6 Warning Signs You Need Residential Roofing Repair ASAP!

If you have a problem with your roof, that can quickly go from a minor problem to a major one. A residential roofing repair only costs around $965 on average, but if you leave it long enough, the entire roof might need to be repaired.

That can get expensive fast!

To keep your roof in good shape and avoid high costs and hassle, you should know the signs to look out for.

These things mean you likely need a repair done. 

1. Leaks in the Attic

One of the very obvious signs of roof damage is leaks in the attic after it rains.

If you go up there during rain or after and you can see water leaking through the ceiling, or pools of water on the floor, it’s coming from somewhere. That means the roof isn’t totally secure.

You should have this repaired before the hole gets even bigger. 

2. High Energy Bills

Another sign you need home roof repair that many people might miss is unusually high energy bills. 

This usually occurs before the roof isn’t completely sealed in and the air is getting in somewhere. If you live in a cold state, it’s going to take a lot of energy to heat the house, and vice versa.

If your energy bills have significantly jumped, check out the roof.

3. Visible Damage

One of the most obvious signs of roof problems is visible damage.

If you can safely get up there to look, you might see obvious cracks in the roof or dark patches where water has been pooling. Moss growing is another sign that the roof needs professional roof repair contractors to look at it. Click here to find some!

4. Interior Wall Stains

Sometimes, you might notice stains on interior walls and be completely unsure of where they came from.

How does this mean you might need to repair your roof?

It could be water and other things coming in from there and trickling down inside. 

5. Missing Shingles

If there are shingles missing entirely, you definitely need to get your roof repaired. This can happen over the years, where some of them get blown off by weather or just get loose throughout time. 

6. Light Through the Roof

The last sign that you need a roof repair is seeing light come through the roof.

If you live in a place where there isn’t a lot of rain and you may not notice any water damage, go up to the attic when the sun is at its highest. If you can see light coming from anywhere except the windows, there’s a hole.

It may be small, but it may also not stay that way for long.

Residential Roofing Repair Might Be Necessary

If you’ve noticed one or more of these signs, residential roofing repair is likely necessary. Look for trusted contractors in your area and find the best person for the job before it gets any worse.

Otherwise, you could end up having to replace the entire thing.

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