How to Clean Up Before and After a House Party

When having a party, it’s crucial that the house is clean and presentable for guests. Unfortunately, it’s easier said than done.

You don’t only have to deal with the cleaning before the party, you also have to tidy up after the event. To have a stress-free cleaning “spree,” below are helpful before and after-party clean-up tips.

Before the Party

The first thing you have to do before the party preparations is to evaluate the party venue. Look at the things you need to do and create a strategy to accomplish cleaning tasks in an effective manner.

  1. Imagine you’re a guest

Due to your daily routine, you may overlook some clutter and dusty corners. Walk around your home from a guest’s perspective, and identify flaws and dirt. List down anything that catches your eye and requires cleaning.

After your walk-through, consolidate your list. Break it into achievable cleaning tasks. You can gather your family members or get a party helper to help you clean. Having another person split the tasks with you will help you finish it all quickly.

  1. Tidy up guest areas

While you’re busy cleaning all parts of the house, it’s important that your guests have enough room to move around.

  • Move your fragile or breakable items to safe places, away from messy spills and errant elbows.
  • Straighten your coat closet and entryway. Makes sure that you have a room for guest’s outerwear, and extra hangers whenever necessary.
  • Scan the living spaces for any unnecessary items. Clear tabletops and walkways to make room for your guests’ glasses and plates.
  • Clear the clutter in your living room, and take the opportunity to place them in their proper places.
  1. Prepare the kitchen

Your kitchen needs to be in tip-top condition for the party. Since you’ll be spending most of your time here preparing or cooking food for your guests, it’s best to scrub everything clean now.

  • Defrost and clean the refrigerator. Throw away any leftovers and food which is no longer edible. Make room for party food and move items you no longer use at the back. Also, make sure you have enough room in the freezer for ice.
  • Clean your gas range or cooktop as well as hard to reach surfaces or grates.
  • Mop up the kitchen floor and use the right household cleaner in washing drawers and handles.
  • Empty your trash and recycle bins outside.
  1. Get ready for the party

You have to finish a few things before your guests arrive. This is the opportunity for you to check if everything in your home is in its best shape for the party. You may miss some corners so it’s good to do some double-checking.

After the Party

After the fun of the party, there’s much cleaning work to do. It’s now time to face the party mess. Tackle each task one at a time so that cleaning up won’t overwhelm you.

  1. Kitchen and Dining Room

If you cook for the party, chances are there may be a mountain of dishes waiting to be cleaned. For pans or dishes that are hard to wash, leave and soak them in warm water to soften the residue. While you’re soaking the plates, clean the kitchen worktops and wipe the inside of your fridge.

  1. Guest Areas

Since this is where your guests hang out during the party, this will be the dirtiest place in your house. Plastic, trash and empty cups may be hiding in corners. For messy areas like these, a professional deep cleaning service will help you tidy up in no time.

  1. Guest Bedrooms

You may have guests whom you will allow to stay for the night because they’re too exhausted to go home or live far away. The first thing to do is to strip the beds to wash the sheets and all duvet covers. While those heavy beddings are swirling in the washing machine, attend to other tasks, from wiping down surfaces (start from the highest spots) to cleaning and disinfecting the bathroom.

Remember to vacuum the floors, and check the drawers for any items your guests may have forgotten.

  1. Bathroom

Besides the guest areas, your bathroom would have taken a beating, and had its fair share of frequent use. Give your shower curtain a good clean using a double strength cleaner. Disinfect and clean your toilet thoroughly. Remember to follow the instructions on cleaning products for safe and effective use.

No matter how numerous and heavy the cleaning tasks are, don’t devastate yourself, and do them one at a time. And if you know you don’t have enough time to clean, it’s fine to seek help from others. With the assistance of your family or better yet, the expertise of cleaning professionals, the clean-up process becomes much quicker, giving you time to rest when all the after-party is work done.


Rania Bellos launched Dust Busters Cleaning Services with the help and support of her husband after spending 15 years working in the banking and finance industry in France, Lebanon and the UAE. She welcomes the daily challenges and exciting opportunities provided by the highly competitive residential and commercial cleaning services market.