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Choosing the Right Water Filter for Your Home

choosing the right water filter for your home

How can home water filtering technologies be of value to us today? Tap water has become contaminated with various chemical elements such as radon, arsenic, and nitrites. Organic elements such as Echerichia Coli bacteria has also become increasingly common. On the other hand, there is bottled water as an alternative which is advertised as “safe” and “natural”, but is less regulated than the tap water supply. By using home water filters, you can filter out and remove sediments and chemicals from tap water, and make it healthy to consume.

Initial Considerations

First, you need to think about your household and family needs. For tackling the pollutant problem the right way, you will have to determine all the types of chemicals your tap water is water filtercontaminated with. You should buy water filters that are certified by an official water testing agency, and pay attention to the list of contaminants that those filters remove. Weigh down how much effort and time you are ready to put into water filtering and how much water you spend on a daily basis.

Pitchers & Faucet Mounted Filters

Pitchers can remove disinfection products, mercury, chlorine, lead, and also improve the taste of water. There is a wide range of models available that come in various sizes and styles. They will require regular cartridge changes, depending on the filter model. In a recent chat with Sydney-based retailers of water filters, I learned that pitcher filters are convenient for one or two people, because frequent cartridge changes may turn the annual cost of a faucet-mounted filter.

Faucet-mounted filters are an ideal solution for filtering drinking and cooking water, because they are easy to install and relatively inexpensive. Like pitchers, they are equipped with carbonated filters that remove a wide variety of pollutants. They also require frequent filter changes, and may slow down the water flow.

Countertop & Under-Sink Filters

Countertop filters are situated on a counter and connected to the faucet with a line. Large amounts of water can be filtered with a countertop filter, without the need for making any choosing the right water filterplumbing notifications and frequent cartridge changes. They are usually more expensive than faucet-mounted filters and pitchers. However, fixed installation and plumbing modifications are required for under-sink filters. They do not require a lot of maintenance and do not cramp the counter area. Ideal for kitchen use, they include carbon and reverse osmosis, among other filtering technologies.

Water-purifying Technologies

The best water filtering technologies used today include: distillers, reverse osmosis, carbon filters and ultraviolet light. Distillers are the least effective and practical, generate excess heat and consume a lot of electricity. Reverse osmosis filters can remove many water impurities that cannot be removed by activated carbon (nitrates, fluoride, hexavalent chromium and arsenic). However, they waste a lot more water than they produce, thus they are advised for house application.

Carbon filters use activated carbon. They neutralize water contaminants by bonding them with activated carbon, and are best for removing chlorine byproducts, herbicides and pesticides, lead, MTBE (the gasoline additive), small number of pharmaceuticals and certain parasites. Ultraviolet light is used for killing microorganisms and bacteria, but cannot remove chemical contaminants, so it cannot be considered a filtering method. UV technology is most effective when used in conjunction with carbon filters.

Whole-House Filters

These filters are good for removing rust, sediments, and chlorine, but not for pollutants like metals, volatile organic compounds, and cysts. They require plumbing changes and have a long cartridge life.


The list of hazardous contaminants in our tap water is constantly growing and there is no water filter that can remove all contaminants. That is why it is important to determine those hazardous substances that prevail in your water, and choose your water filter unit accordingly.


Homeowners: Save on Your Heating & Cooling Bill

Understanding how an HVAC unit works and how to best maintain it can enable you to avoid common HVAC repair problems and save money on heating and cooling. As this resource from refrigerationschool.com explains, even though HVAC equipment is mechanically complex, it is not hard to find ways to lower your energy bill while keeping the home at a good temperature.

Understanding the Basics

The four main types of HVAC units are the air conditioner, heat pump, boiler and furnace. Hot or cold air is distributed via a forced air, radiant or gravity-based system. Research has shown that radiant heating and cooling systems are particularly energy efficient but the fact is that any type of system has both advantages and disadvantages.

Saving Money

HVAC units need to be maintained both by a homeowner and a professional. Homeowners should replace or clean filters at least once a month, as doing so can reduce energy consumption by up to 15%. Yearly DIY maintenance jobs include cleaning the coil fins, heat exchanger and evaporator coil. Drains should be cleaned as and when needed. A professional HVAC technician should be called in to tune up the HVAC unit twice a year to extend the unit’s lifespan.

Adjusting Settings

A thermostat controls a home’s HVAC system. The United States Department of Energy recommends that the thermostat temperature be set at 68F for the winter. This setting can be lowered when sleeping or out of the home. For summer, the temperature should be set at no lower than 78F. Raising the temperature by a single degree in the winter (or lowering it by a single degree in the summer) can increase your energy bill by up to 1%.

