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The Psychology Of Color On Interior Design

When it comes to interior design, colors are not randomly used. Interior designers know how to use colors to create an emotional impact and achieve a desired result. If you want to feel calmer, more comfortable, more cheerful or dramatic, colors are powerful when you want to improve your mood.  Even though we respond to colors in similar ways, the psychological effects of a color might not be the same for you as it is for someone else.

When choosing the ideal interior color, there are a few things to take into consideration. The amount of time you will be spending in a room, the look and the feel of the space you’d like to induce are important. You would also want to consider the room position and the time of the day that the sun will enter the room. The size of the room will drive your color choice as well. For example, a room can look bigger with a white color where in contrast, a dark color will make a room look smaller.

Check out our infographic provided by IMI Design and learn more about what each color can do for your room. If you feel like deciding on a color is overwhelming, an interior designer can help you with finding the best color that will make your home express your style and personality.


How to Use Mirrors for More Light and Style

How to Use Mirrors for More Light and Style

Mirrors are a standard decorative and functional element in bathrooms and changing rooms, but they rarely find their place in the remaining rooms of a house. And that is a shame, since mirrors have a lot to offer to each space, especially to confined and dark spaces. When placed strategically and chosen well, mirrors can truly make the room look more refined, fresh, brighter and bigger. There is no reason to discriminate against them as bathroom-only items. Here are some great ideas on how to use mirrors as decorative features.

Place It across the Lighting Source

how to use mirrors as decorative features.

If your room lacks light, you can compensate by placing a mirror across the lighting source and create a reflection that will spread the light throughout the space. You can even play with it and place one smaller mirror across each lamp or bulb. If you put one across the window, you will simultaneously make the room appear bigger and brighter.

Mirrors on Adjacent Walls

Mirrors on Adjacent Walls

What is better than one mirror? Well, two mirrors, of course. If you line adjacent walls with mirrors, they will make the light bounce around the room. It can be a great décor statement, if used in the right places. This project would work best in the dining room where it will create the illusion of a bigger crowd around the table. Keep in mind though, that dining room lighting should be a bit more subtle, so don’t use a too bright bulb.

Make It Double Duty

mirrors home decor

If you are stuck in a room where all the walls are already decorated with something or there are some walls where it wouldn’t make sense to put a mirror (by the bed), there is a way (or shall we say a door) out, and that is installing sliding mirror wardrobe doors. It will not take an inch of space, and it will look fabulous. Another plus is that the mirror will be big enough for a head-to-toe glance when trying out clothes.

Mirror in the Kitchen? It’s Possible.

It’s no joke; a mirror in the kitchen can look truly amazing if you choose the right style. A vintage looking kitchen with wooden cabinets and countertop would look more appealing with a wood-framed mirror to complement the look and give a homier vibe. Sure, this type of mirror wouldn’t belong in all-steel modernist kitchen, where a minimalistic metal-framed mirror would work much better.

Expanding the Hallway

Entryway mirror

Entryways always look a bit claustrophobic and narrow. You could easily open up that space by placing a full-size mirror at the end of the entryway, thus making it look more expansive. If you want to make it even more chic, you can put a large floor mirror that will at the same time be a great decorative element, especially if you go with some more extravagant or retro look.

An Accent Wall

Who need framed photos when you can just use a bunch of small mirrors to create an accent wall in your living room? All you need to do is to find mirrors with different shapes, frames and borders, to create an appealing visual texture. Just keep in mind not to go overboard and create a chaotic, cluttered appearance, you want it to look stylish, like a gallery wall and not like a funhouse exhibition. You can also mix in a couple of mirrors into your artwork or photo wall.

Above the Headboard

Another great way to use a mirror as a decorative element is to place it over the bed. There is actually nothing better to put on that big blank space above the headboard. Since most headboards are rectangle-shaped, go with a round mirror (sunburst perhaps) to create a striking contrast.

