3 Tips for Finding Land Buyers

Did you know that the average person spends $2,471 in property taxes each year? If you’re not eager to take on more expenses, you might want to sell off your extra land. And the process is easier than you think.

Read on to find 3 tips for finding land buyers!

1. Set the Right Price for Your Land

When you need to find land buyers fast, make sure you’ve priced your land to sell. A local agent will know prices in the region and help you through escrow, closing costs, and contracts. They’ll also understand the zoning limitations so they can communicate clearly with potential buyers.

Agents can tap into local markets and connections to generate buzz. But if you don’t want to mess with a land buyers agent, there are even faster ways to unload your land. Check out this great resource and veteran owned business for help.

Direct buyers will give you cash and cover the closing costs. Better yet, the entire process can be wrapped up within a few weeks.

2. Spend Time on Upkeep

A well-maintained property will make it easier to sell your land. Typically, the market for selling land moves at a slower pace than the housing market. This gives you enough time to make some cosmetic and structural changes.

For instance, check the storm-water flow on your land. If there are areas prone to flooding during heavy rain, consider planting some trees. The roots can absorb excess water, as can native plants.

Consider oil wells or other structures on the property. When was the last time they were checked or maintained?

You should remove old pipes that jut out of your land, as well as abandoned equipment. Then remove any materials within the well and look into sealing it, if necessary.

You can make simpler fixes, too, by mowing grass or trimming dead limbs. Even small cosmetic adjustments can make your land more appealing to potential buyers.

3. Invest in Marketing to Sell Your Land

You won’t be able to sell to land buyers if they don’t know your property exists. Start by documenting all angles of the property. Take high-quality photos or hire a professional photographer to do this for you. 

You can access land buyers through online platforms and post images there. You may need to pay a small fee for a listing, but the visibility makes it worth it.

Include detailed topographical descriptions and relevant measurements. List your agent if you have one, as well as contact info and the price.

Don’t overlook old-fashioned signs, either. Place signs on your land that are large enough for passing vehicles to see. Use contrasting colors and large text — and don’t forget to include your contact information.

Find Land Buyers

You can find land buyers by working with local agents or companies that will make you cash offers. Be sure to groom your land so that it looks appealing. And work on marketing strategies to promote the property.

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