Holiday Cleaning: 7 Tips To Make Your Home Guest-Friendly

Undoubtedly, a squeaky-clean home is one way of keeping yourself content with your surroundings. Everyone wants to keep their home in pristine condition, especially when expecting guests and holidays are just around the corner. But keeping the dirt off your floor and windowpanes is not easy when you have a full-time job and a toddler to look after.

The key to achieving a tidy home before holidays is working smart, rather than putting in hours of cleaning effort without success. If you desire a clean house, you will need to develop a housekeeping plan several days in advance. Probably a sound tactic would be to break down maintenance tasks on a seven-day cleanup schedule. This way, seasonal cleaning would be considerably easier, and your guests will be delighted when they arrive. This article highlights some valuable tips that can make your home guest-friendly.

Put Things Where They Belong

As you clean up your home, you’d probably come across certain household items or appliances that have gone obsolete and are no longer required. An easier way to dump them would be to throw them in your garage or backyard, where your guests won’t find them. However, there’s a drawback to this option. If your guests manage to peek into your garage, they won’t leave with a good impression. So, rather than piling unnecessary household items in your garage, you can seek refuge by renting self-storage units. These storage units are a perfect place to safely store those household items that might slacken the splendor of your living space.

If you are a tenant of Billing, MT, you don’t need to worry at all. You can find multiple-sized Billings MT storage units by browsing the net and that too at affordable prices. Besides, these self-storage units are well-maintained and have a foolproof security system to secure your belongings.

Gather Cleaning Supplies

Before you start cleaning your home for the holiday season, it is essential to stockpile all the cleaning supplies you might need. Check if you have sufficient home-cleaning agents to tidy up your entire home. Keep an eye out for floor wipes or disinfectants you might need during your home cleaning phase. Also, make sure that your vacuum cleaner is working properly, or whether it requires some fixes. Besides, don’t forget to pile up cleaning sprays, garbage bags, floor cleaners, and cleaning wipes for your home. All these cleaning supplies and tools must be readily available once you begin scrubbing your home.

Note the Imperfections

To make your home guest-friendly, you must look at it with a visitor’s eye. Note down imperfections as you move around your home and see if anything requires urgent consideration. For example, a worn-out doormat, plants with dead leaves, untidy shelves, or dusty windowpanes must be on your to-do cleaning list. You should also look out for grimy window screens, curtains, and mirrors that require proper cleaning. Plus, if you own a pet, watch out for pet hair on the floor.

Cleaning your entire home is cumbersome, so it’s prudent to join hands with your family members and make holiday cleaning a group effort. You should mobilize your close family members and assign cleanup duties to make holiday cleaning easier and swifter.

Cleanup High-Traffic Areas

As you continue with your cleanup efforts while making your home guest-friendly, concentrate on specific areas for cleaning. It would be wise to aim for high-traffic areas of your home first, as they are easily accessible by guests. Your home entrance is one of those areas that will be most passed-through, so it’s wise to make it sparkle. This includes scrubbing your front door with a floor cleaner, cleaning grimy windows, and giving your doormat a good shake. Plus, it would be best to get rid of clutter that has no space in your home entryway. Probably, making room in the front closet for shoes can minimize cluttering.

Organize your Bedrooms

Nothing is more welcoming than a clean and organized bedroom if you are expecting guests. Toss the bed linens, pillow coverings, and blankets in the washer to ensure they are neat and smell fresh. You can put out fresh towels for the guest bath and wipe down coffee tables to make your guests feel at home. You should also remove cushions from the couch and give it a thorough vacuuming to get rid of dust and popcorn that might reside beneath them. Don’t forget to check whether all ceiling lights and bedside lamps are working properly.

Be mindful that cleaning your bathroom is equally important as tidying up the bedrooms. Your guest would be using the bathrooms, so don’t neglect cleaning them up. Use bathroom cleaners to effectively clean toilets, faucets, and sink to get rid of dirt. You should also stock up toilet paper if needed, empty the trash can and check if the drain is not bunged.

Tidy Up your Kitchen

The deliciousness of the holiday season starts with your kitchen, so making it shine can give your guests a good first impression. To make your kitchen sparkle, you’ll need to start with the dirty dishes. Use dishwasher detergents to make your crockery shimmer, and then dispose of garbage from your kitchen using compost bags. If need be, toss your dishtowels and table linens in the washer to clean them before using them again. Besides, don’t forget to give your kitchen countertop, cabinets, and appliances a thorough wipe!

A Final Touch

Wrap up your holiday cleaning efforts by dusting your entire home a day or two before your guests arrive. It’s time to replace the old flowers in the vase with fresh ones for a sweet and refreshing experience. Or you might want to light a few candles to enhance the atmosphere of your home and reward yourself for the cleaning efforts. You can also fluff the pillows and flatten the bed skirts to make the bed look hospitable. You can even put on some music to complement your tidy home.


The holiday season is the perfect excuse to spend time at home with your friends and family. But while you spend your days off from work, you should focus on your home. The best thing you can do is tidy up and make your home more welcoming for guests and family. It not only promises you a stress-free break but also makes family time more comforting and memorable. Perhaps cleaning your home is the ideal start you need for the holiday season.