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Preventative Ideas: 6 Simple Ways to Maintain your Garage Door

garage doors

When owning a home, it’s common for homeowners to come across problems that can develop with their garage door. Many times, the product has difficulty opening and closing or it may make a lot of noise when in operation. To maintain your garage door and prevent issues that are prone to occur, here are a few maintenance steps you can utilize.

1. Inspect the Torsion Springs

Hire a trained technician to inspect the torsion springs to determine if they need to be repaired or replaced. If the springs are not in good condition, they can break and easily lead to an injury.

2. Clear Items Away From the Tracks

It’s important to keep equipment like tools and brooms away from the tracks of the garage door.  These can become stuck in the track. All of the bolts near the tracks should also be inspected to ensure that the garage door opens and closes properly.

3. Check the Door Balance

Disconnect the garage door opener before checking the door balance. You can then disengage the door from the opener. After opening the door manually it should not lower if balanced properly.


4. Clean the Garage Door

Clean the garage door with soap and water once a year to remove dirt and grime that can develop. For wood doors, you’ll need to inspect it to determine if repainting or staining needs to be done.

5. Replace the Weather-Stripping

It’s important to replace the rubber seal on the bottom of the garage door to prevent moisture, leaves, and other environmental elements from entering the garage. Specialists at J & D Door Sales Inc. report that this seal can easily become loose or fall off of the door over time, making it important to check every year.  Regular maintenance can prolong the life of your door by many years.

6. Lubricate the Parts

Lubricate the bearings, hinges, and springs with a non-silicone based lubricant. Avoid lubricating the tracks, otherwise, the door could slip. Taking this small step will allow everything to run smoothly and prevent jams from occurring.

By caring for your garage door and taking preventative measures, it will last for many years to come. This will also reduce your chances of coming across common problems that can occur, which can often be expensive to remedy. By practicing proper care, it will save more time and money in the long run.

Decorating Tips for Utilizing the Most Natural Light


Natural light is beneficial for your home environment and your health especially with the dark and dreary days of winter approaching. These decorating tips will help you to increase the amount of natural light you get inside and utilize it to its best potential.

Choose Windows That Let in the Most Natural Light
home improvement new windowsIf you’re building a new home from the ground up, you have the ability to choose which windows you want to install. In this case, it’s beneficial to choose new windows that let in the most possible natural light.

Bay windows are an outstanding choice since they typically extend outward from the home and expand the amount of natural light that enters. Companies like Gilkey Windows can help customize windows to fit perfectly in your home, so even if you have awkward corners, you can get the most natural light possible.

Add Skylights
If the rooms in your upper floors seem dark, you can increase the amount of natural light you get by adding new skylights. Use your hallways or closed off bathrooms to add them in and give yourself a breath of fresh air.

A New Front Door
If you have a solid front door, you’re missing out on an opportunity to let more natural light into your home. Replace the solid front with glass that lets in an abundance of brightness from the outside.

Use Mirrors to Reflect the Existing Natural Light in the Room
Mirrors can serve more than one purpose in your home. If you’re only using them in the bedroom and bathroom to help you get dressed in the mornings, you’re missing out on the opportunity to reflect and direct the natural light in all your other rooms.

To use mirrors to their best advantage throughout your home, place them in spots where they will amplify the existing natural light; perhaps across from a sliding glass door or a prominent window. Another idea is to hang matching mirrors across from each other to amplify the light reflected even more.

Lighten Up Your Window Treatments
Get rid of any dark, heavy draperies you may have hanging around your windows. Replace them with lighter colored or sheer window treatments, or use blinds to better direct the flow of window treatmentslight into the room.

Choose Light and Bright Wall Colors and Wall Coverings
Dark wall colors tend to absorb and hide the light, making a room appear darker. If you want to maximize the amount of light in the room, it’s ideal to choose light colors for decorating the walls.

If you use any of these strategies in your home, you’ll be well on your way to increasing the amount of natural light you let into each room. Give yourself a brighter, healthier outlook this winter and use some of these ideas to get started on a new decorating theme.


Give Your Kitchen a Sophisticated Upgrade with These 7 Tricks


Some people consider their kitchen to be the soul and the heart of their home. That’s why it is of great importance for it to look sophisticated, cozy and yet still be functional. In order to accomplish this, the best way is to try to make some changes and renovate your kitchen. Here we will offer you 7 tricks from which you can draw inspiration for upgrading your kitchen.


