch It Good

When you have finished with everything, the final step is to re-mulch your garden. This is always a nice touch, as it truly gives your yard a strong base for another warm season. This step is quite similar to feeding the soil, as your garden needs to be taken care of before and after planting as well.  Just make sure before re-mulching to turn the old mulch to allow air, water and nutrients to reach plant roots. Do this step by using a metal rake, garden weasel or pitchfork. Also, you will need about an inch deep, light topdressing of mulch. Never apply mulch over three inches deep.

Finishing Touches

After all is said and done, it is time to give it some last finishing touches. A garden is a perfect place to get in touch with Mother Nature and feel closer to home. That is why it is important garden finishing touchesto create a pleasant ambient by placing some accessories and decorations. You could try repurposing a few of old things like bicycles or crates, placing garden gnomes or making miniature fairy gardens to add a bit of charm to the place. Also, consider placing a patio with a few lawn chairs, just so you could enjoy the wonder of nature in all its glory. Do not forget to check your old pots and containers whether they need some fixing up or should you simply use your wits to create new ones.

Most of us simply adore spring and all the wonders it brings with it. Of course, if we wish to completely enjoy in the fruits of our labour, we need to work for it. So get busy and spruce up your garden to make place for another amazing spring season.

Six Simple Springtime Renovations for Your Yard


Renovations can improve your home and make it more enjoyable, but you don’t have to focus on just the interior. This year, make some changes to your yard and create an outdoor space you’re sure to love. When you want a private retreat where you can relax and unwind after a long day, consider making these smart upgrades to your yard.

Fabric and Wood
Build an arbor over your deck or even a nice grassy spot in the yard. Drape a lightweight fabric over the top to help shade the area and give it an elegant feel. It doesn’t take much skill or craftiness to construct one, and you can always change out the fabric for a constant new look. You’ll love the combination of materials, and this just may become your favorite spot in the yard.


Water and Sun
Thanks to Blue World Pools above ground pools, it’s easy to add some water to your yard. You can give yourself the space you need to float away on a hot afternoon, and your kids will love hopping in to play some water games. Measure the space carefully so you can choose the largest size possible, and make sure you have a path to mow around it.

Storage Benches
You can always use more seating, but you also need storage. If you’re trying to decide on the right railing, consider going with storage benches instead. You’ll effectively use the available space, and you’ll make it easier to keep the deck neat and tidy. This is also a great option for your pool deck. Put a few drain holes in the bottom the bench and you can toss wet toys inside when the kids are done playing.

Clean up the Landscaping
If your backyard is an overgrown jungle, then it’s time to reclaim the landscape for your family. Take the time to push back the wilderness, clear out the weeds, and expand your turf. Not only will you create a more visually appealing space, but you’ll also cut back on the bugs.

Warm it Up
Make it easy to enjoy a roaring fire at night by adding a fireplace, or even an open fire pit. A carefully designed and crafted fireplace will direct heat to a certain area, but you can fit more friends around the open design. Either way, you’ll love the ambience while kids will enjoy roasting marshmallows.

Definable Areas
If you already have a large and functional space, then it may be time to give each area a little more definition. You can use curtains to turn a covered area into more of an outdoor room. Gather chairs around a fire pit in another area for gathering with friends, and put your dining table and chairs in a set location.

Most of these ideas won’t cost a great deal of money, but can all make your space more enjoyable. You’ll love having a functional area where you can relax, and the whole family will look forward to spending time in your oasis.


How to Beautify Your Yard in Just a Few Steps


First impressions are lasting impressions, and the first area family and friends see when they come to your home is the yard that surrounds it. Having an attractive lawn does not have to be difficult. There are a few basic and very simple steps that can be taken immediately to get your yard well on the way to becoming a major focal point of your residence.  Having a welcoming and prim yard can do lots for your home’s aesthetic appeal.  If you want to sell your home at some point, investing the time and money to make your yard look good is very much worth it.

Clean It Up

Taking the time and putting forth the effort to cut the grass, rake the leaves, trim the bushes, and clean out flower beds is well worth it. These things will make your home look loved and well-tended. Other duties such as pressure-washing hard surfaces, adding and manicuring flower beds, purchasing accessories, and putting in pathway pavers can be done as needed, or when you have the extra time. If you just take a few minutes each day to clean and maintain this area, the results will be consistent and amazing. Enlist the help of all family members to make this area something that everyone in the neighborhood can be proud of.

Trim the Trees

Overhanging branches can be a danger and can also become very expensive if they fall on your roof or other structures during high winds or storms. Your older trees may look awkward and unbalanced, with limbs growing every which way. Whatever the case, it is always best to call in the professionals, like those at Smitty’s Tree Service Inc, to diagnose and treat diseased or infested trees. Experts will have the proper equipment and safety gear to get the job done quickly and efficiently, and your yard will look so much better for it. Getting your trees removed may also be a necessity, especially if you have old or dead ones mucking up your yard.

