Make Your Own DIY Flower-Inspired Home Decoration

Make Your Own DIY Flower-Inspired Home DecorationFeeling crafty enough today? How about some ideas for flowery decoration? Fresh flowers arranged with a clear vision all around your home will certainly make it look welcoming. A well-known fact is that seeing bright colours around brings good mood. It’s all in the way humans perceive the world. So, colours can be associated with flowers (the rhyme is unintentional but fits perfectly). Not only are they beautiful but some of them also carry their own fragrance as a bonus. Now that winter is knocking at the door and your mood seems to get gloomier, so as the weather outside, you can bring spring and summer to your home by decorating it with flower motifs.

It’s always better to have fresh flowers around arranged in a vase that contributes to the overall look of the bouquet without stealing the glam out of the focal point – the head of the floral arrangement. Needless to say, it will look stunning, but this is the most usual thing that can be seen in a home. It’s not that it doesn’t look pretty, but let’s think out of the box and find other ways to use flowers as part of a home decoration.

A combination of candles and flowers sounds tempting enough not to be shown to you. How exactly will they be synchronized in order to make the perfect match? It’s all about imagination, as a beginning. Decorating candles with dry and pressed flowers is an idea that definitely deserves your attention. It’s obvious that you should have dried the flowers beforehand. For this purpose, you may place the flowers in between books and wait for them to dry. This will only work with flat blooms. You can add some dried leaves as well to make the design you’re aiming for more interesting. What you should do is embed the flowers/leaves onto the candle and then dip this in heated clear wax. Voila! There you have a one-of-its-kind flower design on your candle.

And since we are on the topic of dried flowers, there is something else you can do with them. This thing requires having a picture frame. You’ve already guessed what is suggested here. Placing the pressed flowers in a frame, perhaps a vintage one, with some kind of a paper as a background, or even a drawing, is a way to make your home look more chic and less ordinary. The thought that you did this yourself will warm your heart each time you look at your creation.

How does the idea of a floral lampshade sound to you? Perfect! Let’s make one, then. You won’t believe how easy it actually is. What you’ll need is some fake flowers to glue onto the lampshade. This is all it takes. You can put as many as you want and in the colour you prefer. It will surely add a romantic feel your bedroom.

A floral napkin ring is the next thing you can use fake flowers for. Choose ones that look fancy. It’s preferable to use flowers made of silk because, this way, the result of your project will look more delicate. Regular napkin rings will do perfectly. You just have to glue or sew the flower on them. Your guests will be astonished at this presentation, especially when you tell them you did it yourself.

Now that you have the ideas, start applying them in order to create unique pieces that will certainly adorn you home.

Guest post by:

Daisy Hart is a writer and blogger with great flair for flowers and flower decoration. She is focused on writing the best possible way and is constantly searching for new sources of inspiration. Her present article treats: flowerdelivery home decorating flowers thematic.