Dead Trees: 3 Reasons They Can be Dangerous for Your Home and Yard

Dead trees are more than just an eyesore on your property. They also pose certain hazards that could jeopardize your home and yard. Here are three ways that dead trees can be especially dangerous for your property.

Personal and Property Damage

The branches of dead trees are at greater risk of snapping and falling at any given time. When these branches fall, they could land on you and result in serious bodily harm. Branches that fall from dead trees might also land on your roof or fence and cause major property damage. The entire tree could also topple if it’s dead and cause more extensive destruction. If any dead trees or branches fall into your neighbor’s yard, you’ll likely be liable for any damage. Parts of dead trees are especially more prone to collapsing during heavy rain, wind and snow storms.

Harmful to Other Trees

If you have a tree that died from a disease, this disease may still be active and wind up affecting nearby trees that are still alive. Contagious diseases can spread from a dead tree to a living tree easier than you might think and end up killing your existing vegetation. Fungal growth on a dead tree is another culprit that could be dangerous for adjacent trees. Plus, a dead tree can overcrowd your yard and make it more difficult for other trees and vegetation to grow healthy. To avoid harm to your other trees, you should hire professional arborists from a company like Pete & Ron’s Tree Service, Inc. to remove any dead trees on your property.

More Pests

Certain types of animals that are known to wreak havoc on properties might end up building a home in a dead tree. Living trees can also attract more pests, but at least trees that are still alive can produce more oxygen and help keep soil intact. Dead trees serve no real purpose and can be a haven for wild animals, so it’s best to have them removed promptly. Critters living in these trees will have easier access to your home. According to Angie’s List, some of the pests that you might encounter from having dead trees include rats and termites. Your dead trees can also provide a haven for black turpentine beetles, fall webworms and gypsy moths.

Having dead trees on your property can cause many problems. By getting rid of your dead trees, you’ll have an easier time keeping your premises intact with fewer problems.