Why It’s Worth It

An average monthly electric bill ranges from $279 to $359 depending on your geographical location. Up to 48% of all energy consumed in the average home is used to heat or cool the home and a single Kilowatt of electricity costs an average of 12.12 cents. Thankfully, you do not have to spend large amounts of money every month to keep your home at a pleasant temperature. The tips outlined above and in the following infographic can help you save a significant amount of money while still keeping warm in the winter and cool in the summer.




Planning an Eco-Friendly Home? Here Are Some Tips!

An eco-friendly home is the best way to express your gratitude towards nature. Moreover, it also saves you a lot of money in giving energy bills. That’s why a greener home is a good choice to fulfill the energy needs of your home without destroying the environment.

planning an eco friendly home

Modern technology offers you huge options for eco-friendly materials. But if you are confused where to take a start then consider the following post.

Seal Doors and Windows Properly

If your windows and doors are poorly sealed then this allows the air to flow in and out of the home. This puts load on the heating and cooling systems of your home and they have to work harder in order to maintain a particular temperature. This means simply waste of energy and money.

So, save energy and money by choosing quality doors and windows that don’t put stress on the heating and cooling system of your home.

An Efficient Duct System Can Save Costs

If you have efficient duct systems at your place then your heating and cooling costs will get reduced to great extent. Around 20% of the air that flows through duct systems of your home gets lost because of leaks and poor connections. Thus, sealing duct system can help you to save energy and energy bills.

Make Use of Solar Energy for Your Home

Instead of installing clay or asphalt tiles for your home it’s better to get solar panel roof tiles for your home. Clay or asphalt tiles are subject to environmental and temperature strain and also are not an eco-friendly choice. Thus, get in touch with a company which provides photovoltaic solar panels that can cover the entire roof. This is a good choice to satisfy the energy needs of your home without big energy bills.

Don’t Ignore Insulation

Poor insulation leads to large heating and cooling losses in your home. Rather poor insulation only leads to utilization of more energy than needed because poor insulation makes heat exchange easier.

So, get quality insulation for your home so that the insulation continues to control your home’s temperature for years. A good home builder will guide you to find the suitable insulation for your eco-friendly home.

Choose Efficient Lighting Systems

Lightning is important but if you use energy efficient devices then you can cut down your electricity/AC bills. Install only Energy Star certified light bulbs and fixtures so that less energy is utilized and more bill is saved.

Also try to use natural light and avoid installing extra bulbs here and there in your home.

Eco-Friendly Faucet Fixtures

As per World Health Organization, one in three people are suffering due to lack of sufficient water resources. Thus, you can do your part to solve this problem of water scarcity by using the water only which you need and not wasting it. Installing water-efficient faucets can help solving more than half of the problem. Electronic faucets are also an eco-friendly choice as they will prevent water wastage by allowing water to run only when required.

According to EPA.gov, around 10,000 gallons water gets wasted every year due to household leaks and if these leaks are fixed it would lead to reduction of 10% of water bills.

Author Bio: – Dan Kogan is owner of NY handyman NYC, one of the leading handyman in New York City, with more than 20 years of experience. He is passionate about all things related to home improvement and fixes all the things around your home.

How to Properly Service Your Hot Water Systems

hot water system

Focused on other big house-related maintenances, most people forget their hot water systems and left them unchecked for years and years. This leads to damages and leaks that can seriously harm your pipes and cost a lot of money, but also – and this aspect is often overlooked – affects your consumption of energy. Knowing that this system accounts for about 33% of the overall energy use, ignoring it is one of the worst things you can do. In order to maintain it properly, you have to know a few basics.

Properly Adjusted Slope

In general, all hot water systems include radiators, pipes and boilers that have to be in synch, properly connected and assembled in accordance with the highest standards. One of the things to pay the most attention to is the slope – unless it is well adjusted, your system will not work properly and will require frequent repairs.

Some of the most common indicators of an improper slope are hammering noises coming from your system, its inability to heat water and, ultimately, cold radiators around your home. If you want to fix this, contact an expert or just fasten the pipes and radiators yourself and check if all parts of the system are titled.

Adjust the Level of Water

water system repairWhen it comes to the water level in a hot water system, there is no precise way to determine it, but the rule of thumb tells us that the boiler should be about half full – or half empty, depending on how you see it. The reason for this is simple: too much water will minimize the much needed empty space in the top part of the tank, while a level that is too low will just not produce enough heat. That is why the golden mean is really ideal in this case.

