4 Reasons Why It’s Important to Know How Old Your Home Is

4 Reasons Why It's Important to Know How Old Your Home Is

Just like it can be helpful to know how old a person or a pet is, it can be worthwhile to know how old your home is. This can provide important clues about how long a component may last for or what materials it was made from. Let’s take a look at some reasons knowing the age of your home can be important.

The Home Could Contain Harmful Chemicals

In decades past, it wasn’t uncommon for asbestos or lead paint to be used when creating a home. Society now knows that lead paint chips could cause brain damage if eaten or swallowed for any reason. Asbestos can also cause health issues if inhaled or touched. Therefore, knowing the age of your home could clue you in as to whether there are repairs that should be made right away.

New Homes Could Come with Warranties

A new home might have a warranty on one or more of its components. If this is true, it may be possible to repair a roof or furnace at no charge or with limited money spent out of your own pocket. Even if a furnace isn’t under warranty, it can still be worth it to call a heating repair services company if yours isn’t working right.

An Older Home Could Have Outdated Electrical Work

Homes that were built decades ago may still rely on fuses instead of a modern circuit breaker system to send electricity around the house. This may reduce the amount of electricity that the home can use at one time, and it can also increase the odds of a fire. If you live in or buy an older home, be sure to check the wiring to make sure that it is safe.

Older Homes Could Be Worth More

Houses that were built 100 years ago or more could be desired by some home buyers. This could mean that you get more for the home when you sell it even if it isn’t in perfect condition. If your house was once occupied by a famous person or someone who was known in the area, it could further increase the home’s perceived value.

Knowing the age of your home can tell you a lot about how well it is built or if there are any hazards to look for. If you do find that an older appliance in your home isn’t working, be sure to have it looked at to see if it can or should be upgraded.