These were just a few ideas on how you can use mirrors to glam-up and light-up your space. We hope you’ll come up with some of your own.

Guest Post By:

Chloe TaylorChloe is an art historian, recreational ballet dancer and a contributor at smoothdecorator.com. She is passionate about photography, dance and music. Her biggest dream is to travel the whole world with her husband and take stunning photographs of beautiful places. She also enjoys learning and writing about home design, since she is crazy about aesthetics. You can find Chloe on FB, Twitter, and G+.

3 Lighting Types That Will Make Your Home Glow With Elegance


When lighting up your indoor spaces, you have to remember that the performance of the fixture relies heavily on the bulb used. Different bulbs have different lighting effects. The terms that you should familiarize yourself with when shopping for lighting fixtures for your home are as follows:

  • Wattage: this is the electricity amount consumed by a certain source
  • Lumens: the amount of light the source produces
  • Efficacy: the number of lumens produced per watt
  • Foot-candles: the light amount that reaches a subject.
  1. Ambient lighting
    When trying to set the mood for the home, proper illumination adds allure to both the space and the source of light. Floor lamps do not only serve the traditional purpose of lighting rooms up, they can be used to show creativity and create an illusion of expansiveness in spaces. Lamps that depict planetary illusions, sculpted wooden figures, wild animals and abstract art are some of the common floor light designs. There is no better way to make a statement with your lighting than installing a chandelier. These are ideal for places like living rooms, dens and other open spaces.
  2. Task lighting
    This is the type of light that will be useful when one is carrying out activities such as reading, cooking and so on. In areas like the kitchen, pendant lighting will be ideal while sconces and bath bars will be ideal for the bathroom. When installing task lighting, make sure that it is for the bright enough for the user to see but not too harsh to create an imbalance to the décor in the room. Consider enlisting the help of a Lowry Services: Electric, Plumbing, Heating & Cooling professional to install a dimmer or timer for added convenience to your room.
  3. Accent lighting
    This is the lighting type to use when you want to highlight specific objects in the room such as art on the walls, sculptures and book cases. Accent lighting is also great when highlighting other architectural features of the home. Track lights and picture lights are the conventional accent lighting options. However, candles can also fall under this category. If using candles to serve as accent lighting, make sure that they are unscented, especially when you use them in dining areas

Most homes will need the three main types of lighting for complete illumination and accentuation of the décor. As Oscar De La Renta once said, the most important thing is perfect lighting at all times. When lighting is done right, the home reflects class, elegance and beauty. Consulting experts in home lighting and improvement will help you get the beauty you envision.


Barnware Doors – Rustic versus Faux


Rustic versus Faux

What started as a way to accommodate smaller spaces has become a home renovation phenomenon. Everyone, from trusted renovation personality Bob Villa to property flipping shows on TV, is getting in on the craze, and it’s easier to join them than you would think.

Like with any trend, the two biggest questions to you is what are willing to spend, and what is the end result you’re looking to achieve? Real, rugged barn doors start at a few hundred dollars and go as high as a few thousand. And that’s before you spend money on the hardware. Faux barn doors, while cheaper, don’t achieve the same rustic flavor as the real doors. Before you make a huge purchase on your home renovation, it’s best to weigh the pros and cons of both types.

Rustic Barn Doors

Rustic barn doors, the ones that kicked the craze off, is what most people fall in love with when they’re house hunting. Having a big, heavy, rustic barn door is a dramatic way to contrast colors and styles, even in a small apartment setting.

Rustic barn doors are also the more expensive option. Whether they were recovered and restored, or custom built replications, these large rugged door options are going to cost more. However, the effects they achieve are unparalleled. Because of their size and thickness, they offer added versatility as sliding walls, shifting privacy areas, interior/exterior doorways, and any other creative ends you can think of.

