
What To Do (And What Not to Do) if you Find Asbestos in Your Home

AsbestosAsbestos is a frightening word for a lot of people because we are all too aware of the dangerous consequences to our health that can be caused by asbestos exposure. Yet, many of us may not be aware that asbestos is present in the home and needs to be taken into consideration when doing any DIY or remodeling tasks. Here is the low-down on what to do and what not to do if you find asbestos in your home.

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a building material that was used in the construction of homes prior to 1980. It was often used in ceilings, air ducts, insulation, flooring and roofing materials. This naturally occurring mineral fibre was found to cause severe health problems if the spores were inhaled and so it is no longer used in the construction of buildings. The problem is that it isn’t easy to tell whether a material contains asbestos or not so anyone undertaking DIY projects in the home need to proceed with caution.

Dispelling the myths

The fact is many homes contain asbestos in their construction materials. It is easy to become alarmed at the suggestion your home may contain asbestos but there is often confusion and misunderstanding about this widely-feared material.

Provided that the asbestos is left intact and untouched and it remains in a good condition, then it should not do you any harm. It is only when the asbestos is damaged or disturbed that harmful asbestos spores may be inadvertently released and inhaled.

If you are unsure whether your home contains asbestos, then you’ll need to get a trained professional in who can undertake sample analysis for you. Never attempt to try and do this yourself as you may only disturb, damage or release the dangerous asbestos spores.

What if you find asbestos in your home?

Do not touch the asbestos – leave it alone. If you are undertaking any DIY activities in that area Be sure to prepare for home renovationsproceed with caution to ensure you don’t disturb it. Limit access to the area.

Don’t saw or drill holes into asbestos-containing materials and never dust or sweep debris that may contain asbestos. Don’t walk this material all over the house as you are increasing the proliferation of the spores. Instead, clean any offending areas with a wet mop.

If your flooring contains asbestos, then don’t use a power stripper on it or try to sand it. If you need flooring replaced that contains asbestos, then install new floor covering over it.

What if the asbestos is damaged?

Damaged asbestos requires professional intervention so always leave it to the experts. If you suspect asbestos damage, then get on it right away. It will either need repairing or removing. Repairing usually involves sealing or covering the asbestos. Removal is usually the last option as it’s a complex procedure but may be necessary if you are planning a major remodeling project to your home.

If you are unsure about whether your home has asbestos or whether it may be damaged and likely to cause harm, always consult a professional. It can never hurt to seek professional advice and be sure rather than take the risk of damaging your and your family’s health.

Guest Post By:

Article written by A. Elliott, a writer with an interest in interior design and home improvement, this article was written for Ashbrook Roofing, specialists in roofing supplies.

Guide to Giving Your Interior Doors a Makeover

Interior door makeover
Picture courtesy of http://eleanorbusing.com/still-swooning-painted-interior-doors/

Gone are the days where doors were just gateways to a different room; now they can be beautiful, elegant, quirky or unique pieces of art that can brighten an otherwise dull room. Need some ideas of current trends and styles to help you create your own designer door? These creative ideas should help you get started.

• First, you’ll need to properly prep your door before you start painting, especially if you plan on using darker paints. If you are unsure what to use to prep, ask a professional who may be able to recommend types depending on your design.

When you start painting your door always brush in the direction of the grain, starting from the top of the door painting your way down as you do.

• Looking for a fun quirky designs but change your mind all the time? Try using blackboard paint to make a blackboard door! You can design a new door everyday if you feel like it! Not only is it fun and different, but it can be really useful! Do you tend to forget your keys, wallet or umbrella? Writing a reminder at eye level means you’ll never forget them as you walk out the door. Blackboard doors are great for homes with children; it doesn’t matter as much if they draw on this door.

• Using dark, deep colours on your door? Lift them out with a lighter colour as a trim. This works really well if the walls of your room match with the shades of colour on the door, creating a dramatic

but not distracting design. This can work really well reversed as well, with the dark colour as the trim and the lighter shade on the

door. Dark colours like brown or black also help to make a room look contemporary and chic as well as giving a room a warm, cozy atmosphere. How about if the colour scheme in your room is made up of neutral tones? In rooms like those, the colour black really makes

the door stand out.