If you are willing to make some bigger changes to your kitchen space, you should consider hiring Bruzzese Home Improvements to expand and broaden this room. People are mostly drawn to this option if they have a smaller kitchen and feel like everything is clustered in a really small area. You could also try making some simple upgrades such as adding another counter space or even creating an open-kitchen concept by removing a wall.


When it comes to the floors, it is a good idea to step out of your comfort zone and do something different. You can never go wrong with choosing hardwood floors, as they provide the feeling of warmth and comfort. Other than this, you may consider some tiles with different patterns. Also, some people have accepted a new trend by placing a rug in the kitchen area; and the best thing is that is looks amazing!


kitchen-modernAnother thing that may help you with creating that luxurious ambiance in your kitchen is by painting your walls a new color. Do not be afraid to experiment with different shades. Some unconventional colors can drastically contribute to the elegance of the space. Even though most people opt for softer and lighter shades, you can also accomplish a great look with deeper colors such as maroon or teal.


Of course, if you wish to achieve that sophisticated look, you must try your best to hide or cover-up some household eyesores. This especially goes for uncovered pipes, which can really take away the marvel of a nice kitchen space. Just as plumbers from Sydney suggest you could easily do this by installing steel pipes. This is because steel pipes can also serve as a decorative detail and can be paired with almost any style.


If you wish to upgrade your kitchen and change the way it looks, the best way to this is by refurbishing. Experiment with style and colors or make a mixture of old and new. There is no kitchen-islandneed to limit your choices on only one style. Add some vintage cabinets, some steel and copper fixtures and supplement that look by adding a new counter and a row of modern bar stools. A huge wooden table can make a wonderful addition to a kitchen space.


An appropriate amount of lighting can greatly contribute to the complete atmosphere of the room. Because of this, it is important to invest in some adequate lighting fixtures. If you are striving for a more luxurious look, there is no reason why you should not add an elegant chandelier on the ceiling. Other than that, it is a really good idea to introduce as much natural light as you can, so consider even installing ceiling to floor windows and removing the blinds and curtains.


Details are a crucial part of any space as they can create almost any kind of ambient. If you want to make simple renovations to your kitchen, consider simpler things like adding a little plant life, photographs or any kind of art actually.

The kitchen is not only a space for preparing food but a place for the whole family. Because of this, consider decorating and renovating your kitchen space together, so you would create a lovely haven for all of you.



Save Green: 4 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bill

Save Green 4 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bill

Reducing your energy bill doesn’t have to require you to make significant sacrifices in the way that you live your life. Making simple changes and investing in new technologies to help you better manage your home can help you save substantially on your utility bills. Take advantage of new smart home technology and soon you’ll find that your power bill more than makes up for itself over the course of a year.

Smart Home Technology

You don’t need a complete smart home solution to benefit from smart home technology. Instead, you can just purchase a few appliances or outlets that you use most to help reduce your output. There are wall adapters that you can plug your devices into, and then you can control those devices using a mobile app. This is also helpful for when you go on vacation, and you want to create the impression that someone is still home.

Programmable Thermostat

If you would like something a little more low-key and automated, consider getting a weekly programmable thermostat. A thermostat that is digital and that you can set manually can help you automatically save money, and you can even save on the startup costs with a Discountrue coupon for AliExpress. Set the thermostat to automatically rise or fall a few degrees before you come home, and make sure it’s just the right temperature when you return.

Stock Your Refrigerator

Aim to keep your refrigerator at least 75 percent stocked to keep costs down. When you keep items in your refrigerator, they cool to the desired temperature. While the refrigerator has to work harder initially, once you cool down the items in the refrigerator, it won’t have to work as hard to maintain temperature. The same is true of your freezer. Keep ice bags or ice blocks inside your freezer to keep it full.

Use Candles in the Winter

During the winter, make use of candles to help heat up your house before you sleep at night. Surprisingly, candles are an affordable way to produce a noticeable bit of heat. There are even candle wreaths you can purchase to greatly increase the heat production. The amount of heat produced by a set of candles can offset some of the cost associated with running your heater.