You may have difficulty finding the right areas to hang traditional rustic barn doors. Their added weight can make hanging them properly a challenge, especially in an apartment setting. Also, finding the right hardware to support them may be an issue, especially on a budget. But if you’re looking to achieve the true effect of the interior sliding barn door, rustic is the way to go.

Rustic barn doors do achieve a lot more than what faux doors do. Their thickness and heaviness provides better privacy than hollow sliding doors or lighter materials can provide. Faux barn doors can really only be used as doors, while rustic barn doors are only limited by your imagination. While many may be fooled by a faux barn door, those who know craftsmanship will be able to spot a fake a mile away.


Faux Barn Doors

Sometimes the imitation works just as well as the real deal. Or, sometimes it just isn’t possible to go with the Real McCoy. In some living spaces, a faux barn door or even a custom built faux barn door can actually work better than choosing a rustic door.

With creating a custom faux barn door, you have a few more options available than choosing a rustic barn door. Although rustic barn doors come in a variety of different styles and lumber, they all have a similar makeup and use; to be heavy, durable, and rustic. With faux barn doors, however, you can choose far more options than just heavy lumber.

Faux barn doors can be created from wood, from glass, or even from your existing hollow sliding door. When you create a custom faux door, or have someone else make it for you, you can generally do it for the same price or less than what a rustic barn door would cost, even from the lower price range. Better still is the added customization options using a faux barn door would create.

Not every home can benefit from the rustic-ness of a barn door. But with a faux barn door, you can have better control over its style through its fabrication and paint. For instance, a glass sliding barn door would look great in a bathroom, while a heavy rustic barn door may not. If you want the effect of a rustic barn door but want to be able to soften its edges, you may want to choose a faux door instead. It’s also a better option for renovators on a tight budget.


Farm versus City

There’s no right or wrong way to use a sliding barn door. Both rustic and faux options are great choices. It all comes down to whether or not you’re trying to add farmland rustic style to your home, or whether you’re trying to add innovative metropolitan charm. If you’re looking for something that’s going to offer more than just “wow” factor, it may be worth going for the extra expense of rustic barn doors. They offer style and functionality, as well as added privacy. However, if you need to customize your home renovation, choosing a faux door is more affordable and let’s your style shine through.

Author Bio:
Ray Adams is a writer at Barnware Doors. He’s available to write about rustic homes and home decor, and excited to make a living outside the corporate world.


Elegant and Functional Walk-In Closet Design Ideas

Elegant and Functional Walk-In Closet Design Ideas

One of the biggest mistakes of first time home owners is giving too much significance to the unimportant things. For example, it’s not that important how much room you have in your bathroom or even in your bedroom (if it is one-purpose room). Both of these places have simple functions and you don’t usually spend more time there than you absolutely need.

On the other hand, the size, position and layout of your closet can play a vital role in making your home more orderly and practical. Unfortunately, this is something that people often tend to oversee. Not only does it keep the rest of your home neat, but it also makes it easier for you to find whatever you are looking for. To make things even better, walk-in closets can be designed in a fashionable and enthralling manner, thus ensuring the rest of your home look even better.

Taking Care of Storage Capacities

First things first, when designing a closet, you must appeal to its practical side. What this means is that you have to come up with the way to organize it properly. Naturally, your first step would be to get the right storage capacities, which means finding someone to deal with shelving installation on your behalf. DIY projects are a great idea, but in this particular case, they might not give as satisfactory result, since any irregularity may seriously damage your valuables. Imagine if the shelf you keep your jewelry on suddenly broke or fell. Sure the results may not be catastrophic, but why take any chances? Another option would be to get a secure nightstand with compartmentalized drawers, where you will keep all the most precious things you own.

