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An Introduction to Home Garden Landscaping

So, you’ve realized that your garden can be turned into a thing of beauty and you’ve got time and money to invest? Congratulations and welcome to the club of amateur garden landscapers. We don’t meet once a month to discuss new ideas, nor do we ever stop making changes to our design. There is always room for improvement, as they say, but before you can improve you have to start with something. What do you need to take into consideration?

An Introduction to Home Garden Landscaping


Obviously. Don’t be discouraged by how small or intimidated by how big your garden is. There are many solutions and options to choose from. Finding a suitable one, to begin with, depends on many factors, especially finances.


Do you want to use your own tomato for that gazpacho in late August? Would you like to be able to entertain friends by a grill or would you rather allow kids some space to roam freely? Your wishes and plans can be saved on a piece of paper, though many are turning to free software for help.


Know your space

You need to know which part of the garden gets the most sunshine, where excess water flows as well as which way the wind usually blows. These are all important factors for your final design. Perhaps they will make you realize that your first sketch is not really the best idea.

Start small

Choose a small segment of the garden to work on first. It will be easier for you to focus on, cheaper, and you’ll get an idea about what it takes to cultivate a space. If you can’t come up with an original design, fear not. There are so many wonderful and creative garden landscaping ideas you can use to inspire you. A small improvement might give you great satisfaction.

Basic design principles

You’ll have to learn about colors, sizes, shapes and materials and how they interact. This is quite important if you want to achieve the right effect. It is also good to know when each tree or shrub blossoms, and if they do, what color the petals are.

home garden


This may not seem crucial, but in order to make the most of all the help available, particularly on the Internet, you need to be able to understand what people are talking about. Here is a glossary to help you get started.

Experiment if you wish

Not every plant needs to be in a bed. Think flowerpots, for example. If you’re not obsessed with symmetry, you can let your imagination run wild and create a masterpiece. Luckily, you may change any part of your work if you realize that’s not what you had in mind.

First things first

Which part of the garden you need to work on first? Is it the lawn, so that kids can play? The backyard, because it’s small and all you can afford at this moment? Whatever the answer, you need to be aware that converting your garden is usually a long process. Don’t be fooled by those TV shows where dozens of knowledgeable, young and strong people storm out of trucks and pick-ups and transform a lucky homeowner’s garden in a day or two. In your case, it will take time. Much more time. And patience.

If you approach garden landscape design as a never-ending process, you won’t be wrong and you’ll be able to appreciate every phase. Ideally, you should equally enjoy the process and the outcome, and learn from the mistakes you’re bound to make. Hopefully, your loved ones will get on board with your idea(s), which would make it even more special and precious. The time spent planning and implementing the plan will most likely be very exciting, but you shouldn’t let it turn into too much stress. The whole point of having a nicely designed garden is to relax and enjoy it, and we hope that’s exactly what you’re going to do.




