How to Create a Truly Kid-Friendly Bathroom

Introducing a child to a family bathroom can be a veritable nightmare and a test of patience. Kids in their early age are by nature disorganized, and to make things worse, they own a mountain of stuff.

How to Create a Truly Kid-Friendly Bathroom

When a big family of seven shares only two bathrooms, some adjustments have to be made to accommodate the needs of the tiny users. Spacious washrooms can even be more challenging, allowing kids to wander about and make an even bigger mess. Check out our tips on how to make your bathroom truly kid-friendly.

Step stool

Teaching your kids to be more self-reliant from a very young age is highly recommended. After all, you don’t want to spend all day running behind them, making sure they have washed their hands or teeth. Buy each of your little ones a step stool or built it into the vanity so it doesn’t obstruct the routine of other house members. Also, make sure they can reach the faucet with simple add-ons. This will encourage your kids to wash up on their own more regularly.

Open shelves

While this seems like a disaster waiting to happen, open shelves are a great way to boost your kids’ organisational skills and facilitate their bathroom experience. Having their possessions on a neat display will allow them to memorize where particular items belong and prompt them to put it back or help their parents store it. Everything from bath toys to towels can be placed on special kiddy shelves and open compartments. They will love having their own nook in the bathroom.

Towel bars and safety measures

Do you often get greeted by the frustrating image of a messy pile of towels curled at the bottom of a towel bar? Most adults don’t bother with careful placement and adjustment of their towels after use and kids are no different. Still, they need a drying station, and that’s where simple, smooth (no sharp edges!) hooks come into play.

Invest in some sturdy elements that can withstand constant use and pressure. Lastly, put some rubber covers on sharp edges and slippery surfaces.

kid friendly bathroom

Sink and countertop

Opt for more sizable sink when shopping for bathroom fixtures and furnishing elements. If you’re blessed with a spacious bathroom, advised at Blue Lagoon Bathrooms, skip the double sink set-up and consider incorporating a single, large through sink. When you’re in a hurry, this will allow more kids and people to fit at once, instead of just two, and they’re easy to clean up. Pair your large sink with a massive, granite countertop. This will eliminate any stains and scratches that may occur.


Go out of your way to make your kids feel comfortable and eager to be in this space. For starters, hang some family photos to add a touch of home to this space. You can even ask the kids to pick their favorites. Apart from items that will make bathroom more familiar to kids, you can insert some colourful learning pieces as well. It’s well known that kids acquire knowledge on the go, so it pays off to plant some framed alphabet panel, or displays of animals or geometrical forms.

Wall protection

It depends on your preferences and options, but you can choose between wainscoting and full tile when choosing a wall protection solution. Wainscoting can safeguard your walls from kids’ naughty escapades (dents and scratches) while adding a vintage feel to this space. On the other hand, you want to consider full wall tile for the splash prone surfaces. This will prevent mold and blotches caused by our little flippers.

Out of reach sector

While kids do need to feel this space is theirs too, some areas should be off limits for them. This includes the cleaning chemicals cabinet, as well as the medicine drawer. Kids tend to put strangest things in their mouth, and it’s best to keep them out of their reach. Tall cabinets and locked compartments usually do the trick.

Teaching kids about proper hygiene can be a painstaking process, making them do it – even harder! Commit to some bathroom remodeling to make this space more appropriate and inviting for them.