The Right Light

As we emphasized several times already, practical function of your closet is the most important. This means that your walk-in closet should always have adequate lighting. Now, while the illumination should be your first concern, this isn’t that hard to deal with. Just follow Watts (or lumens if you are going with LED) and you should be fine. What you might want to give some more attention to is making the light in the room match the overall ambiance. If you decide to go with a shimmery color (like petal pink) hanging fixture might be a perfect solution. Furthermore, seeing how glass is a natural light enhancer (due to its reflective nature) you might want to think a bit about investing in some glass shelves.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Speaking of reflective surfaces, no walk-in closet will ever be complete without the mirror. Seeing how this closet is going to be a room without windows, it is vital that you use all you can to enhance the effect of your lighting system. For practical purposes, it goes without saying that what you need is a full length mirror, but this is only the tip of the iceberg of all that you should pay attention to. This mirror is also a part of the room and as such it must fit in. The easiest way to do so is to make the frame match the surrounding wallpaper pattern. To find a universal solution that fits it all, you can always get mirror closet doors.

While to some they may seem like a luxury, but those who once lived in a home with a walk-in closet could never again live without it. Just having them, means that your home will be overall less messy and that you won’t have to make improvised changing rooms wherever you are. Still, in order to make you feel even more comfortable in this little fashion realm of yours, you might want to go one step further and go that extra mile when decoration is concerned.

Guest Post By:

Chloe TaylorChloe is an art historian, recreational ballet dancer and a contributor at smoothdecorator.com. She is passionate about photography, dance and music. Her biggest dream is to travel the whole world with her husband and take stunning photographs of beautiful places. She also enjoys learning and writing about home design, since she is crazy about aesthetics. You can find Chloe on FB, Twitter, and G+.


How to Maximise Space in the Hallway

How to Maximise Space in the Hallway
Light colors from top to bottom make a smaller space seem much bigger.

There are lots of positives about living in your home but a negative may be the lack of usable and accessible storage space in the hallway.

The hallway is an important space. Above all else, it needs to be functional but this sometimes means that style takes a back seat. And there are also hallways in homes across the country that fail to tick any boxes; in other words, there is no storage space for shoes, coats, school bags, dog leads and other paraphernalia we tend to keep in the hallway.

What if Balustrade Components told you that you can have storage AND style in the hallway? When space is limited, here are 10 great ideas for maximizing space;

#1 Every piece of furniture must have a role

You know how you like the small table with a vase of flowers on in the hallway? Ask yourself, apart from making the space look nice, what function is it playing?

It is something where car keys could be kept, or the phone book could sit? Every piece of furniture in the hallway has to be there for a reason. Sounds hard but you don’t have oodles of space to fill with pretty bits and bobs.

#2 Mirrors

Mirrors perform an illusion: they bounce light around a space, making it appear bigger. What’s not to love about staggering mirrors around the hallway?

If you can, place a mirror opposite a window so that the light pouring in from there is maximized. Always choose mirrors with frames so that they look ‘finished’ and neat.

#3 Foldaway furniture

This may sound a bit odd but certain parts of the hallway can become the space that you need with an impromptu gathering.

Upstairs hallways can be a great place to have a sofa bed, and when you have a family gathering such as Christmas or birthday, a folding table for keys, bags etc. can be a great way to keep clutter out of the main rooms.

#4 Let there be light! (and as much as possible)

Light is the key to making a space feel bigger. As well as staggering mirrors around the hallway and up the stairs, follow these hints too for more light;

  • Keeping window dressings lights and make sure they don’t stop light flooding the hallway.
  • Use glass infills in balustrades as this allows to flood through the entire area.
  • Use bright, but warm lighting throughout the hallway, including central light fittings and smaller lights in treads.

#5 Vertical storage

When we think of storage areas, we often look to the space directly in front of us or at floor level. To maximize storage space, think vertically. In other words, build storage up rather than across.

#6 Large-patterned flooring

Interior designers often suggest that larger patterns close down a smaller space but when it comes to flooring in the hallway, larger tiles can actually work to give the impression of more space.

Look for larger tiles or linoleums with larger patterns. Laminate also works well, especially when laid width-ways as this can give the impression the hallway is wider than it is.

