Five simple ways to save money on energy costs

Electric Bill

Electric BillRemember when your parents jumped down your throat for leaving the lights on? As a kid, it is hard to understand why adults insist on turning unused electronics off. Now that you are older and pay your own utility bills, it is much easier to appreciate their perspective. Fortunately for you, there are other ways to save money on energy too. The following are five simple ways to save on energy costs:

Unplug devices not in use

If you have power tool equipment or electric devices that you only use on occasion, unplug them while not in use. Another option is to plug all pieces of equipment you seldom use into a single power strip and keep the port powered off until you need one of those appliances. Even smaller devices such as hair dryers, hand vacuums, toasters, blenders, etc. can be unplugged until you want to use them.

Replace inefficient appliances

Two of the most popular green and efficient labels include “Design for the Environment” (DofE) and “ENERGY STAR” appliances. Both are recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and help individuals save money while using energy efficiently. The EPA states that Americans using products with the DofE label on them reduced the amount of harmful chemicals they emitted by 756 million pounds in 2011. ENERGY STAR appliances prevented 1.8 billion tons of GHG emissions in 2012. Not only can you save money in the long run, but using energy efficient appliances may qualify you for certain tax credits.

Turn thermostats down in the winter

Try maintaining a temperature near 70 degrees instead of something near 76 or 77 degrees. You might also consider layering comfortable clothing while inside the house. Limit water consumption from long, hot showers, as these require more energy to keep water warm. When you are gone, turn the thermostat off or install an automatic setback thermostat in your home so the temperature can adjust accordingly while you are away.

Limit air conditioner use

During the hot weather months, avoid using the air conditioner whenever possible. Try keeping your windows and blinds closed during the hottest part of the day to keep the heat out, opening them at night when it’s cooler. On days you must use the AC, keep it at a higher setting such as 71 degrees instead of 67 degrees. An air conditioner devours electricity, so keep it on a higher temperature or turn it off completely.


General home maintenance is crucial to keeping energy costs down all year long. A significant portion of electricity is used to heat and cool a home, so ensuring that your residence is properly insulated can save energy and lower your utility bills. If you have old windows drafty windows, repair or replace them. Lastly, replace incandescent lights with fluorescent bulbs. Fluorescent bulbs can last up to ten times longer than incandescent, and use 70% less energy.

This article is written by Jared Miret, a father and home handyman.  He is excited to share these tips with you, to help save you money and keep your house running smoothly.  He writes this article on behalf of electric providers in Houston.