5 Ways To Make Your Home A Wonderland!

interior lightingEvery home, small or large, can become a wonderland through simple changes. No need for huge investments in exotic interior designing or luxurious furniture. Space management, proper lighting and some creativity can do the magic. Here are a few tips that can transform your boring old house into that wonderful wonderland you desire:

1. The magic of lighting

Frequently, people invest in bulky furniture, curtains and expensive wall decorations. But what exactly your home environment needs should be determined first, then the inputs should go in. Usually the same furnishings look great with a little modification in lighting. Try these to bring brightness and shine into your homes:

·      Switch to light color curtains that do not absorb sun light.

·      Open those windows and clean those glass panels that will allow ample natural light inside.

·      Introduce new lighting into dark areas.

2. Wall embellishmentswall embellishments

·      Artistic pieces look great when  hung alone on a plain wall especially in the hall or common area.

·      Bedroom walls could be dark or patterned and the wall decoration here should be more serene and peaceful.

·      Clocks themselves can be used as decorative pieces on walls.

·      A small space would look large if the wallpaper is light in color or the wall hanging is small. Emptiness on a wall would itself make the space look less cramped.

3. Interior designsinterior designs

Interiors include everything in the home and it is more about one’s taste and creativity. The following tips could help you better design your interiors.

·      Things at eye level need more attention since everybody notices these once they enter your home. So the flower vase, statue in the corner or the wall hanging is more important than the false ceiling, overhead lighting or floor carpet.

·      Diffused lighting in corners and walkways literally give the wonderland effect.

·      Properly maintained plants give the natural freshness, however “Bonsai” does not suit all areas and creepers could make a space look messy. Choose judiciously!

4. Should wonderland be timberland?

Furniture is one important thing that can empty your pockets before you spot the right one. Wooden furniture with elaborate carving and intricate design need not suit every environment. Today various options are available such as leather, plastic, cane, natural fiber, choir, fabric etc. Also, light ones can be easy to maintain and can be moved to different locations if needed.

·      Natural fiber or cane furniture.Should wonderland be timberland

·      Furniture color need not match the painting on the wall and in most cases contrasts look great.

·      Partitions need not be placed in the exact center of the room and sometimes asymmetry is beautiful.

5. Less is more

Finally, people who tend to accumulate more and more stuff usually get disappointed with their homes. Gathering and storing usually leads to more stress since more time needs to be spent on cleaning. Periodic disposal of unused items is an essential part in making your home a wonderland.


Try these simple techniques and watch your home transform before your eyes into that fascinating wonderland you always dreamed about.

Author Bio : Kate Lynch is online blogger who writes about various home designing and decorating .