#7 Build-into space

Under stairs space is often wasted and one way that all this space can be utilized is to build in the space with a bespoke storage solution. For example, storing shoes is often difficult but with bespoke cubes for storing shoes and so on, your hallway can be storage rich rather than being deficient in storage solutions.

#8 Light, block colours

Forget complex wallpapers and patterns in the hallway as too much detail can make the space smaller and cluttered. Think streamlined and minimal, which is why light, neutral, block colours work better than dramatic feature walls.

#9 Doorways

You may not have the budget to widen doorways but if you have, then creating wider doors out on to a hallway can really open it up. This is because it creates an illusion of more space as well as allowing more light into the hallway.

#10 Be organised

The problem with a hallway is that they are often the place that things get dumped until they are either dispensed of or they find a new home. This can take anything from a day or two to weeks, months or years.

Frankly, the key to making your hallway look bigger and more spacious than it is, is to create bespoke and functional storage solutions, keep it light in colours and be organised!

Balustrade Components create balustrades for hallways, as well as barriers for decking, mezzanine floors, outdoor balconies and more. Using glass in balustrade panels is one way of adding more light to any space, but certainly a welcome addition in the hallway.

Designer Secrets: Choose a Perfect Rug for Your Space

Designer Secrets: Choose a Perfect Rug for Your Space

At the first glance, interior designer’s job seems easy: put an armchair here, a sofa there, a coffee table in front, and voila! But the big stuff are maybe much easier to fit in than the details. What about the curtains, tablecloths and of course, the rug? The right rug can make the space look amazing, warm and welcoming, while the wrong rug can make the room appear unfinished and awkward. There are so many things to consider in such a small item: the size, the texture, the color and the design. All of them together can make or break the look of the entire room. We’ll let you in on a few designers’ secrets about choosing a perfect rug for every space.

Start with the Color

Start with the Color

Choosing the right color is the best starting point when purchasing a rug. Since rugs are usually the last thing you are buying for the room, you will already have a pre-established color palette to guide you. This doesn’t mean that your rug can’t be a show-stopper, but only that it has to be in coherence with the remaining colors. However, if you have many shades and patterns in a single room, consider getting a neutral rug or a single color rug that complements your furniture or walls.

Move onto the Patterns

Move onto the Patterns

There’s nothing more appealing in a room than a patterned rug, but be cautious when choosing the patterns for each space, because you don’t want it to be overwhelmed with too many accents. You can use a rug with an all-over repeat pattern in a simple space with almost every piece of furniture, but if you are going to use a rug with an asymmetrical pattern, it’s better to combine it with furniture that has a more open and delicate frame. Don’t be afraid to mix patterns of different proportions. That is a much better choice than combining a chair, sofa, curtain and rug with the same pattern, where there would be no clear distinctions between these pieces.

Mind the Size

The second big (or small) thing you have to keep in mind when choosing a rug is its size. Size of the rug will depend on the size and the function of a room. Take living room for example. There are two widely accepted approaches: all the furniture sitting within the outer perimeter of the area rug and the front legs of the seating furniture on the top of the rug. In the second case, the rug being beneath the furniture gives the illusion of spaciousness, while in the first, it defines the sitting area. In the bedroom, the area rug should allow you to land on a soft spot when getting up, so it is best to occupy two thirds of the bed, say the professionals from DecoRug. The kitchen and the bathroom usually have small area rugs, simply for aesthetic reasons.

Texture Makes a Huge Difference

Texture Makes a Huge Difference

It’s the last thing we remember when buying a rug, and one of the first things we notice when spotting it. Every interior designer knows that a room rich with different textures will feel layered and warm, so paying attention to the texture of the rug is essential. Here, you can aim for contrast between the furniture and the rug. A sleek leather sofa, for instance, should be contrasted with a fluffy shaggy area rug, while a soft velvet couch will go perfectly with a smooth and hard material like sisal. The function of the room will also dictate the texture. That is the reason why you should never put a shaggy rug in your dining room – the frequent traffic, spills and stains would make cleaning and walking much more difficult. A rug like that, however, would be perfect for the bedroom, because you want your feet to land on soft and fluffy spot upon waking up.