• Caught in a dilemma? One side of your door is a dark, bold colour and the other side is a light,

bright shade; so which colour do you paint the edge? Most experts say paint the edge the same colour as the side of the door that opens inwards into a room. As long as you avoid painting it both colours, this just looks messy and unprofessional.

• Light colours like soft greys, beiges or creams worked with a distressed effect really give a room a vintage and feminine vibe especially if your door has moulding on it. These colours also work really well with a slight gloss coat; giving a room a more modern feel and also helping a room feel light and airy.

Interior door makeover
Picture courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/blessedlittlenest/

• Is your door in an awkward spot or is the room particularly small? Create the illusion of space and make your door ‘disappear’ by painting it the same colour as the rest of your walls.

Making over your doors is a great, low cost way of giving your home a face lift. It can give a plain room a focal point or a touch of elegance depending on what you choose to do with it. And don’t think that you have to just paint your doors one neutral colour. Try a design or colour that pushes you a little outside your comfort zone and you may be surprised with the results.
This article was written by Amy Elliott on behalf of UK Oak Doors, suppliers of authentic cottage doors.

A Quick Guide to Home Exterior Makeovers

What Can You Do To Makeover Your Home’s Exterior?

A Quick Guide to Home Exterior Makeovers
image credit: Mr. T in DC http://www.flickr.com/photos/mr_t_in_dc/

When it comes to home makeovers and improvements, many people tend to focus on the inside of the home. But the often neglected exterior deserves an equal amount of attention and can give your home’s shell an instant facelift. With so many exterior makeover options at your fingertips, you’ll be hard pressed to know where to start.  Here’s a guide to get you going.

Why Focus on the Exterior?

A home exterior makeover gives the outside of your home an instant boost by increasing its’ curb appeal and attractiveness amongst your neighbors and passers-by. How your home looks from the outside is of paramount importance for home-sellers, as this forms the vital first impressions of your abode. So, what can you do to freshen up the look of your dwelling?

Lick of paint

There’s nothing like a lick of paint to liven and freshen up the exterior of your home. So, whether its window frames, your front door or brickwork that could do with painting, there are lots of exterior paint color choices to choose from. As well as the house itself, it’s important not to neglect other exterior features such as gates and fences which, for both aesthetic purposes and for maintenance, might need a new coat. Painting your home exterior is probably one of the easiest ways to freshen it up.

Replacement Windows

There's nothing like a lick of paint to liven and freshen up the exterior of your home
image credit: DanieVDM http://www.flickr.com/photos/dvdmerwe/

It’s amazing how much difference new windows can make to the look of a house so, if yours are looking past their sell by date, now could be the time to think about replacing them. It’s important to keep an eye on windows to check for rotting or any other issues that might cause you to seek replacement. As well as making your house look better, new windows can slash your fuel bills by keeping precious heat in the house.

Front Door

Your front door is the entrance to your home so it should give off the right kind of impression you want to create for your residence. Pay special attention to how it looks; invest in a new door or a lick of paint for an instant makeover. Make the most of the spaces around the sides of the front door to really set it off. Add plant pots, train a climbing shrub over the door, or add distinctive wall lights. Even just placing a tasteful doormat outside your front door can boost its appeal.


If you want to add long-term value to your home as well as increase the amount of living space you’ve got, then you could consider adding a conservatory to the exterior of your home – if suitable space allows for it. There are many different styles and types of conservatories so it’s worth doing some homework beforehand and getting a few quotes to give you different options to mull over.

Attention in the Detail

A home exterior makeover project needn’t necessarily cost a lot of money to achieve.  Simply tidying up the outside areas, sweeping the path, picking up any litter, mowing the lawn, and weeding and pruning can make huge differences to how the outside of your home looks. Paying attention to detail gives your home a cared-for feel about it. But, you might want to add a bit of originality and flair to your exterior to make it stand out from all of your neighbors. You could consider adding a garden statue, a classic sun-dial, water feature, quirky ornaments of unusual shapes or a distinctive birdbath.