Smart Energy Efficient Bathroom Solutions

 Image 1 source: pixabay.com (free to use and share) A bathroom might be the smallest room in a household, but it is an inexhaustible source of frugality. On the flip side, many bathrooms weren’t designed to save energy, and we have to plan and remodel in order to make a difference. The focus is on lowering the water consumption with a wide array of cutting-edge appliances and fittings. This brings you financial benefits, while also diminishing the energy footprint. So, assemble a future-proof bathroom from the pipes up and immerse yourself in your soothing watery shelter like never before. Test the waters Image 2 source: pixabay.com (free to use and share) The chief goal is to lower the amount of water coming into the bathroom, and with it, the electrical energy needed to move it around. Namely, water-related electrical use accounts for nearly 20% of total consumption in a household. The first step is to figure out how much water you’re spending and identify the main culprits behind the squandering. Read the specs on shower heads and faucet aerators or utilize a flow rate bag to conduct a test. Next, turn your attention to the bills and pay attention to detail. The good news is that almost half of the water use can be reduced by simple hardware switches. Hit the wastefulness hard High-efficiency showerheads are much less wasteful than their predecessors that featured 2.5 gallons per minute flow rate. The best thing is that the new fixtures maintain steady pressure without sacrificing water flow. They’re so well-designed that you might not even notice any difference. Likewise, these products should work hand-in-hand with high-efficiency faucets. They’re easy to install and shrink the water use by more than half, compared to the regular faucets. With a fast payback period, they are one of the most cost-effective ways of optimizing water consumption. Flush the problems out Dual-flush toilets exist in many newer homes, and they have a handy setting which uses less water. Those who do not possess them can opt for flush converters, and change settings according to how much water is needed per flush. A cheaper solution would be to install a tank bag. Furthermore, a washing machine is another water-hungry appliance. You have to choose between a top and front loader washing machine. The latter is bigger, more expensive, but also more energy-efficient. Keep your eyes open for features such as internal heating and automatic water level that trim the utility bills. Preserving heat In bathrooms, people are generally more sensitive to cold. Hence, one should consider creating a well-sealed, insulated bathroom. It is advisable to enhance the insulation on walls of the shower, under the bathtub, as well as cavities around it. Doing away with this energy drain is what allows you to use much less heat. Another crucial aspect is how you heat your water. An Energy Star-rated hot water system is the cream of the crop, as it prevents the heat from escaping the pipes. And if you want to go an extra green mile, install solar panels on the roof and solve the heating problem for the bulk of the water supply. Let there be light Image 3 source: pixabay.com (free to use and share) Bathroom lighting is often overlooked, yet it greatly contributes to your efforts to save money and energy. It’s surprising how many bathrooms are over-lit, with fittings such as five-bulb vanities illuminating a small space. Apart from doing the makeup, bathroom activities don’t require that much lighting, so cut the usage substantially by installing LED bulbs. They don’t contain harmful chemicals, operate on much less electricity, and last way longer than traditional bulbs. Finally, strive to let in as much as natural light as possible with skylights, high windows and glass brick walls. Smart revolution Image 4 source: pixabay.com (free to use and share) The bathroom does not only reflect our ideal lifestyle, it’s a place where we can cut down the water consumption, but also its hidden cost— electricity. Efficiency-rated appliances, insulation, and natural light are your greatest allies in this quest. Don’t forget to do the regular maintenance and inspect the bathroom for leaks and drips that could cost you a fortune. Treat yourself with a smart haven of rejuvenation and let it mark the beginning of the homey energy-efficiency revolution.

A bathroom might be the smallest room in a household, but it is an inexhaustible source of frugality. On the flip side, many bathrooms weren’t designed to save energy, and we have to plan and remodel in order to make a difference. The focus is on lowering the water consumption with a wide array of cutting-edge appliances and fittings. This brings you financial benefits, while also diminishing the energy footprint. So, assemble a future-proof bathroom from the pipes up and immerse yourself in your soothing watery shelter like never before.

Test the waters

Smart Energy Efficient Bathroom Solutions

The chief goal is to lower the amount of water coming into the bathroom, and with it, the electrical energy needed to move it around.  Namely, water-related electrical use accounts for nearly 20% of total consumption in a household. The first step is to figure out how much water you’re spending and identify the main culprits behind the squandering. Read the specs on shower heads and faucet aerators or utilize a flow rate bag to conduct a test. Next, turn your attention to the bills and pay attention to detail. The good news is that almost half of the water use can be reduced by simple hardware switches.

Hit the wastefulness hard

High-efficiency showerheads are much less wasteful than their predecessors that featured 2.5 gallons per minute flow rate. The best thing is that the new fixtures maintain steady pressure without sacrificing water flow. They’re so well-designed that you might not even notice any difference. Likewise, these products should work hand-in-hand with high-efficiency faucets. They’re easy to install and shrink the water use by more than half, compared to the regular faucets. With a fast payback period, they are one of the most cost-effective ways of optimizing water consumption.

Flush the problems out

Dual-flush toilets exist in many newer homes, and they have a handy setting which uses less water. Those who do not possess them can opt for flush converters, and change settings according to how much water is needed per flush. A cheaper solution would be to install a tank bag. Furthermore, a washing machine is another water-hungry appliance. You have to choose between a top and front loader washing machine. The latter is bigger, more expensive, but also more energy-efficient. Keep your eyes open for features such as internal heating and automatic water level that trim the utility bills.  

Preserving heat

In bathrooms, people are generally more sensitive to cold. Hence, one should consider creating a well-sealed, insulated bathroom. It is advisable to enhance the insulation on walls of the shower, under the bathtub, as well as cavities around it. Doing away with this energy drain is what allows you to use much less heat. Another crucial aspect is how you heat your water. An Energy Star-rated hot water system is the cream of the crop, as it prevents the heat from escaping the pipes. And if you want to go an extra green mile, install solar panels on the roof and solve the heating problem for the bulk of the water supply.