Add Colorgazebo

Green is a gorgeous color, but can become very bland when standing alone. Set off your lawn, trees, and bushes with pops of bright color. Add plants, flowers, twinkle lights, and even hanging lanterns to give your yard more personality and pizzazz. Color can also be added through lawn furniture and cushions, pots and planters, and even interesting statues and lawn ornaments.  Some people like using lawn gnomes or flamingos to add some life to their yard.  Fake deer and other animals have also become popular in recent years.

Having an attractive yard is something that can be done in very simple steps. You will not have to be overwhelmed and some tasks, such as the tree trimming which can be done by the experts that are trained to do it. Other tasks can be delegated out to additional companies who will be able to assist you.  Making your yard beautiful is something that everyone can achieve.

Winter Storms: How to Combat any Cold Weather Damage to your Yard

winter storm

If you’ve invested a large amount of time and money in building and maintaining your yard, it seems an awful waste to let it decay from the harsh winter season. And while some level of damage is unavoidable, homeowners can minimize damage using these five simple tips.

Combat Frost Heaving

Frequent freezing then thawing of yard soil during fall or spring seasons can cause the ground to expand and contract, which ultimately causes damage to the roots and uprooting of shrubs and new plants off the soil. To combat frost heaving, apply 4 to 6 inches of mulch to maintain constant ground temperatures.

Combat Salt Damage

Salt is applied to sidewalks and roads to melt ice during the winter season. Unfortunately, as helpful as salt is to de-icing the ground, it can also cause or amplify Winter-induced injuries and plant decay including bud decay and twig dieback. Salt running down underground can get absorbed by plants and damage their roots and foliage. To avoid salt damage, try to plant flora as far away as possible from highly salted areas and from where there is heavy foot and vehicle traffic.

Combat Pests

Mice, rabbits, deer, and vole are all potential suspects that can cause serious damage to flora during the cold weather. These animals can consume soft twigs, bark, and plant foliage. Deer can inflict serious damage to trees when they rub their antlers against it. If a tree becomes too unstable and damaged to be near you and your family, make sure to contact tree removal service providers like Pete & Ron’s Tree Service.

Maintaining Deciduous Flora

Deciduous trees and shrubs lose their foliage during autumn season and have adapted to the cold climates by becoming dormant during winter season. While they have adopted to protect themselves, homeowners can practice techniques to make sure that plants enter dormancy state before temperatures drop down to significant levels. For instance, you can install plastic or wire guards around trees to protect young, tender barks from chomping mice and rabbits

Because plants and trees respond differently to Winter stress, it is of utter importance to learn and research about the ones you have in your yard. Some cold hardy trees like Larch and Lodge-Pole Pine may require less to no maintenance at all during winter, and intervening may only cause more harm than good to it. The same goes for several hardy shrub roses that require no winter protection.


Tips to Redesign and Make Use of Your Backyard Space

backyard garden

When you step into your backyard, it should be a sanctuary for relaxation, entertainment, and play. If reality does not match up with expectations, then perhaps it’s time to create anew. When considering any redesign of backyard space, it is wise to think holistically and leave nothing out of the creative process. Adopting some, or all of the following redesign tips will likely enhance the enjoyment you get out of your own backyard.

Statuary, Yard Art, and Garden Decor
Throw open your back door, step outside, and survey your redesign challenge. Backyards should be a place where imagination dominates design. However limited the area, your backyard should reflect more than the surrounding architecture and landscape. It should take its aesthetic cues from your own personality. Art pieces let you add flair to your space without ever having to get your hands dirty.

Think Vertically
garden flowersInstalling multiple tiered planters and vertical gardens will help you maximize your ground space while providing an opportunity to cover your walls and fences with interesting colors and textures. All you need are planters you can stack or hang from vertical surfaces. Vertical gardens have the added benefit of producing fragrant flowers and sometimes edible goodies such as herbs, berries, and vegetables.

Outdoor Seating
Your outdoor seating should approach your indoor furniture in terms of comfort if you want visitors to stay for more than a brief chat. Modern patio furniture from places like Design Furnishings is comfortable and can survive the most violent rainstorms between uses. Laying down decent quality outdoor carpets or mats on your patio will provide a surface that lets you walk barefoot even on the hottest days. Using screens made from natural fabrics and materials such as bamboo will help you sell the natural experience.

Water Features
If your backyard feels chaotic or perhaps too dull, you may be able to change things by putting in a water feature that gurgles, or just encourages you to sit and think on things for a while. backyard pondYou may want to try a classic Koi pond or something far simpler like a store-bought garden fountain or a shallow, brick-lined reflecting pool that you create yourself. Even a small bird bath can be a good option if you don’t have a lot to spend on maintenance.