Guest Post By:

Article written by A. Elliott; a writer with an interest in interior design and home improvement, she occasionally writes for Stormclad Home Improvements.

If you need help with your home makeover, please give us a call at 914-576-2572 or contact us for a free in home consultation!

DIY Projects to Avoid

Should You Tackle A DIY Project Or Hire A Professional?

bricklayingDIY projects can be a lot of fun and, when you do a good job of one, it gives you a huge sense of accomplishment. Many homeowners make their first forays into the world of DIY in an attempt to save money and, while there are a lot of basic jobs that everyone should learn to do, there are some tasks that are best left to the experts.  Here is a quick look at some of the most dangerous DIY projects  and why you should give them a wide berth.

Major Plumbing Jobs

There’s a big difference between fixing a leaking tap and moving some pipes.  As plumbing jobs increase in complexity, they become massively more risky.  Not only does moving or changing pipes often require cutting out parts of your wall, it also requires a good knowledge of how your plumbing works and how to safely install the new pipes so that you don’t end up with a leak a few months down the line. To do the job well, you will need specialist equipment.

When plumbing goes wrong it can get messy and, if you end up with a leak that comes into contact with your electrical wiring, it can also become very dangerous. It will be faster, cheaper and safer to let an expert do the job.

Electrical Work

Electricity may seem like a safe and familiar thing – after all, it powers the devices you use every single day. However, if it’s not handled correctly it can be lethal.

Everyone should learn how to change a fuse and re-wire a plug (and even these tasks carry risks), but major wiring changes are a different matter. Building regulations require most home wiring jobs to be carried out by a qualified, licensed electrician. If you attempt any major works you could well be breaking the law and end up with a property that you cannot sell until the work is checked by a qualified person.  Get the work done right the first time to avoid any potential problems.


It’s one thing to raise a flower bed with a few bricks or even lay your own patio, but tackling a bigger building project, or something that can be clearly seen from the street is another matter.  Building a wall out of bricks might seem like a simple job, but if you don’t know what you’re doing that wall could come tumbling down after a few days of bad weather.

Even if you do manage to build a structurally sound wall, are you sure it will look good?  How long will the project take you?  Why spend an entire week on a project that a professional could do in a day or two?  If you can afford the materials it makes sense to spend a little extra to ensure that they are used to create something attractive that will last for many years.

Knocking Down Walls

When remodeling our homes it can be very tempting to skip steps especially when it comes to knocking down walls. Why pay for a professional when all you need is a sledge hammer? How wrong can you go destroying a wall? The answer is: very wrong. And in the end it might be more than the wall you destroy. It’s important to get a professional in who understands the structure of the building and can remodel your home without making it unsafe. After all, you don’t want to go knocking down any load-bearing walls for the sake of saving a little money.

Cutting Down Trees

This is probably one of the most dangerous tasks that you could do yourself. Chainsaws are powerful tools and, in Cutting down trees can be a very dangerous task!the wrong hands, can be deadly weapons. Not being trained to use one or having the right experience puts you and others in great danger. Additionally, there is the risk of the tree falling on you, someone else, a building or a car.

Most people take on these jobs with the belief that they are going to save money. Unfortunately, mistakes, damage and sometimes injury and even death prove quite the opposite. If every job could be easily done by anyone there would be no need for qualified professionals.

Guest Post By:

Article written by A. Elliott; a writer with an interest in interior design and home improvement, she occasionally writes for Vibrant Doors, suppliers of internal and external doors.

Amy makes a lot of good points in this article.  There are lots of DIY Projects that homeowners can easily complete.  The ones listed above are really best handled by professionals.  We agree that they CAN be dangerous and not worth the risk.  What are your thoughts about these DIY Projects?
Gary B.

Risks of DIY Electrical Work

Risks of DIY Electrical Work
Image credit: kk+ http://www.flickr.com/photos/kk/

Electric shock, house fires, and possible death; even this isn’t always enough to deter people from doing DIY electrical work.