Let there be light

Smart Energy Efficient Bathroom Solutions

Bathroom lighting is often overlooked, yet it greatly contributes to your efforts to save money and energy. It’s surprising how many bathrooms are over-lit, with fittings such as five-bulb vanities illuminating a small space. Apart from doing the makeup, bathroom activities don’t require that much lighting, so cut the usage substantially by installing LED bulbs. They don’t contain harmful chemicals, operate on much less electricity, and last way longer than traditional bulbs. Finally, strive to let in as much as natural light as possible with skylights, high windows and glass brick walls.

Smart revolution

Image 4 (7)

The bathroom does not only reflect our ideal lifestyle, it’s a place where we can cut down the water consumption, but also its hidden cost— electricity. Efficiency-rated appliances, insulation, and natural light are your greatest allies in this quest. Don’t forget to do the regular maintenance and inspect the bathroom for leaks and drips that could cost you a fortune. Treat yourself with a smart haven of rejuvenation and let it mark the beginning of the homey energy-efficiency revolution.

Guest Post By:

Chloe TaylorChloe is an art historian, recreational ballet dancer and a contributor at smoothdecorator.com. She is passionate about photography, dance and music. Her biggest dream is to travel the whole world with her husband and take stunning photographs of beautiful places. She also enjoys learning and writing about home design, since she is crazy about aesthetics. You can find Chloe on FB, Twitter, and G+.

5 Ways to Improve Home Security Without Spending a Fortune

home security

Keeping your home safe should be a top priority. But with burglars getting smarter and trickier these days, securing your biggest investment may require you to go beyond the basic. This can mean more devices- and more expenses.

Fortunately, however, that isn’t always the case. With the right ideas, there are still ways for you to augment your home security without burning holes in your wallet. Here are 5 of them.

1.   Upgrade your locks

Aside from installing a budget-friendly home security system, upgrading your locks is also necessary. As lock pickers and bumpers are becoming more common, you need to make sure your locks are resistant enough.

Deadbolt locks are one of your best options. Although they are not as expensive and advanced as smart lock systems, they are tough when it comes to brute force and lock picking.

The importance of keeping your doors locked at all times, particularly when you’re going out of your home isn’t rocket science. If you want your locks to be effective, you have to make sure you use them constantly.

2. Improve your landscaping

Increasing your yard’s visibility is one good way to keep intruders out. When your yard is clear of overgrown bushes and clutter, it will be easy for you and your neighbors to see who’s prying around your property. Aside from trimming plants, you can also add low thorny bushes to your yard. They are best placed on the areas near your windows and the sides of your home.

It can also help if you can increase the lighting in your yard. Although any type of lighting can be useful, it’s still a good idea if you can invest in motion activated lights. These lights can be triggered at the slightest sign of motion and can be used to alert your neighbors of possible trespassing. They are also good in sending intruders scampering away from your property.

3. Start or join your neighborhood watch program

Neighborhood watch programs are effective burglar deterrents. They encourage the community to be more proactive when it comes to security. They also make everyone in the neighborhood more vigilant, especially in knowing who goes in and out of the area.

If your neighborhood doesn’t have one yet, you can start your own group by inviting the people in your area for a short meeting. You can seek the help of your local police so that there won’t be anything amiss in the program. Working directly with your local authorities also makes their response time a lot faster.

4. Secure your garage

Because garages typically connect to a home, a large number of burglars use them to gain access to properties. This makes your garage as important as your front and back doors.

Your garage should always be closed or locked even if you’re home. As long as you’re not inside it or you’re not using it, keep in mind to secure its door. You should also push back any valuables further inside it so that they won’t be easily seen by prying eyes. It’s also a good idea to lock motorcycles and bikes inside.

5. Lock away your tools

Screwdrivers, hammers and even your ladder should not be left in sight as burglars can interpret them as a clear invitation to break into your home. The same thing goes for your pry bars and garden tools.

Instead of having them lying around, gather and tuck them inside your home. If you have a separate storage area in your yard, make sure that it can’t be easily seen by other people. It will also be helpful if your storage can be locked.

 Author’s Bio: 

Rose Cabrera is one of Top Security Review’s lead content writers. She’s highly passionate about writing home security system reviews and sharing budget-friendly home security ideas.


