4 Signs Your Windows Should Have Been Replaced by Now

Window replacement project

If you’re a homeowner, you have a lot of maintenance tasks to keep on top of for your home to stay in top condition. Your windows are one of these areas that don’t require your attention too often and can easily slip your mind until it is far beyond the time they should have been replaced. Here are four signs that your windows should have been replaced a while ago.

They Have Cracks

This one may seem pretty obvious. However, it can be easy to just forget about windows that have cracks in them when they’re located in areas we don’t use regularly. Realize that those cracks are letting in unwanted airflow that could be causing your energy bills to increase. Also, note that the structural integrity of your windows is drastically reduced when there are physical cracks in your glass.

There’s Fog in Between Your Glass Panes

If you’ve noticed that there is fog in between your glass panes that just can’t be wiped off from the inside or outside of your window, it’s time to get new windows. Each double pane window has gas inside of it. You’ll usually find that the gas is argon. Over time, the consistent use of your window can create breaks in the seal around the panes. This can let the argon leak out and condensation get in.

You Hear Loud Noises

Windows are meant to not only let the sunlight in but also to keep the noise out. If you notice that the outdoor sounds aren’t much different in tone from standing in and outside of your home, it’s likely time to upgrade your window. Single pane windows don’t provide a lot of noise cancellation, which is why they have gone out of style. Newer double and triple pane glass windows are becoming the new norm as they can help to keep outdoor noises under control.

They Don’t Open or Shut

If your windows are not operational, it’s time to get new ones. Older window frames can simply get stuck over time. As their frames get bent, they may not shut tightly and can allow in drafts and create the inability to lock your window. Replacing these windows can allow for actual functionality for your home.

While you may have debated the idea of getting new windows, it’s easy to push it off until it’s too late. If you’re experiencing any of the four issues above, it’s really time to make the investment in newer windows. Click here to investigate different window options in your area. You may just be surprised at home much they save you in energy costs throughout the year.

Guest Post By:

Anica Oaks
Freelance writer and web enthusiast