If you, however, you notice that the water level is low, something needs to be done. These issues require professional assistance, so you should call an expert, we learn from the people who run Dial Up Plumbing. They need to close your water supply and check the water level for a period of three or four days in order to diagnose the problem accurately.

Expansion Tank Purpose and Safety Measures

Expansion tank might easily be the most important part of your hot water system, but it is also the part the majority of people pay little to no attention to. This tank is most frequently installed in the basement – it is hung from the ceiling – or, alternatively, in the attic especially with older systems.

The purpose of an expansion tank is to contain and control the heated water that goes into the hot water system.

Of course, the temperature of this water needs to be well above the temperature of boiling water. Only such water ensures proper heating, but it is the expansion tank that makes sure it is not converted into steam by carefully keeping it under pressure. This is why tanks need enough air as well, in order to prevent accidents, explosions and pressure-related problems. In order to ensure proper functioning, tanks should be inspected and replaced when needed, as well as drained if filled with too much water.

Finally: An Annual Check-up

If you notice that your pipes are colder than they should be, it is probably because they are clogged and need to be flushed. Moreover, the entire system should be flushed annually if you want it to be clean and ensure proper water flow. Remember how important the hot water system is to you during the winter and you will have no problem finding motivation to maintain it.

Save Green: 4 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bill

Save Green 4 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Energy Bill

Reducing your energy bill doesn’t have to require you to make significant sacrifices in the way that you live your life. Making simple changes and investing in new technologies to help you better manage your home can help you save substantially on your utility bills. Take advantage of new smart home technology and soon you’ll find that your power bill more than makes up for itself over the course of a year.

Smart Home Technology

You don’t need a complete smart home solution to benefit from smart home technology. Instead, you can just purchase a few appliances or outlets that you use most to help reduce your output. There are wall adapters that you can plug your devices into, and then you can control those devices using a mobile app. This is also helpful for when you go on vacation, and you want to create the impression that someone is still home.

Programmable Thermostat

If you would like something a little more low-key and automated, consider getting a weekly programmable thermostat. A thermostat that is digital and that you can set manually can help you automatically save money, and you can even save on the startup costs with a Discountrue coupon for AliExpress. Set the thermostat to automatically rise or fall a few degrees before you come home, and make sure it’s just the right temperature when you return.

Stock Your Refrigerator

Aim to keep your refrigerator at least 75 percent stocked to keep costs down. When you keep items in your refrigerator, they cool to the desired temperature. While the refrigerator has to work harder initially, once you cool down the items in the refrigerator, it won’t have to work as hard to maintain temperature. The same is true of your freezer. Keep ice bags or ice blocks inside your freezer to keep it full.

Use Candles in the Winter

During the winter, make use of candles to help heat up your house before you sleep at night. Surprisingly, candles are an affordable way to produce a noticeable bit of heat. There are even candle wreaths you can purchase to greatly increase the heat production. The amount of heat produced by a set of candles can offset some of the cost associated with running your heater.

Try to keep your thermostat at about 78 degrees in the summer and 68 degrees in the winter. These settings can help you get the most out of your cooling and heating system while saving you money. It’s estimated that you can shave six to eight percent off your energy bill in the summer for each degree higher than 78 you set your thermostat to.

Guest Post By:

Anica Oaks

Freelance writer and web enthusiast
Read some of my published work on my Google+ page.

An Insight into Energy-Efficient Windows

energy efficient windows

In the wake of winter, most homeowners begin to dread the prospects of high energy bills and inadequately heated living areas. Even with seamless weather-stripping and optimal external and internal insulation, there will always be a few phantom heat leaks that may compromise the comfort of your home.

As a general rule, windows are the biggest heat outlet and if not outfitted with the right type of panes, they can considerably up your electricity bills without providing warmth that goes with the price. To keep freezing temperatures and high energy expenses at bay this winter, opt for energy-efficient windows with either double- or triple-glazing. If the idea sounds worth a go, here are some retrofit window basics to help you pick the right set of new panes for your home.

How energy-efficient windows work

Double-glazed windows consist of two panes separated by a gap (usually 16 millimeters wide). The air trapped between the two glass sheets is filled with either air or gas and functions as an insulating block which prevents escape of heat. Triple-glazed windows have three panes of glass, each separated from the other by an air- or gas-filled space, and they often provide better insulation than their double-glazed counterparts.

Top benefits of retrofit windows

In addition to keeping the house warm and reducing electricity bills, this retrofit also entail a lower carbon footprint than the traditional option, which it more earth-friendly, we learn from Melbourne-based retailers of double glazed windows. Other known benefits include fewer draughts, lower external noise levels and minimal condensation. On top of that, double- and triple-glazed windows are very durable and can last up to 20 years, which translates as higher long-term savings.

