Own Beaucoup Books? 4 Tips for Designing a Home Library

Own Beaucoup Books 4 Tips for Designing a Home Library

If you enjoy reading, chances are you have collected a large number of books over the years. Although you can borrow and return books from the public library at no cost, as well as read many works online for free, there is something very satisfying about owning paperback and hardback books of your own. However, if your collection is sitting randomly on shelves or stacked in boxes, it may be a good idea to design your own personal home library. Here are four tips to help you with this task.

Designate a Reading Area
Your home library should be arranged in an area that is conducive to reading. First, you will need shelves or containers in which to store your books. Then, you will need to provide adequate lighting. If the current home lighting in that area is too dim, add a table lamp or set up the reading area near windows that let in natural light. Choose an area that is relatively quiet where family members can spend time with a favorite book.

Organize Your Books
If you like to read a variety of books, such as self-help, biographies, and fiction, arrange your collection in the order that will best help you locate them. However, if you read mostly the same kind of books, organize them alphabetically by your favorite authors or the book titles. The goal is to coordinate your collection in an easy way that will help you find what you want when you are ready to read.

Set Up a Section for the Kids
Kids who read as one of their hobbies generally earn higher grades in school. In addition, reading fosters creativity and stokes the imagination. If you have children or frequent young visitors, include kids’ books in one section of your library to help entertain the little ones while helping them to develop important thinking skills that will come in handy elsewhere in life.

Recycle Your Books
Although you may keep some favorite books forever, you also might have some that you are never going to read. Alternately, you might have some to pass along. Donate used books to the library or a thrift store, and get a tax deduction receipt. You can also sell books online. Then, use the income to buy new books, keeping your library ever-fresh.

If you become a reading junkie, you may decide to build an even larger home library. But, if your current home lacks space for expansion, you can always start looking at new homes for sale. Until then, follow the above tips in order to design a home library that will serve as a sanctuary where you can indulge your favorite hobby.