Hiring an electrician can be expensive so it’s easy to see why many are tempted to try and undertake their own electrical work around the home. Whatever your motive might be, trying to perform DIY work without the proper training can be a dangerous endeavor.

In the USA alone, there are as many as 26,100 electrical fire related incidents and $1 billion in property losses in a typical year.

Listed below are some common risks and why you should proceed with care when attempting any type of electrical work in your home.

Wrong Type of Electrical Wire

Many people make the error of using the wrong gauge of electrical wire when wiring. This is a common cause of electrical fires as it can cause overheating and shorting of the fuse.

Ill-fitting Plugs and Sockets

This may seem like the simplest electrical task but it’s surprising how many people do not fit them tightly enough. Leaving gaps in the sockets can cause loose wiring and arcing which puts them at risk of overheating and poses a great fire risk.

Wrong Bulb Wattage

Many people are unknowingly using a too high wattage bulb in their light bulbs and may not realize until it is too late. Even using a bulb one wattage higher than what the socket can handle could make the bulb explode or catch alight.

Using the Wrong Fuse

Again, this is a relatively simple task that many people do themselves regularly. But the danger here is that many people do not use the correct fuse for the appliance they are using which can again cause house fires. It is important, if you do insist on changing your own fuse; to make sure it is compatible with the appliance you are using it in.

Repairing Instead of Replacing

Many of us at some point will be tempted to try and repair old or damaged wiring on appliances especially if we use them often. Wiring should always be replaced and not repaired and should be done by someone who is a qualified for repairing that particular appliance. Any old or damaged wiring is a fire hazard, even more so if tampered with by someone without the appropriate training.

Overloading Plug Sockets

Another common cause of fires in the home is overloading plug sockets. Particularly in the case of extension leads, having more than one extension lead plugged into a 2 socket wall outlet is exceeding the amp capacity for the plug socket. This is another fire hazard as it can cause overheating. Never overload a plug socket and avoid leaving multiple things plugged in that you are not using.

Safety Checklist

4 important things to remember;

  • Don’t overload plug sockets
  • Don’t keep things plugged in unnecessarily
  • Check wires for fraying and wear and tear
  • Take good care of appliances

Hiring a Contractor

When hiring an electrical contractor always do your research and make sure that they are up to date with their qualifications and the new safety regulations as these can change regularly. Word of mouth is always a good method of finding a reputable and fully qualified electrician. If unsure, hiring a contractor through a professional federation is the most reliable way of all. They can give you a list of all approved contractors in your local area. When you have found a contractor, try and agree on a price for the job and not an hourly rate. This can save you money and headaches in the long run.

Guest Post By:

Article written by A. Elliott; a writer with an interest in home improvement and interior design, she occasionally writes for Juice Electrical, electrical wholesalers specializing in energy saving products.

Have you had a DIY Project go wrong?  Share your story below and maybe you’ll help someone else from making the same mistake.



Top Tips on Maximizing Office Space

Top Tips on Maximizing Office SpaceThe current economic state means that everyone, including businesses, are trying to cut costs as painlessly as possible. Companies that may have been thinking about a move to a larger premises are instead trying to make the best possible use of the space they already have available. Small businesses that want to expand their staff, but do not want to move premises, are also looking to maximize space. Document storage and staff personal space are just a few of the things that need to be addressed when you are trying to create more space.

Tip One: Home and Office Working

If your staff numbers are growing, but due to the cost implications your available space remains the same, consider different ways of working. Rather than reducing the personal space of your office staff too much, why not have a couple of days a week when staff members can work at home. You could run this “scheme” in such a way that everyone gets a turn thus increasing the amount of space available for staff working in the office.

Tip Two: Use Work Stations

If you have a bit of money to spare for investing in some assets, why not replace normal office desks with work stations. Work stations require less space than a conventional desk and chair. Those staff members who do not need regular access to large sets of files, but can work with just a telephone and computer, could just as easily operate from a work station.