Retrofit glass and gap filling options

When choosing energy-efficient windows, pay attention to BFRC ratings, and if possible, opt for low-emissivity panes internally coated by metal oxide to minimize loss of heat while ensuring ample sunlight. Other features to keep an eye out on when shopping for new windows include use of internal gasses (such as argon, krypton or xenon) and pane spacers known as warm edges which should contain little or no metal for maximum heat loss prevention.

Window frame types used in earth-friendly windows

Energy-efficient windows are available in four main frame types, i.e. uPVC, wood, composite and aluminum/steel framing. While uPVC and aluminum/steel frames are recyclable, slenderenergy efficient replacement windows and provide a lengthy lifespan, wooden frames entail minimal environmental impact but they also require proper maintenance. Composite framing, on the other hand, requires less maintenance and is extremely weatherproof thanks to its internal timber structure with plastic or aluminum coating.

ABC of energy and U-value ratings

Most double- and triple-glazed windows are rated according to their energy efficiency. The energy performance scale devised by the British Fenestration Rating Council runs from A to G, A-rated windows boasting highest heat retention. In addition to the window energy rating, you should also check the U-values shown on the label and pick the panes with lowest U-values as they entail minimal heat loss and improved insulation features.

Ventilation aspects of earth-friendly windows

Retrofit windows are air-tighter than standard panes, so you should strive to keep your home properly aired to prevent condensation buildup. If your house is lacking in adequate ventilation features, consider either regularly airing the rooms or choosing windows with trickle frame vents. If condensation continues to build up despite your best efforts, your household may be suffering from a damp problem which you will need to tackle on your own or hire experts to fix it for you.

Winter is just around the corner, but days of warmth and comfort are not gone. With the right set of windows, you home will stay cozy and well-heated even with blizzards  raging outside – so go ahead and replace your panes with retrofit glazing while the weather still allows it.


4 Window Types to Match Your Personal Aesthetic

Modern dining room with wide windows and spiral staircase.
The windows are essentially the eyes of your home. They serve an extremely important function but can also have a dramatic effect on enhancing the outward appearance if you choose the appropriate style and the right dressings. When you are planning on installing new replacement windows, you need to consider efficiency, cost, your home’s architecture and also your personal aesthetic. While the standard window does serve its purpose, here are four different types that will say a lot about your taste.

The Bay Window for the Artist at Heart

Home improvement window replacementThe bay window is highly sought after because it has such an artistic effect. Originating from the German word meaning ‘the ledge in the wall’, it contributes to the home’s exterior appeal while giving homeowners a unique panoramic view of their surroundings from inside their living space. Generally, bay windows have three openings that vary in sizes. The center ‘picture’ window is unobstructed and the surrounding windows on either side are smaller set a mood and will become a real focus in the design of your home interior.

The Bow Window for Another Kind of Beautiful

A bow window is another type of window that acts as a focal point inside of the home and transforms the exterior as well. While bow windows may appear to be bay windows at first glance, they are actually designed for homeowners who want an open space that feels fresh and open. Bow windows have a semi-circular outer structure that is best suited for homes that need more natural light and that have more room for additional panes. They are also unique in the sense that they can wrap around the corner of a home, so you can have views from two different angles.

The Wood Window for a Practical and Classical Design

The wood window is a beautiful and long-lasting option for homeowners who want a classical design and who want to benefit from the practicality of the material. With a variety of wood choices that range from pine and oak to mahogany and maple, the color and finishes that you choose can compliment any type of space that you would like to look timeless, inviting and charming.

Casement Windows for Clean Lines and Function

If you want a more modern appearance where the space is designed solely on clean lines, casement windows from companies like Five Star Windows Inc. are a great accent that will let home improvement new windowsnatural light in. In addition to allowing homeowners to compliment the sleek lines in their interior design, the window will allow more air to blow through the home while they are open and provide a more open view of nature.

Everyone has their own personal aesthetic. You may like a refined and modern look or a classical application that will never go out of style. Be sure to compare several styles and only then can you decide on a replacement window and a professional installer.

Guest Post By:

Anica Oaks

Freelance writer and web enthusiast
Read some of my published work on my Google+ page.

Are You Prepared For The Mini Ice Age (Infographic)

Recent research suggests that by 2030 the UK and the USA could be entering a new “mini ice age”.  This isn’t an ice age at all, but does mean that winters could be harsher and summers colder.  This infographic guides you through the steps you need to take to make your life mini ice age proof!