Internal Doors: A Surprisingly Effective Upgrade for Your Home

interior doors

Not a lot of things shape the interior of a home better than a good interior door. They are an important part of your house, and have an impact on its appearance, overall look and style. They might look like a small component, but they should not be overlooked that easily. As an object we use every day they are bound to leave an impact on us. Investing a little in better internal doors can really add to your home’s style and visual appearance. Here are some helpful tips on what to look for when in market for good internal doors.

The size

Before getting the new internal door you have to take measure. Most doors are common size (762mm x 1,981mm), but it varies from home to home depending on their age. If the doors are not standard size you might need to get a custom made doors. It doesn’t have to be standard to look good and stylish in your house, think about tall or extra wide double wing doors.

After you make the opening for the door, along with the door itself you have to buy the linings for it as well. This is the timber kit that fits and goes along the edges of the door opening. The doors are later hung on it. If you don’t feel like hiring a professional to do it, don’t worry, you can handle this by yourself without a problem. Or you could simply buy doors that are already delivered by being hung on a frame.

Internal Doors: A Surprisingly Effective Upgrade for Your Home

Solid vs Hollow

Doors in your home are usually made with hollow core or panels. Those that are made out of panels are from solid wood and have a higher price than their hollow core counterparts. The number of panels varies, usually from two to eight and they can also be glazed. Internal doors that have a hollow core are usually made out of laminate or wood veneer, and are literally hollow aside from some fillings usually cardboard. They are much cheaper than solid wood doors.

Internal doors also come with an option of solid core. Similar to hollow core these are veneered, but unlike hollow core these have steel in the center to add weight and resemble solid wood doors.

The style

Sometimes it can be quite hard to choose the right door for your interior. You don’t want your internal doors to jump out of the whole theme, you want it to complement the house’s style. If your house is decorated with antiques and has that older style look, choose the doors accordingly. Paneled doors would match really well with this style.

If you own a country style house, then you might want to go with ledged braced doors. These are made out of wood and are held up by horizontal ledges or braces. Minimalist flush doors go really well with modern houses. If you are short on space, sliding or folding doors are a great choice for your home. If you can’t find doors that suit your needs in shops, you can shop online for some elegant internal doors.


No matter the style, solid wood doors go with everything. Different types of timber are used for doors including cherry, oak and pine. Aside from wood you can buy doors that are made entirely out of glass or metal. Materials used for metal doors are usually aluminum or steel, and they give your house a very industrial look.

Follow these tips and choose internal doors that complement your house the best. Choose the doors that fit into your home style.

Lawn Care: How to Nurture Your Yard This Summer

The hot summer months can cause severe damage to your lawn. The grass can become dry, which can lead to it turning brown and brittle. A few simple steps can help keep your lawn healthy.

Lawn Care How to Nurture Your Yard This Summer

In order to have a healthy lawn, you need to give it the proper nutrients. Before the summer season, take the time to fertilize the lawn, watering it after the fertilizer has been spread. This will provide the necessary nutrients that it will need to grow in the spring and summer and will often make the lawn greener.

If you don’t have the time to care for the lawn, then consider hiring a landscaping company, such as Nature Safe. Most companies will work with your schedule and can come on a regular basis depending on how often the lawn needs manicured. A landscaping company can do everything from mowing to adding mulch around the flowers in order to keep the moisture near the roots so that the flowers and other plants will grow.

When you’re hot, you probably drink cold water. The same concept goes for your lawn. When it’s hot outside, the moisture is quickly taken from the ground. It’s best to water the lawn in the morning or in the evening. This will prevent the sun from draining the water that you just put on the lawn in a short amount of time.

Your lawn will need to be mowed in the summer to remove the dead blades of grass on the top layer. Adjust the height of the mower so that it’s not cutting close to the ground as this can end up burning the grass. About half an inch to an inch from the top of the grass is ideal depending on how fast your lawn grows.

There are many bugs that like making your lawn their home. Treat the lawn for grubs, beetles and June bugs that tend to lay their eggs in the middle of the summer. An exterminator can come to spray the lawn with products that are safe for both the grass and the family, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

Caring for your lawn in the summer is easy if you follow a few tips. You don’t have to look at brown blades of grass throughout the season as long as the lawn stays watered and manicured. Landscaping companies can help keep your lawn in the healthiest condition possible if you don’t have the time to provide proper care.


