Bathroom Plumbing Maintenance: The Essentials


One of the most frequented rooms in the house is the bathroom, so a plumbing system that functions properly is a basic requirement. We tend to take running water for granted as it’s conveniently there every time we open the faucet or flush the toilet. However, if the system is not well-maintained and a plumbing emergency arises, we become painfully aware of our dependency upon it.

In order to avoid such inconvenience and stress, all you need to do is regularly maintain the plumbing, from the toilet and showerheads to the faucets and drains. The small amount of your time and money that you invest in proper plumbing servicing will by far outweigh the risks and potentially high costs in case anything goes wrong.

Here are several simple tips that can help you maintain your home plumbing system better.

Repair leaks

Frequently, the main source of bathroom leaks is the toilet and it can be easily avoided by regular check-ups of the toilet tank. You need to make sure that the water level is normal and it isn’t overflowing. You can do that by checking the overflow pipe in the middle of the tank. This pipe is connected to a tube and if water is running over it, you need to adjust the fill valve so the water level stays at least one inch below the top of the overflow tube.

The next step is to add a few drops of food colouring into the tank to test the flush valve mechanism. If the water in the toilet bowl has changed colour after 15 minutes, it means that the ball or the flapper are leaking and you’ll need to have them replaced.

Another important tip is to avoid using your toilet bowl as a waste basket. Make sure all garbage such as cotton balls and swabs, sanitary products, diapers and make-up tissues are thrown in a proper trash bin and not in the bowl, as they can’t be dissolved and will clog the pipes.

If you notice any type of damp spots or discolouration on the floor or walls, it’s a sure sign that there’s a leak somewhere. You must react immediately. You might be able to fix a minor leak with your tool kit, but if there’s a more serious problem, don’t hesitate to get professional help. Reliable experts, as this plumber servicing Canberra, will surely know what to do in cases of blocked drains, burst pipes, leaking taps or toilets and problems with heating and hot water supply.


Prevent clogging

The best measure of prevention you can perform yourself is making sure that clogging doesn’t happen. Simply use strainers in tubs and showers to catch hair and soap chips, and clean them regularly. Also, run hot water down the drain once a week to keep it flowing freely. Once a month, pour down a mixture of vinegar and baking soda down the drain. Let it stay for 10 minutes, and rinse away with hot water. This will help the pipes stay clean and prevent unpleasant odours.

Maintain the faucets and showerheads

The sources of your running water, faucets and showerheads, greatly influence the comfort and success of your bathroom experience. Firstly make sure there are no leaks, as dripping faucets can waste up to 11000 litres of water per year.

The second problem you might have is low flow and it’s usually caused by lime build-up and mineral deposits inside the aerator or showerhead. Both can be easily disassembled and carefully cleaned with a brush. This will remove sediment and allow free water flow.

Dedicating a portion of your time and effort to regular maintenance of your plumbing will help keep the system in pristine condition. It will also contribute to the reduction of water consumption in your home and make it more sustainable and energy efficient. In the long run, you’ll have lower utility bills and minimal impact on the environment.