Decorate With Intention: 12 Remodeling Sanity Savers

When the idealistic visions subside and reality sets in, these tips can help keep your spirits up and your work on track

Decorate With Intention: 12 Remodeling Sanity Savers

It’s easy to get excited about a home project at the beginning, when the work seems theoretical and you hear yourself saying things like, “Oh, we could just knock all of these walls out, no problem!” Then reality sets in. The workers you hired go AWOL, your budget is blown and you can’t find your good shoes under the pile of scrap wood and duct tape. It’s time to take a deep breath and make a plan. Read on to find a dozen ways to stay sane while you are creating your dream home, no matter how long it takes.  Read more…

Source:  Houzz, By Laura Gaskill