Rugs define the space and enhance the décor, so making this choice shouldn’t be taken lightly. Following some basic rules and designers’ tips is the safe way to go, but if you have an idea of your own, sometimes you should simply go with your gut.

Guest Post By:

Chloe TaylorChloe is an art historian, recreational ballet dancer and a contributor at smoothdecorator.com. She is passionate about photography, dance and music. Her biggest dream is to travel the whole world with her husband and take stunning photographs of beautiful places. She also enjoys learning and writing about home design, since she is crazy about aesthetics. You can find Chloe on FB, Twitter, and G+.

22 Great Tips to Make your Student Room a Home

Student rooms don’t have to be dull, bland and boring. It is easy to transform them into a home-from-home using inspirational ideas you will find in this infographic. Instant makeovers don’t have to cost a fortune; simply by moving furniture around you can change the look of a room.

Put some color and energy onto walls without painting or wallpapering by displaying personal photographs, posters or wall decals. Have fun with the display, make it heart shaped or randomly placed to cover unsightly marks.

Brighten up a student room by using inexpensive fairy lights, which are much kinder to your eyes than a central ceiling light. Alternatively add table lamps to highlight dark, gloomy corners.

Storage doesn’t have to be a problem either. Think outside the box so to speak, and use the space under your bed or use decorative boxes and make a feature of your stored items.

Bring a fresh smell into the room using scented candles or reeds, much nicer than stale odors or your room mates’ smelly socks.

One aspect you should try to keep in order clutter. It may be easy to have a floordrobe, but it will only make your room look and feel much smaller, not to mention a messy state that you’ll soon tire of.

Use the infographic to get a handle on how to make your student room more livable. It will boost your morale and give you a place you can call home.

 22 Great Tips to Make your Student Room a Home Infographic
22 Great Tips to Make your Student Room a Home Infographic by The Rug Seller

Enhancing the Appeal of Your Home with LED Light Strips

LED light strips

We’ve all seen the glimpse of Tron and similar futuristic films that feature these cool, colourful light strips. The LEDs have advanced quite a bit over the years, and they now stand out even more from the competition with the traits like flexibility and thin body.

They can be inserted at a variety of spots you’ve never considered before (beds, shelves, etc.). Their purpose is not purely decorative, as they also discreetly illuminate the small area around them. Here’s a selection of tried-out spots where LED strips can be placed to get you inspired for your own project.

Glam effect

Fixing bathroom mirrors and vanities with starlets or powerful make-up-room bulbs is nothing new, but it may be too harsh for a hallway mirror. If you’re seeking to accomplish a subtle, more delicate effect and not cover a large portion of the mirror frame, LED strips are just the perfect solution.

Another way to add glam into your interior décor is to set up some LEDs to your open riser staircase, if you have these in your home. This will not only allow you to make an impressive entrance every time you go down the stairs, but they will make the nightly trips safer and more economic (you won’t have to turn on the overhead lights). Also, they can be programmed to turn automatically as you tread on them.

Lounge area

You can change the atmosphere in your living or bedroom area by adding a faint strip of light underneath the couches, sofas or beds. Some hip furniture stores even sell pieces with LEDs already installed, but these could strain the budget quite a bit. Instead, create a special ambience with LED lights of your choice, and you’ll stop losing stuff under your bed.

If you have a piano in your living area, you can make the lights sync with the notes you’re playing, and you can select the colour of your liking for this project, say the experts at Industralight.

LED lighting


How many times have we wished we had a flashlight when trying to find something on the shelf or in our drawers? Installing old-fashioned lights can pose as a fire hazard as it gets heated up easily, so LEDs seem like the obvious alternative. They don’t give off much heat and their light is soft but effective.

