Practicing Self-Care At Home

An unfortunate fact of daily living is stress. Stress is an evolutionary mechanism that aided in the survival of humans, and in small amounts, can spur us on to work harder and successfully address a threat. However, too much stress can be detrimental to our health. Chronic stress can negatively impact our immune system; make us tired, depressed, and anxious; lead us to consume more food; cause our blood pressure to rise; and even result in heart problems and make us vulnerable to other diseases.

There are many pieces written on the topic of reducing stress from our lives. Most suggestions focus on lifestyle changes such as turning off the news, going to the gym, changing jobs or careers, remaining positive in the face of adversity, and similar choices. While these are all good and highly recommended, the following infographic focuses on modifications we can make to our homes. Changing the physical environment has a greater impact on our stress levels than we may realize.

Colors, scents, lights, and other sensory factors have been proven to help people feel less stress. That’s why it is recommended to change the wall color, add plants to your décor, light candles, improve the lighting, and much more. The infographic also offers ideas for personal self-care that can be done at home, including dressing more comfortably, enjoying a spa day, and soaking in a hot tub. Combined, these self-care activities could make your home into a true sanctuary for stressful times. You’ll be surprised at what a difference these seemingly easy things can make to your stress level!

Graphic created by ImproveNet.