Try to keep your thermostat at about 78 degrees in the summer and 68 degrees in the winter. These settings can help you get the most out of your cooling and heating system while saving you money. It’s estimated that you can shave six to eight percent off your energy bill in the summer for each degree higher than 78 you set your thermostat to.

Guest Post By:

Anica Oaks

Freelance writer and web enthusiast
Read some of my published work on my Google+ page.

An Insight into Energy-Efficient Windows

energy efficient windows

In the wake of winter, most homeowners begin to dread the prospects of high energy bills and inadequately heated living areas. Even with seamless weather-stripping and optimal external and internal insulation, there will always be a few phantom heat leaks that may compromise the comfort of your home.

As a general rule, windows are the biggest heat outlet and if not outfitted with the right type of panes, they can considerably up your electricity bills without providing warmth that goes with the price. To keep freezing temperatures and high energy expenses at bay this winter, opt for energy-efficient windows with either double- or triple-glazing. If the idea sounds worth a go, here are some retrofit window basics to help you pick the right set of new panes for your home.

How energy-efficient windows work

Double-glazed windows consist of two panes separated by a gap (usually 16 millimeters wide). The air trapped between the two glass sheets is filled with either air or gas and functions as an insulating block which prevents escape of heat. Triple-glazed windows have three panes of glass, each separated from the other by an air- or gas-filled space, and they often provide better insulation than their double-glazed counterparts.

Top benefits of retrofit windows

In addition to keeping the house warm and reducing electricity bills, this retrofit also entail a lower carbon footprint than the traditional option, which it more earth-friendly, we learn from Melbourne-based retailers of double glazed windows. Other known benefits include fewer draughts, lower external noise levels and minimal condensation. On top of that, double- and triple-glazed windows are very durable and can last up to 20 years, which translates as higher long-term savings.

Retrofit glass and gap filling options

When choosing energy-efficient windows, pay attention to BFRC ratings, and if possible, opt for low-emissivity panes internally coated by metal oxide to minimize loss of heat while ensuring ample sunlight. Other features to keep an eye out on when shopping for new windows include use of internal gasses (such as argon, krypton or xenon) and pane spacers known as warm edges which should contain little or no metal for maximum heat loss prevention.

Window frame types used in earth-friendly windows

Energy-efficient windows are available in four main frame types, i.e. uPVC, wood, composite and aluminum/steel framing. While uPVC and aluminum/steel frames are recyclable, slenderenergy efficient replacement windows and provide a lengthy lifespan, wooden frames entail minimal environmental impact but they also require proper maintenance. Composite framing, on the other hand, requires less maintenance and is extremely weatherproof thanks to its internal timber structure with plastic or aluminum coating.

ABC of energy and U-value ratings

Most double- and triple-glazed windows are rated according to their energy efficiency. The energy performance scale devised by the British Fenestration Rating Council runs from A to G, A-rated windows boasting highest heat retention. In addition to the window energy rating, you should also check the U-values shown on the label and pick the panes with lowest U-values as they entail minimal heat loss and improved insulation features.

Ventilation aspects of earth-friendly windows

Retrofit windows are air-tighter than standard panes, so you should strive to keep your home properly aired to prevent condensation buildup. If your house is lacking in adequate ventilation features, consider either regularly airing the rooms or choosing windows with trickle frame vents. If condensation continues to build up despite your best efforts, your household may be suffering from a damp problem which you will need to tackle on your own or hire experts to fix it for you.

Winter is just around the corner, but days of warmth and comfort are not gone. With the right set of windows, you home will stay cozy and well-heated even with blizzards  raging outside – so go ahead and replace your panes with retrofit glazing while the weather still allows it.


Creepy Crawlers: How to Eliminate those Spooky Pests from your Home this Fall


As the weather starts to get chilly and autumn really sets in, a variety of pests will start to infiltrate your warm, cozy home. If you aren’t prepared for these creepy house guests, there are a few things you can do to eliminate them before they move in permanently.

Seal Entryways

Pests, especially mice, will take advantage of any opening they can fit through to escape the cold nights. Check around pipes, vents, and other openings for holes. Seal them with some kind of caulk or approved spray foam to fill them. If mice are trying to sneak in, then fill their entry points with steel wool. According to Pest Control Arlington, these fine fibers are unbearable to their feet and faces and they’ll immediately turn around and leave if they feel it.