Open shelving with colour coded LED strips can cut down the time you spend searching for a certain item, and even plain whites can make the display undoubtedly beautiful. Our junk drawers and other miscellaneous storage nooks would be less of a frustration if we inserted a line of LEDs that can help us find what we want much faster.

Kitchen zone

Food can sometimes get mouldy or spoilt because it got lost and forgotten at the back of the fridge’s main compartment or in the ice box. Some old models may not have proper or functional illumination, but you don’t have to replace it with a high-end device right away. This issue can be easily prevented by enhancing the existing light with extra strips and a handy motion sensor system.

Similarly, you can instill a practical and awesome element to your new bar island and incorporate some LED strips to your cabinets and under-the-counter area. You can even opt for a colour-changing mode that’s bound to make your house parties unforgettable.

Outdoor options

Outdoor LED lights

For starters, your deck or a patio could use an additional layer or ambiance light for the dusky and night-time occasions. You don’t even have to outfit the entire deck, but only focus on the table area, for instance.

By adding a properly positioned line of LED strips to your outdoor pool, you will feel as if you’re staying in one of the most expensive hotels while chilling in your backyard. Since you’ll need to install electrical wires near water, make sure to call the professionals for this project.

You can give your home an undeniable touch of class by introducing some carefully selected LED strips. These were just some ideas for the storage and lounge areas you can easily install on your own.

Why you should Forget Curtains and Get Blinds

Although curtains have been the norm for dressing windows, blinds are now a more popular choice. Curtains, while looking quite beautiful, can fade in the sunlight, become dated and are often difficult to keep clean. Blinds on the other hand keep their colour, are easy to maintain while also very easy to take down and clean.

Click online to find suppliers of blinds along with:-

  • Security doors
  • Screens
  • Awnings
  • Shutters

All of these products are manufactured from high quality materials and will enhance any home or office. Add value to property by buying blinds Perth from home improvement retailers who specialise in window dressing and security.

Trust manufacturers of blinds for a great service

If deciding to switch from curtains to blinds for all windows in a property, there’s a huge range to choose from. Depending on the size of the window to be covered the following will look absolutely stunning:-

  1. Venetian blinds – a very popular choice in many Australian homes. Can be made for sloping and conventional windows.
  2. Roman blinds – these types of blinds are firm favourites made from natural style materials. They are also easy to clean.
  3. Roller blinds – are also known as Holland blinds and can be made from sunscreen, translucent or blackout material. Roller blinds are energy efficient too.
  4. Sunscreen blinds – these blinds are designed to keep the sun and heat out of a room. Can be ordered in different trims with aluminium bottom rails. They have safety features to protect children and users.
  5. Shutters – this type of window dressing will certainly make the exterior of a home stand out. Shutters are available in timber and look great when added to colonial style properties.

For something a little different, think about having timber or vertical blinds. Versatile vertical blinds can be opened fully or partially to let light in and provide privacy. Outdoor blinds are a great idea too as well as awnings. Awnings give protection from the sun’s harsh glare or can be a godsend if it’s raining when a barbie is on the go.

Experienced blind suppliers

Experienced blind suppliers advertise their fantastic products via the net, browse soon to see what’s on offer. Get in touch with fully trained specialists who will make an appointment to call round to measure, manufacture and install the blinds. Forget curtains and go for blinds every time. Blinds are the perfect solution to keep the cold out and make any room look fantastic.

Expect the best blinds from online manufacturers who also provide a full warranty against any components that are found to be faulty. Affordability and quality are the two main options available when buying blinds as well as:-

  1. Good value for money
  2. High quality
  3. Great range of styles to choose from
  4. Competitive prices

Why not click on westral.com.au soon to find out more about patio awnings, verandah and shutter installation, along with beautiful blinds?

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