Making a Space ‘Your Own’

personal spaceNo matter who you are or where you live, it’s important to have a personal space that fits your personality. Maybe this place is where you go to relax, or maybe it’s where you like to entertain guests. Whatever it is, it should reflect who you are even if it is in a rental home where decorations are limited.

Creating your own personal space sounds like an easy task. After all, nobody knows you better than you know yourself. Unfortunately, this is often one of those things that seem easy until you sit down to do it. It’s quite possible that your resources are limited or that you live in a rental home or an apartment that doesn’t allow drastic redecorating. Nevertheless, everyone can benefit from making a space their own and there is always a way to go about that.

If you are interested in establishing your own space and redecorating it to better reflect who you are, here are some tips that should help.

Think About What You Want in Your Space

Before you do anything with your personal space, you should have some idea about what you want yogato put in it. If you enjoy reading, you might want to have a comfortable place to sit and read while you are surrounded by bookshelves and your favorite books. If you are into yoga and meditation, you might want a sparsely decorated room with incense and soft pillows. Music lovers may want some high-tech stereo equipment, and artists may want a place to paint or sculpt. You know who you are and what your favorite things are and that will go a long way in deciding how you want to design your personal space.

Add Some Kind of Enclosure

If you want your personal space to be private, make sure it’s behind some kind of enclosure. If your space doesn’t have a closing door, consider putting up a divider or a curtain over the doorway to give yourself some privacy. You might even be able to use a bookshelf or other piece of furniture as a partition in a larger space if you wish.

Consider the Lighting

A space’s lighting can make a big difference in how it is used and how it feels. If you want a place to read or do arts and crafts, you will want a lot of light. If you are establishing a place to relax, dimmer light might work better.

One last thing to consider if you are living in an apartment or a rental home is that you shouldn’t be afraid to redecorate to create your own personal space. Many landlords won’t allow painting or drastic redecorating, but in the end it is still your space as long as you are paying rent and living there. It’s your home, and it should still be a reflection of who you are. Many landlords will allow you to make minor changes as long as you discuss them first.

Making a space your own can be both easier and more difficult than it appears. On one hand, you know who you are and what you want out of a space better than anybody else, but people tend to balk when they are suddenly given the freedom to do whatever they want. At the same time, it can be very exciting. This is your chance to create your own perfect safe haven and you should never be afraid to embrace that.

This article was contributed by Chase Roberts, home & garden connoisseur, personal decorator, and all-around handyman. Chase recommends Home Exterior Systems, a Houston-based company offering custom-made windows that helps make your home your own.