Factors that help to decide Fireplace Construction Specialist for Home

Fireplace Construction

Fireplace is a cozy place from age old generations. Adding the style quotient to the fire place is on the rise for a few years now. If you are planning to follow it as well for your home, you need fireplace construction specialist. Hence, it is best to employ a specialist who is certified to undertake the task. You will have to hunt for a service provider who offers the services at highly competitive prices.

Fireplace Construction Specialist

There are several other factors when you have to hire the fireplace construction specialist for home:

  1. Local Services:
    Always look out for fireplace construction services that are local or practice near your neighborhood. It is easier to contact them and meet as many times as required to discuss the fireplace layout or design. Besides, it becomes easier to get the installation done within the decided time period. More importantly, if there is any emergency post construction of the fireplace, you can contact the fireplace construction specialist to your house at the earliest.
    2.  Alternatives:
    The fireplace construction specialist for home should be able to offer you with a wide range of options in fireplace designs. Be it bricks, steel or stones; it should be able to accommodate the pattern or layout that you want for the fireplace at your home. At the same time, the executive should guide you with the benefits and problem areas of each material. In simpler words, it should assist you in choosing the right material and layout for the fireplace.

    3.  License:
    The most important criteria when you are searching for fireplace construction services, you should ask for the work license and certificates. This will ensure that you hire only the experts who are authorized to undertake such work. Additionally, you will not have to worry about the work done shabbily. The professionals will take every care and caution while building the fireplace and would not damage the existing structure.

    4.  Previous Work:
    While you check upon the work certificate of the fireplace construction specialist for home, you should run a check on their past work. See if the company can offer you with their portfolio or references. If you are checking the work online, you can call up on their previous clients and learn if they have done a good job. The bottom line is to see if the service provider will finish your work satisfactorily within the set deadline.

    5.  Customized work:
    If you are looking forward to an embellished fireplace, then you will need such workers. So, you will have to clearly mention the same to the fireplace construction service provider. Check if the service has skilled labor that can undertake carvings or embellish the fireplace. Be it a classic style or a contemporary look, the service provider should be able to understand your requirements and offer you a fireplace as per your expectations.

    6.  Warranty:
    The fireplace construction specialist for home should assure you that the fireplace will serve you for a long time. See if the service can offer you with some complimentary services like cleaning and maintenance or repairs for a time period. If there are any cracks, dents or any damage to the fireplace within the short span of installation, the service should cover the same for you.

    The most important criteria when you are searching for fireplace construction services, you should ask for the work license and certificates. This will ensure that you hire only the experts who are authorized to undertake such work. Additionally, you will not have to worry about the work done shabbily. The professionals will take every care and caution while building the fireplace and would not damage the existing structure.


As a service seeker, you should understand that considering all these factors will help you find a good service. You can easily spot a specialist who can do a great job for you. Also, when you are comparing different services, make sure you go beyond the prices. Compare the work they have been offering to their clients so that you choose a specialist.

Guest post by: 

Jack Louis is a content creator, blogger and founder of blog ambitions. He provides useful information which help readers to get more ideas.


Tricks for first time home buyers

first time home buyers

Buying a home for the first time can be one of the most exhilarating parts of many people’s lives. Many people only buy a home once or twice in their life, making it an incredible experience, if not slightly nerve wracking.

Unfortunately, the downside of only buying a few homes in one’s life is that many people know very little about purchasing a home and miss out on a lot of incredible opportunities that are available.

Here are a few tricks that real estate investors and professional buyers know and utilize to get good deals, analyze homes, and minimize risk.

Understand Renovations

Renovations can be both challenging and fun for new homeowners. However, they can also offer incredible opportunities if you know what to look for. Oftentimes a home that is in need of repairs will sell for significantly less than its ARV, or after repair value. People simply don’t want to deal with repairs, and sellers just want to get the property off their hands.

This means that you can buy a nicely modeled, newer home for say, $200,000. However, you could also buy a beaten up, older home for $140,000, put in $25,000 of repairs, making it equal in both value and modeling to the newer home, and save $35,0000 in the process. This also gives you complete control over what the home will look like, what kind of floors you like, paint colors, countertops, cabinets, etc.

This is also a form of appreciation. If you don’t know what appreciation is, appreciation is when your home’s value increases over time, meaning you can sell the home down the road, pay off your mortgage, and pocket the difference. This can be hundreds of thousands of dollars over long periods of time.