Preparing For The Mini Ice Age by Cast Iron Radiators 4u
Preparing For The Mini Ice Age by Cast Iron Radiators 4u.

Is Your Home an Energy Hog? 4 Reasons for Your Sky-High Bill

is your home an energy hog

If your monthly energy bills have begun to spiral out of control, then it is time to start searching for inefficiencies around your house. Here is a look at some of the most common reasons that utility bills will skyrocket and what you can do to stop it.

1. Vampire Electronics

Families are often surprised to hear that vampire electronics could be costing them hundreds of dollars a year. This phrase is used to describe gadgets that consume a small amount of energy when they are plugged in but not being used. Connecting smaller devices to a power strip and then unplugging that single strip before heading to bed or leaving the house is a great way to solve this problem.

2. You Are Misusing Appliances

Appliances are an integral part of our life, but it is important that they are used correctly in order to avoid wasted energy. Two of the worst offenders are dishwashers and washing machines. Families should only run the dishwasher when it is completely full and keep it on the coldest settings whenever possible. The same can be said for washing machines that are often used to clean just a handful of clothes instead of being filled to the brim.

3. The Thermostat Is Set Incorrectly

Setting your thermostat just a few degrees in the wrong direction or leaving it on when no one is home can cost you thousands of dollars per year. The first thing that a family should do is invest in a smart or programmable thermostat to have more control over their home’s temperature. When a family is home and awake, the thermostat should be set at 78°F during the summer and 68°F during the winter.

4. Your HVAC System Needs Servicing

A home’s HVAC system is almost always the biggest energy hog, and these systems consume even more energy when they have not been recently serviced. Biannual service calls to Avery Heating & Air Conditioning or an HVAC provider near you will allow a technician to check for any damaged parts, change filters, lube moving parts, fill the coolants, check the accuracy of the thermostat, and give you an idea of when the system will need to be replaced.

Fixing just these four problems around your house could save you thousands of dollars on your energy bills every single year. In addition to saving some money, your family will also be reducing their carbon footprint and helping to protect the local and global environment.

Energy Efficient Wall Ideas for Green Home-owners

Domestic Cavity Wall Insulation
Image Source

Staying green by trying to save up on energy is not as difficult as it may sound. There are plenty ways of staying green while cutting costs and much hope exists when it comes to saving our planet in the near future, bit by bit. Walls are, as you know, the outer casing of a home. Protecting it from various weather conditions is not the only benefit the walls can provide.


A prime step towards being energy efficient, that which your walls are lined with, is the first thing to keep in mind. Depending on where your insulation will be placed and what type you’ve opted for, you can save up quite an amount of money. Sealing air leaks not only keeps you warmer, but prevents the constant need to get up and fiddle with your thermometer, thus making sure you remain green and keeping your pockets turned the right side in. Unfortunately, an often neglected factor, the Insulation is a key factor towards achieving and maintaining energy efficiency.

Siding and Wall Cladding

If walls are the outer shell of a building, siding is definitively the walls’ answer to human skin. The first line of defense from wind, rain and sun, how it’s applied has a direct influence on your house’s outer layer durability. Cladding systems that are energy efficient have a higher heat resistance, thus resulting in less energy spending. When it comes to protecting your walls (and on that note, your home), stone makes for an extremely durable type of exterior wall cladding. Requiring less energy to maintain the indoors temperature, siding and wall cladding are a great way to support energy efficiency. Therefore, it is of huge importance that you keep quality cladding in mind and reinforce your home’s first line of defense.

Wall cladding
Image Source

Green Walls

Green walls
Image Source: http://www.biotecture.uk.com/portfolio/grosvenor-house/

Not only will green walls make people turn their heads in interest, but are a fantastic way of staying energy efficient. Consisting of a frame, panels that are waterproof, irrigation systems and plants, this kind of your home’s outer shell is a great way to save up money, as well as energy. The frame is placed along the walls, making sure there’s air between them to avoid having to deal with moisture. Then, the panels are set up, as a means of holding the whole thing together. Green walls have a great deal to brag about. If you’ve covered your walls in green, you’ve chosen sustainability and durability. In addition to providing quality thermal and acoustic isolation, they work as natural air cleaners, even more so if you cover your home’s interior with them.

While staying green by keeping energy efficiency in mind may not come as a breeze after all, a bit more dedication and motivation are a low price to pay for all the benefits provided. Not only will your energy bill be kinder to you in the long term, but it’s a great and progressive
way to nurture a green consciousness in your mind. If you want to help raise global awareness and be that person that supports the trend of saving the Earth, one wall at the time, Think about keeping the last couple of paragraphs in mind.

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