Keep a Tidy Home

If you have kids and pets, it can be difficult to keep a tidy home, but you should still keep a clean home. Don’t let anyone eat outside of the kitchen, and put away leftover food before you go to bed. If you have dishes in the sink, ensure they’re rinsed and not still caked with food. Food sources are the biggest reason why pests sneak inside. If you’ve got a warm place to crash and free food for the taking, can you blame them for wanting to check-in? This includes food in your pantries and cupboards. Keep sugar and flour in tightly sealed containers, and ensure open packages are closed neatly to avoid spilling. When anything spills in your pantry or cupboard, even if it’s just dry noodles or beans, clean it up immediately. Your pests aren’t going to care whether it’s cooked or not. Food is food!

Reduce Clutter

According to Green Pest Services who specializes in pest control in Arlington, cleanliness is important, but so is cleaning up clutter. When you watch those hoarder television shows, clutterthey’re typically infested with every kind of pest imaginable. This is because there are plenty of places for them to hide. If you add privacy to your heat and free food, you’re a veritable five-star hotel. Cardboard attracts pests of all sorts, but rodents and cockroaches particularly love it. Try to avoid keeping cardboard boxes full of paper and fabric in your garage or attic.

Prevention is key when it comes to scaring pests away. Before the weather turns, make sure your home is sealed and clean to prevent bugs and rodents from turning your home into a shelter.


15 Must Have Items for Your First Nursery

baby girl

There are so many options for baby gear out there that it can be a little overwhelming when you’re shopping for your first nursery. If you’re a minimalist, on a budget or just lacking the space, check out this list of nursery must-haves.

1. Changing Station

Changing stations are a necessity in a nursery but you don’t need to have a changing table. You can use a short dresser that can double as storage. Make sure your changing station is stocked with diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, a thermometer, extra onesies, lotion and hand sanitizer. Here’s another helpful tip: attach a lingerie laundry bag to the changing station and use it for tiny, dirty socks. When it is time to do a load of baby laundry, toss the bag in with it. This will ensure that those miniature socks don’t end up lost in the laundry.

2. Crib

This is kind of a no-brainer, but there are a lot of things to consider when choosing a crib. You need to make sure it’s sturdy and reliable. Decide if you want a crib that will later convert cribinto a toddler bed, because that can certainly come in handy. Choose the right crib for your baby based on functionality, style, safety and budget.

3. Storage

Babies come with a lot of stuff. Make sure you have storage to handle all of that baby gear. Besides using a dresser as a changing table, you can put shelving on the walls to hold books and toys. Use a closet in the nursery to hold clothing your baby will grow into, your stock of diapers and wipes, and any baby gear that isn’t in use. Find plastic containers that will slide under the crib and use them to hold sheets and blankets.

4. Extra Sheets

When it’s three in the morning and your newborn has an explosive diaper, you’ll be glad you kept extra sheets in the nursery. You don’t want to have to search through your linen closet half asleep. The trick is to change your baby and the sheets as quickly as possible so that both of you can get back to sleep.

5. Rocker or Glider

Some of the sweetest moments you’ll have as a new parent will be rocking your baby to sleep. Pick out a comfy glider or rocking chair and set it up in the corner of your nursery. Savor those few months when your baby is tiny enough to rock to sleep. Plus, it’s nice to have a place to sit during a midnight feeding.

6. Nightlight

Some parents want their baby to sleep with a nightlight on and some don’t. A soft light to turn on at night is good for when you need to change a diaper or rock your baby back to sleep. Put it beside or above your changing station. You won’t be sorry!

7. White Noise Machine

A white noise machine will help your baby sleep better. While you’re vacuuming or when your dog barks, a white noise machine will muffle the sounds so your baby stays asleep. If you’re on a tight budget, consider using a fan you already have instead of purchasing a new white noise machine.

8. Curtains

You need blackout curtains or dark window shades in your nursery. These will help during the day when it’s naptime.

9. Swaddle

Some babies love being swaddled and some hate it, but either way it’s good to have a swaddle blanket in the nursery, just in case. Find one that your baby won’t escape from like the Ollie Swaddle, which uses Velcro and a very breathable material, or the SwaddlePod.

