Common Signs That You Have a Leaking Pipe at Home

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that approximately 1 trillion gallons of water are wasted yearly due to leaking pipes. What’s even more alarming? Research shows that 10% of homeowners waste a staggering 90 gallons per day!

If anything, the importance of early leak detection cannot be overstated. When leaks go undetected for a long time, you will not only waste water, you will also be wasting money. Ultimately, you might also cause severe damage to your property.

Spot leaky pipes at home early by looking for the following telltale signs:

Skyrocketing water bills

Expect the bill to be high during the summer if you have a pool or sprinkler. However, a skyrocketing water bill can also be a sign of something else: a leaking pipe. Keep an eye on your monthly water bill. If you notice a dramatic increase, look for possible leaks immediately.

Visible mildew and mold

A little mildew and mold in your shower are normal. However, if you notice mold and mildew outside your tub, it is likely that you have a pipe leak. Mold in your baseboards, walls, floors, and ceilings are also not normal. Often, they are clear indicators of a leaking pipe.

Stained walls, ceilings, and floors

Even small stains on your walls, ceilings, and floors can be attributed to a pipe leak. If not fixed right away, the leak can end up causing significant damage. For a comprehensive list of signs that point to a leaking pipe, check out the infographic below.

Common Signs That You Have A Leaking Pipe At Home