The atmosphere reflected by a home’s backyard design and landscape choices should be soothing to the senses and welcoming to visitors. While touring local neighborhoods, you can see examples of the very best in home architecture paired with careless use of backyard space. Sometimes a simple arrangement of shrubs and flowers, a well-planned garden, a creative patio or deck design can make all the difference. When carefully thought out, tiny backyard design changes can create a space with a higher aesthetic and functional appeal.

6 Creative Backyard Improvements for the Summer

Backyard improvements

Summer is almost here and it’s time to leave the house and start enjoying in your backyard. There are some improvements you can make in your backyard in order to prepare it for many interesting things to do during the summer. You will want to create a place where the whole family can gather and spend time together, or where you can organize a party for your friends. Be sure to check out the following tips and start preparing improvements for your backyard.

Prepare a hammock to rest in

Backyard is definitely the best place for resting during the hot summer days. Making a hammock is a great option for an improvement before the summer starts. It provides you with a great place to rest even while you are making other improvements in your backyard. A hammock is the ultimate symbol of relaxation and surely lives up to the name. You can easily make the hammock yourself and place it in a shaded part of your backyard.

Make your own outdoor theater

If you want to gather the whole family in the backyard or call up your friends and make a party, an interesting thing to do is to make an outdoor theater. The only thing you would actually need is the projector. Screen fabric is quite cheap but another idea is to simply pin white sheets to the trees or the wall. Prepare comfortable sitting chairs and get ready to play a movie for your family and friends. You can also make a drink cooler near the chairs in order to make your backyard a great place for watching a movie or a game.

DIY hammock

Create a gym in your backyard

During the summer there is no need for you to go to the gym, since you can make your own in the backyard. It is more enjoyable to stay at home and work out outside in the fresh air. You will save more time and feel better during the training. You can do some of the exercises that do not demand equipment and the only thing you may have to buy is a workout mat.

Make your backyard storage shed

You don’t want to spend much time in public transport or your car during the hot summer days. Riding a bike on a fresh air seems like a better option. You can make a storage shed for your bike and all of your bike accessories in your backyard. You will want to have easy access to your bike since you will use it quite a lot during the summer. The shed can be made out of wood and can be attached to the house or your garage.

Backyard barbeque

Increase lighting in your backyard

If you are going to spend more time in the backyard during the summer, be sure to increase lighting in it. You can add porch lights or rope lighting if you want your backyard look beautiful at night. You can install new lights wherever you want and they will always make your backyard look better. Solar-powered lights are a great option for this, since they do not require and underground wiring and digging in your backyard.

Build a backyard barbeque

Backyard barbeque is a great backyard improvement option for the summer and you can make it by yourself. You can build it in such a way that it completely fits in the backyard. It is up to you to choose whether you want a simple barbeque or a complex smoker. You can make a fire pit or install a gas grill. Whichever options you choose, you will enjoy the meals prepare in your backyard.

If you want to enjoy summer the way you never did before, try these things and create a family or party ambience in your backyard. Prepare all of your equipment and start working on these improvements in order to get a beautiful backyard where you will spend much of your free time during the summer.


Grilling in the Great Outdoors – Essential Ideas for Your Outdoor Kitchen

outdoor kitchen

source: telecomwiz.com

Building an outdoor kitchen isn’t easy, and there are a great many things to consider when you’re planning your next outdoor improvement. Designing from the ground up isn’t easy, but you’re in luck – part by part, we’ll cover some of the basic elements of the outdoor kitchen and give you a solid base for the work to come.

Outdoor cooking is more popular than ever before, so there’s a lot of inspiration to go around. Let’s have a look at some of the best ideas to build around.

The Pizza Oven

If you’ve never had a brick-oven pizza, you’re missing out on something special. With the right bricks and the perfect design, you can make better pies than anyone else in the neighborhood. The best part? You pick the ingredients. Whether it’s sausage or sardines, you can choose your own daily special.

pizza oven

source: pcbrickovens.com

The Grill

Your options are virtually endless when it comes to the outdoor kitchen’s mandatory grill. If your space is located near your indoor kitchen, you can easily choose to extend your electric or gas hookups to a gas grill. Prefer charcoal? Even that can be elegant.

outdoor kitchen grill

source: baysideoutdoorcentre.com.au

The Bar Cart

If your current version involves a Styrofoam cooler and a bag of ice from the gas station, it might be time for an upgrade. If you plan to host parties involving anyone you’d like to impress, a bar cart is a worthy investment.

bar cart

source: img2-3.timeinc.net

Remember the Basics

It’s easy to get caught up in the construction and the appliances, but storage is equally – if not more – important. The more thought you put into essentials like storage and garbage, the happier you’ll be when you’re cooking in your new kitchen.