Changing work patterns are becoming the norm rather than the exception and can help cut business costs. Most people are quite happy to work from home a couple of days a week or month depending on your staffing levels and how much space is required.

Tip Three: Documents

Twenty years ago when computers started to appear in offices all over the country the idea of the paperless office began to circulate. In spite of the fact that most work is carried out online, there is still a need for businesses to keep hard copies of many of their documents. An increasing number of businesses now store many of their older documents off site with the help of companies that offer document storage services.

Over time, files and filing cabinets take up an increasing amount of space. Businesses are required to keep certain documents for several years so the ability to store the documents off site is convenient and paying for document storage will make far less of a dent in your budget than moving to new premises.

Tip Four: Better Use of Available Space

No matter what other steps you take, every business has a certain amount of space available to them and needs to assess how they use that space. If, for example, you have an extra room that is used for the occasional meeting, why not make use of it at other times. You could have some office shelving and filling cabinets in the spare room as this will give you more space in the main office areas.

If you have salesmen or other staff members that work off site but need to be in the office occasionally, let them use the meeting room. Take note about what is being done with the space and how you could make better use of it.

Simply moving office furniture around is a good place to start. Most offices will find that the actual layout is probably not the most optimal in terms of space and will then go on to find that there are many other steps that can be taken in order to make the best possible use of every inch available.

So before packing up and moving on to the next place, consider the few changes you could make that could make all the difference.

Guest Post By:

Article written by A. Elliott; a writer with an interest in interior design and home improvement, she occasionally writes for Whitefield’s Document Storage.

We LOVE these tips for making the most out of the space you have!  What do you think?  Do you have any tips that you’d like to add?  We’d love to hear them!

Choosing a Boiling Water Tap

quooker-basic-boiling-hot-water-tap-pro3-vaq-mediumBoiling water taps are popular in the UK, Australia and the US. They vary according to options, make and model; the simplest supplement would be to use your existing sink arrangement. More complex taps have options for chilled, cold, hot and boiling water—it can be purified or filtered, and the most advanced among boiling taps have touch screen interfaces. Below, you’ll learn some of the benefits of the boiling water tap and the primary differences between brands.

Hot Water When you Need It

As you may already know, a boiling water tap will give you instant hot water for soups, drinks, noodle dishes and flasks. It can reduce boil time for vegetables by up to half when compared to a gas or electric hob. With a boiling water tap, you’ll never need to wait for the kettle again!

Hot Water Taps Offer Filtering

Depending on your home’s plumbing, the water coming out of your new tap can be purified and filtered. You have a variety of options which depend on whether you want to purify all the water that comes into your home or just that which comes out of your tap. Every Quooker tap filters lead and other solids like limestone. There are even reverse-osmosis systems which also remove fluoride, chlorine and other impurities before your water is heated or chilled.

Add on to Your Sink, or Start Fresh

When you decide to add a boiling water tap, you can either install it in your current kitchen sink or you can buy one including a drip tray. If you’re a more advanced user, you can replace your existing hot/cold tap with a four-in-one setup which includes hot and cold, as well as chilled and boiling water. The highest-end taps from Quooker and other makers include features such as sparkling water dispensers and countertop touch panels. With a new hot water tap, you’ll have so much more than just a kitchen sink!

Like many other modern kitchen appliances, boiling water taps are very energy efficient because you’re only heating the exact amount of water you need. They’re vacuum-insulated and the best models consume just pennies in energy when in standby mode. The taps come in stylish designs to complement any kitchen and some are even height-adjustable.

There are a multitude of uses for a hot water tap from Insinkerator, Franke or Quooker, and users are coming up with new ones each day. You can boil water for the perfect cup of English tea, or you can easily blanch vegetables, cook pasta or heat up serving ware. Making coffee and preparing baby formula is a breeze! You can do all this and more in just a moment with a boiling water tap and, with its growing popularity, we can expect to see it become a regular feature of most kitchens in the years to come.

Guest Post By:

Article written by A. Elliott; a writer with an interest in home improvement and interior design.

Have questions?  Please comment below or contact us for more information.

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