How to Prepare Your Home for Flooring Installation

47 percent of homeowners in America took on DIY home improvement projects in 2019.

You’re considering a DIY flooring installation to keep up with this trend. The good news is that there are countless resources online on installing different types of floors. Unfortunately, most of these resources don’t guide you on proper floor surface preparation.

Skipping this step risk damaging the floor during the installation process.

Keep reading to learn how to prepare your home for flooring installation.

Clear the Space

Before starting the flooring installation process, you must remove everything from the room. Remove everything on the wall and move your furniture to another room. Moving all these things alone might be challenging, so consider seeking help.

However, although professional floor installers will move the furniture, they’ll charge you extra. Ask a friend/relative to help you move the furniture even when seeking professional flooring services to cut this cost.

Set Up a Workspace

You need to set up ample working space for cutting materials when undertaking a flooring project. Set up this workspace as close to the room you’re flooring as possible to save time. The idea is to reduce the distance you travel when installing the new flooring.

Also, look for a nearby secure place to store tools and flooring materials.


Before removing your old flooring, first access what’s underneath it. Go to your basement to inspect your subfloor. Also, check areas around the floor register to determine if the floor has more than one layer.

Next, prepare the room you’re flooring for dusty work by covering all essential things and areas. Place an exhaust fan in one of the exterior windows to suck the dust out.

Before starting the old flooring deconstruction, set up a way of disposing of the debris and the old floor.

To deconstruct the old flooring, gently remove flooring molding to avoid damaging it. You want to reuse it when after installing the new flooring. Finally, remove the old flooring; the tools and techniques to use will depend on the type of flooring.

Flooring Installation Date

You need to decide the specific date to install the new flooring to smooth the process. The idea is to create a schedule for floor prep and installation. To save time, consider installing an engineered hardwood floor.

Installing engineered hardwood floor is relatively easy, and you can do it yourself. The idea is to complete the new flooring installation work as soon as possible.

Undertake Proper Floor Surface Preparation to Expedite Flooring Installation

To simplify flooring installation, rely on the above things to learn how to prepare the surface properly. You want to know the right way to deconstruct the old flooring. Also, you need to prepare how you’ll get rid of the old floor and the debris.

Finally, create a schedule to direct you when to undertake different new flooring installation activities.

Please check out our other articles for more insightful home improvement tips.