outdoor storage solutions

source: fourgenerationsoneroof.com

Protect Your Kitchen

It’s important to consider the protection of your investment. Even if you live in a region that’s not concerned with rain or snow, you’ll still have to worry about wind, dust and sun damage. Be sure to keep your outdoor living space safe.

protect your outdoor kitchen

source: img.hgtv.com

Don’t Neglect Ventilation

You may be outdoors, but that doesn’t keep you out of the woods when it comes to smoke. If your neighbors live downwind, there’s a good chance you’ll hear about the smoke produced by your cooktop or grill. Think ahead and save yourself some trouble by looking into some proper ventilation.

 outdoor kitchen ventilation

source: cchpools.com

Don’t Forget the Kitchen Sink

Even if you’re just building a small outdoor BBQ, having a sink nearby can make your life easier every time you pick up the tongs. If an extension of your water source is in the budget, you certainly won’t regret the installation.

 outdoor kitchen sink

source: wowhomedesign.net

Rooftop Grilling

The backyard is the go-to standard when it comes to outdoor kitchens, but have you considered the roof? It can eliminate those smoke concerns we mentioned earlier, and it provides a better view besides. If your home is built in such a way as to sustain it, moving the backyard grill to the top of the roof might be the best thing you’ve done this year.

 rooftop grilling

source: kalamazoogourmet.com

Go Country

If you live in the right climate, the southwestern look is the standard for a reason. It fits in perfectly with the countryside, and it inherently reflects the natural surroundings.

 country outdoor kitchen

source: kleinslandscaping.com

Winter is Coming

Outdoor kitchens aren’t limited to dry climates. There are appliances and building materials that can stand up to snow and rain season after season.

outdoor kitchens source: weblando.com

A Garden is the Perfect Touch

Nothing goes with an outdoor kitchen like a garden. It offers more than just a vivid look and a fresh scent – you can harvest fresh herbs growing just steps away. If that doesn’t improve your culinary skills, nothing will.

outdoor kitchen garden

source: www.devcenteronline.com

An outdoor kitchen can bring another dimension to your family’s life at home, and that’s not all – it can also increase the value of your home, improving the resale value when you’re ready for a change of scenery. Making the right choices during its design and construction will pay every type of dividend imaginable.


Synergy of architecture and gardening – living walls and roofs

green architecture

Houses whose walls are covered in green, with only windows sticking out, are definite eye turners wherever they exist. The same goes for those establishments whose roofs resemble a green garden and make you wonder what lies beneath. Are those merely aesthetical contributions or is there something else that inspired their owners to have them? Here is what this is all about.

Green walls are in fact sets of plant panels vertically growing on free-standing or structures attached to the walls. They are sustainable and very durable. Apart for aesthetic contribution, green walls are a great way to improve the quality of living.  They provide great thermal and acoustic isolation and represent a very successful air cleaner, especially the interior ones, and pollution barrier. Everything stated applies to green roofs as well. Now, important facts about their installment.

Green walls

green wallThere is much more to green wall systems behind the design. The most durable ones consist of a frame, waterproof panels, automatic irrigation system and optional extras, such as lights for example and plants, of course. The frame is attached to the walls on several secured points, without damaging the structure and leaving air between them to reinforce the insulation and prevent moisture. This is additionally secured by using waterproof panels, which hold the entire structure together. The most successful green walls are soilless, which makes them easier to maintain, more efficient and economic when it comes to irrigation and lighter, thus easier and safer to install. The choice of plants that can be used is practically infinite and this makes them highly customizable and allows creation of unique designs and patterns.

Green roofs

So, you put a lot of soil canisters on top of your house, plant different greenery in it, and let the rain and the Sun take care of everythinggreen roof else? Of course not. Installing a green roof, that is a successful one, is a complex task. If you think you will not be able to rise to the challenge, the best way to go is to let the professionals do it and here is why. First of all, the roof needs to be prepared and to have a pitch of at least one quarter of an inch for every foot it runs. This is something that flat roof homeowners should pay special attention to. Next, you need to be sure that your roof will be able to support the load, which can amount to 30 pounds of extra load per square foot.  If it needs strengthening, do not do anything else before you finish this. The next step is to isolate the roof surface, usually with rubber or some other waterproof material. Now you are ready for positioning of one by two foot planted trays and arranging them to cover the whole roof area. The trays are placed in rows starting from the bottom all the way to the top. They are connected to each other for stability and irrigation and raised above the roof surface, to allow runoffs. Finally, exterior grade screws are used to reinforce the whole and it is watered to allow the soil to settle down.  Unless there is a four week period of draught, you will not need to water it ever again.

Obviously, this synergy of architecture and gardening will not only make your house aesthetically appealing, but you will have a healthier and more pleasant living environment and a bigger home budget. A win-win situation.


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