Doing significant repairs, like those mentioned earlier, can force appreciation on your home. This appreciation can be much higher than the amount of repairs put into the home. For example, you could put in $35,000 of repairs, and if the you made the right repairs the home would be worth $50,000 more. This means you just forced $15,000 in appreciation right off the bat. You now have a little cushion in case the value of your home drops.


Many people do not realize how much interest plays into their loan. When you first get a loan on a property, you will be paying more than half of your monthly payment straight to interest. This means that any drops that can be had in interest rates should be taken advantage of. Most people will not shop around for interest rates, believing that 1/2 a percent can’t make that much of a difference. In reality, that 1/2 percent can make a huge difference.

There are many brokers that can help you shop around without pulling your credit a dozen times. Find one that you like and stick with it.

Finding homes

Don’t just use one place to look for properties. Let’s use someone living in Atlanta Georgia for an example. They could use the Georgia MLS, they could try a site like Fizber that offers FSBO sales, they could drive around neighborhoods they like, or they could likely find some kind of local listings in their local paper etc. The point of this is that when you are buying something as important as your first home, it is important to do your research and know exactly what the market looks like and what a good deal is. If you spend time looking on multiple platforms you will better be able to recognize a good deal, and have a better idea of what you are looking for.


Building A Home In Australia

home building

The dream of building a home from scratch becomes a reality for many people. It’s easy to see why: being able to have complete creative control over each aspect of a new home from the first brick laid down to the final dab of paint applied is an attractive proposition.

This is not an easy task and shouldn’t be taken lightly at any stage. Before embarking on a home-building quest it is important to be aware of some key factors that can influence whether the project is a success or a failure. By planning out all costs well in advance and factoring in unpredictable pitfalls, the new home has every chance of being completed on time and on budget.

Using a home builders in Perth company is a good option when building a home as well, allowing Pottier Homes to take the strain so you don’t have to.

Costs of materials

From the oven in the kitchen and the dimmer switch in the bedroom, and the oak floors to marble worktops, every material that is used to create the perfect house needs to be carefully budgeted for. This can lead to some compromises being made, which is never easy. However, it is very important to be disciplined during this phase of planning – by indulging every fantasy that can be dreamt of, there is a danger that costs can spiral out of control before the project has even begun.

Cost of labour

As well as the materials, the cost of manpower needs to be considered with home builders in Perth like Pottier Homes.

From JCB operators digging the foundations to plumbers connecting the pipes, every potential labour cost needs to be factored into the budget. It may soon become apparent that more people are needed than was originally thought. Failure to think about extra labour costs could lead to a half-finished project because too few builders are on the job.

Cost of connecting utilities

Budgeting for the cost of connecting utilities such as gas, water and electricity may seem like a straightforward step but sometimes this is neglected until the last minute. Finding that a completed house cannot have any electricity or water because the budget has been spent is a nasty surprise. Avoid this by making sure that utility connection is the first thing budgeted for in the project

Environmental Protection Laws

When building a home, be aware of government regulations regarding environmental issues. Any new structures need to comply with the standards that are set. This means that homes must be carefully planned regarding their impact. By meeting with the local environment agency and discussing the proposed building, they will be able to determine whether the project poses a risk to the environment and what elements of the house are also deemed to be a benefit.

For example, a project may be rejected if it is decided that the building is to be constructed in an area where endangered species are found to be living. On the flipside, using methods such as solar panels to generate electricity may help a project’s application.

Stamp duty

Buying land and property in any Australian state is subject to stamp duty. The tax amount is a percentage of the value of the home. If you are buying land to build a home then the stamp duty is only applicable to the cost of the land. How much you pay depends on the state the house is being built.

Land boundaries

When planning to build a house, it is vital to contact the local council in order to work out the land boundaries where the house is going to be situated. This helps to ensure that any building that is done does not encroach onto other people’s land or property. Failure to do this could result in legal action being taken, so the boundaries must be fixed before any work takes place.


Making sure that the new building has the proper insurance means that should the worst happen, the entire project is covered.

The natural surroundings need to be evaluated for the risk that they pose to the new building. For example, the correct insurance against flood damage or wildfire damage should be considered.

Failing to cover all insurance bases can derail a project if an accident damages the new house.

Whether building your own home or using a contractor, always make sure to plan as thoroughly as possible.