10. Humidifier

Humidifiers put moisture back into dry air, especially in the winter when you’re running the heat. Baby skin is sensitive, and babies are susceptible to congestion and colds. A humidifier will help bring moisture and healing to chapped and dry skin, as well as help your baby breathe easily.

11. Nursing Station

If you plan on breastfeeding your child, set up a nursing station in the nursery. You should also consider doing so in other main rooms of your house, such as the living room and your bedroom. Use a small basket to hold nursing pads, lanolin, tissues, water bottles, granola bars, burp cloths and maybe a book you’re reading. You’re pretty much stuck in one spot until your baby finishes nursing, so it’s good to have everything you need within reach.

12. Diaper Pail

There are certainly differing opinions on whether or not diaper pails actually work. Despite all of that, you at least need a trash can with a lid. Blocking some of the smell of dirty diapers means you don’t have to walk out to the garbage can 10 times a day. Do some research and decide what product is best for you.

13. Something for Your Baby to Look at

Studies show that babies respond best to high contrast colors. It helps their brain development and vision. Blacks, whites and reds are most appealing to babies. So get a mobile with artisticcontrasting colors and hang it above the crib. Consider black and white crib sheets or some artwork with high contrast colors.

14. Books

It’s never too early to start reading books to your baby. In fact, there will come a point when you aren’t quite sure what to do with your baby when he or she is awake. They aren’t playing with toys yet and they seem to just lie on a blanket and look around. Books in the nursery are a great option. Babies love the sound of mommy’s voice, and hopefully they’ll grow to love reading too!

15. Safe Surfaces

Babies love to feel different textures. A sheep or cow skin rug on the floor or over your glider will make the nursery a safe place to learn how to crawl and walk. Decorate it with pillows and cuddly stuffed animals. The nursery should be a great room for every stage. You’ll be spending a lot of time there, so create an atmosphere that both of you will love!

Simple Projects You Can Do In A Weekend To Improve Indoor Air Quality In Your Home

cleaning your home

If you’ve ever thought about improving the air quality in your home, you may be surprised to find out that your project can be achieved in very little time. In fact, you can try some of these simple projects to ensure that you can breathe a little easier at home:

Clean Your Home

When it comes to dust and allergens, there’s no better way to get them out of the air than to have a strict cleaning regimen. When cleaning your home, you should not only vacuum the pet hair out of your carpet, you should also try to keep your pets as clean as possible. If you have any pet supplies like toy baskets, litter boxes or food bowls near your vents, you need to move them because of the propensity for vents to blow airborne irritants around your home.

Upgrade Your Bathroom Vent Fans

Your bathroom can eventually develop poor air quality because of mold and mildew. Therefore, you should make sure you remove excess moisture from this area by installing quality vent bathroomfans in every bathroom of your home. Newer models of bathroom vent fans come with humidity sensors, which make them far more effective than their predecessors.

Test for Radon

It doesn’t really matter if your home is old or new, you should always test for radon. Since radon is colorless and odorless, there’s only one way to find out if it’s inside your home. Over time, it may affect your health, so getting this checked is important.

Add Spot Ventilation

Many times, closets and closed in spaces get musty odors. If you want to combat these potential irritants, try installing a recessed light fixture and vent fan combination. These nifty devices are also useful for ventilating humid air from laundry rooms.

Get your Heating System Checked

A malfunctioning heating system can contribute to poor air quality, so be sure to get your heating filter changed and get your heating system checked. It’s important to replace faulty and older units that aren’t working well, and professionals can help make sure it’s replaced or repaired properly. You can also consider other indoor air quality products like UV lights to help improve the air you breathe in your home.

Your family’s health can be greatly affected by the air quality in your home, so it’s important to take necessary steps to make improvements. These tips will help you get started to making your home air quality better.

Informational credit to One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating.



5 Home Renovations for Winter 2015

remodels for winter 2015

By tackling a few home renovation tasks during the winter, you can increase your property’s value and lower your utility bills. The biggest benefit is that most projects can be completed on a budget.

Redecorate the Walls

If your walls are dull, a fresh coat of paint, crown molding, and a new trim can instantly change the look of the space.

Painting on a cold day while the windows are closed is totally safe if the paint is water-based and environmentally friendly. Eco-friendly paints dry fairly quickly and do not emit any harsh fumes. Using painter’s tape and a bold paint color is highly recommended because dramatic patterns or stripes will give your walls visual flair.

Redesign the Kitchen

For about $100 dollars, you can customize your kitchen by adding a backsplash. Over 400 sizes and styles are available at most home improvement stores. If you prefer a classic design, kitchen backsplashtile or metal is a great choice.

Because the process of installing a backsplash is time-consuming, you should begin this project during the weekend. To avoid costly errors, set aside time so that you can prepare and test a design template. If this step is skipped, you will have problems installing the materials in irregular spaces.

Update the Bathroom

You can transform your regular bathroom into a spa by installing new faucets, fixtures, and tiles. Because a bathroom renovation project is ambitious, professional help will be needed. To achieve the best results, choose a BBB-Accredited business, such as Bruzzese Home Improvements.

Install New Lighting

ceiling-fanA ceiling fan that has multiple lights can lighten up your home on dark winter nights. If you choose a modern fixture, you can update the style of the space as well.

Fixtures that use LED lighting should be considered since LED bulbs use less electricity. In the family room, install dimmers because they can help you save even more energy.

Do not install any lighting fixture without professional assistance. If you hire an electrician, the best installation procedures will be implemented to prevent future electrical issues.

Replace Old Doors

When doors age, they usually develop cracks and scratches. By replacing your outdated doors, you can give a dull space an updated look at a low cost.

Although sliding doors are popular, double doors are more stylish and functional. However, if your home needs more natural light, a French-style door is a better option.

By completing any of these home renovation projects, you can impress your guests this winter.

About the Author: Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to college at The Ohio State University where she studied communications. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky Snowball. The information in this article is credited to A P Plumbing.


How To Get Creative With Your Kitchen

A cottage style kitchen is one of the most elegant and ideal choice when thinking of adding creativity to it. The following post describes some unique ways of adding creativity and charm to your kitchen.

The following are a few ways to create a unique yet so simple and fulfilling kitchen for your home.

Add Glass Paneled Cabinet Doors

glass paneled cabinets

A shift from wood framed cabinetry to tempered glass inserts can altogether give a different look to your kitchen. You can choose from a variety of glass style from frosted to ribbed. You can use glass paneled cabinets to store dishes, glassware, pitchers, and trinkets. The glass door cabinetry is not just a way to expand storage but also add style and charm to the kitchen.

Tip! You can even paint the edges of shelves similar to the color of kitchen walls or in contrast to create a more vibrant look.

Install Open Shelves

open shelves

Mounting shelves will add to the storage space and also add to the charisma of your kitchen. You can mount open shelves in the vertical spaces near the windows, between upper cabinets, next to major appliances and wherever it is practically possible to fit in. these open shelves can be used to display multi-purpose items such as old metal pitchers, crockery, plants, and charming woven baskets.

Tip! For making it visually more appealing, you can paint the shelves with the same color as that of cabinet trim.

Replace Modern Hardware with Vintage

kitchen hardware

Vintage varieties have a class of their own. You can install porcelain knobs and handles, floral accents for metal varieties. This is a less tricky job as you will find endless styles and designs for handles and knobs.

Tip! New hardware is an easy way to add a new look to the cabinetry instead of replacing the cabinets.  

Decorate With A Vintage Wooden Sideboard

wooden sideboard

A vintage wooden sideboard is an excellent choice while decorating a cottage style kitchen. It is the best way to keep stacks of plates, other dishes, knickknacks, and the most treasured cottage style crockery. Moreover, this fulfills the need for extra space during a buffet meal and will not consume extra counter space needed for food preparation.

Tip! In all, adding this sideboard will avoid the chaos during the dine time and will help you in managing things better. 

Wall Decor Ideas

kitchen wall decor

Even if you have the world-class kitchen accessories, expensive kitchen shelves and cabinets, your kitchen is still incomplete without a wall décor.

You can choose any decorating theme to glorify your kitchen which reflects your presence in the kitchen. Choose a wall art considering the theme and color of the kitchen. Floral canvas wall art and elegant wrought iron wall decor are classy choices which are available in all sizes, colors, and varieties that would fit to your budget.

Tip! A beautiful wall art can make your kitchen vivacious.  

Author Bio: – Dan Kogan is owner of NY handyman NYC, one of the leading handyman in New York City, with more than 20 years of experience. He is passionate about all things related to home improvement.


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