What You Should Know About Solar Panels

What You Should Know About Solar Panels
When you think about what the important features are when it comes to having a home these days, you need to consider a great many things. However, thanks to the way that technology is making certain items more affordable, if you are considering a perk on any house that can help minimize your carbon footprint, it can help to minimize your electric bill as well. When it comes to solar power it will only be more important as the world moves forward, so consider the following options when you are thinking about solar energy.

Prices Are Falling
There is a general conception out there that solar panels are too expensive to be practical. However, thanks to the technology and infrastructure that has been built up around them, solar panels are actually very affordable. According to The Simple Dollar, solar panels have dropped in general around 75% since 2009, and the costs continue to decrease each and every day.

Panels Last For Years
Thinking about the initial cost and cash outlay can be scary when it comes to solar panels. Even with decreased prices they can easily hit five figures. However, when you think about the cost of energy and how much you can save by installing solar panels, then you should be able to see that within a few years you can get your money back. That means you could have as much as a decade (or two) of pure savings for solar electricity coming into your home after you have paid off the purchase and installation of the panels and system.

Picking the Manufacturer
When it comes to picking a manufacturer then you have to think about all of the issues that anyone needs to consider. What is the product durability? What is the service behind the product? Are you getting a top quality for your intended use? You also have to consider the items specific to solar panels and think about the power, longevity, and the efficiency of the product in converting sunlight to energy. When it comes to a product that you are going to invest a considerable amount of time, energy, and cash into, then you have to be sure the product is going to work for you.

Finding the Right Installer
When you are looking for the right installer, you have to be more careful than anything else. On the one hand you want someone who has enough experience with solar panels to be able to help you now and get the system installed correctly. However, the other thing to remember is that if you are going to have these solar panels installed for the next twenty or thirty years you still need to have someone who will be in business at that time and will continue to provide quality service. What you want to focus on is customer service, the length of the warranty, the installer’s references and location, along with certificates and licenses. Checking consumer reviews is also a smart choice to ensure you are making the right choice.

Regardless of what you do choose to do or who you choose to go with, there are more than enough opportunities out there to get ahead with solar power. The one thing that is most important, however, is to have a solid plan and find the best combination of product and installers that will work for you and your needs.

Stopping the Invasion: 4 Ways to Remove Pests from Your Home

Stopping the Invasion: 4 Ways to Remove Pests from Your Home

Paranoia. We all get it after a home invasion. You may start seeing quick blurs of gray in your peripheral vision, hearing what could have been a scratch or a squeak. Pests are certainly a nuisance, but they can also be dangerous. Rat droppings and various pest excretions can make your family sick. And summer time is the time you need to be on the lookout. According to a company offering pest control in Jenks, Oklahoma, the increased moisture and warm temperatures are perfect breeding conditions for the least desirable creepy-crawlies. To keep your home safe and worry free, not to mention cleaner, consider these four ways to reclaim your habitat.

1) Traps

If you are battling mice or rats, various traps can be your first line of defense. You’ll probably want to start with the typical, old-school, metal mousetrap. Just bait the trap and place it in common traffic areas for the critters. If you can’t handle sadistically waiting for the rat to come across your instant doom trap, there are more humane sticky traps that capture the animal alive. Once immobilized, you can then transfer it to a land far, far away.

2) Baits

If you’re battling smaller, less furry creatures like roaches and ants, baits are a great option. Place them in dark corners and along walls where insects like to hide. The poison not only kills the bugs, but draws them in. This helps get rid of the ones you don’t see. For ants, place the bait near their trail. The ants will carry the bait home to their queen which kills the whole colony.

3) Sprays and Bombs

You may find yourself desperately battling fleas or lice, especially if you have pets in your home. The best way to deal with these tiny, vicious beasts is by spraying your home with poisons like Raid. These sprays should be safe for pets and kids once they dry and can work up to six weeks. Check the bottle for safety information.

You’ll also want to fumigate your home with “bug bombs” if you have the chance. Make sure everyone has somewhere to go for a few hours. Remove your pets from your home. Follow all safety instructions. When you come home, you’ll want to wash dishes, bedding, and any surfaces that were exposed.

4) Combine Efforts

Combining multiple methods is your most effective option, especially in insect infestations. Spray around your walls, doorways, and windows where pests enter your home and put out baits. Though sprays can last for weeks or more, it’s okay to spray as needed to keep your home pest free.

When you’ve exhausted all inexpensive efforts, it’s time to call an exterminator. Your health and peace of mind is worth it!

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