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Top Tips on Maximizing Office Space

Top Tips on Maximizing Office SpaceThe current economic state means that everyone, including businesses, are trying to cut costs as painlessly as possible. Companies that may have been thinking about a move to a larger premises are instead trying to make the best possible use of the space they already have available. Small businesses that want to expand their staff, but do not want to move premises, are also looking to maximize space. Document storage and staff personal space are just a few of the things that need to be addressed when you are trying to create more space.

Tip One: Home and Office Working

If your staff numbers are growing, but due to the cost implications your available space remains the same, consider different ways of working. Rather than reducing the personal space of your office staff too much, why not have a couple of days a week when staff members can work at home. You could run this “scheme” in such a way that everyone gets a turn thus increasing the amount of space available for staff working in the office.

Tip Two: Use Work Stations

If you have a bit of money to spare for investing in some assets, why not replace normal office desks with work stations. Work stations require less space than a conventional desk and chair. Those staff members who do not need regular access to large sets of files, but can work with just a telephone and computer, could just as easily operate from a work station.

Changing work patterns are becoming the norm rather than the exception and can help cut business costs. Most people are quite happy to work from home a couple of days a week or month depending on your staffing levels and how much space is required.

Tip Three: Documents

Twenty years ago when computers started to appear in offices all over the country the idea of the paperless office began to circulate. In spite of the fact that most work is carried out online, there is still a need for businesses to keep hard copies of many of their documents. An increasing number of businesses now store many of their older documents off site with the help of companies that offer document storage services.

Over time, files and filing cabinets take up an increasing amount of space. Businesses are required to keep certain documents for several years so the ability to store the documents off site is convenient and paying for document storage will make far less of a dent in your budget than moving to new premises.

Tip Four: Better Use of Available Space

No matter what other steps you take, every business has a certain amount of space available to them and needs to assess how they use that space. If, for example, you have an extra room that is used for the occasional meeting, why not make use of it at other times. You could have some office shelving and filling cabinets in the spare room as this will give you more space in the main office areas.

If you have salesmen or other staff members that work off site but need to be in the office occasionally, let them use the meeting room. Take note about what is being done with the space and how you could make better use of it.

Simply moving office furniture around is a good place to start. Most offices will find that the actual layout is probably not the most optimal in terms of space and will then go on to find that there are many other steps that can be taken in order to make the best possible use of every inch available.

So before packing up and moving on to the next place, consider the few changes you could make that could make all the difference.

Guest Post By:

Article written by A. Elliott; a writer with an interest in interior design and home improvement, she occasionally writes for Whitefield’s Document Storage.

We LOVE these tips for making the most out of the space you have!  What do you think?  Do you have any tips that you’d like to add?  We’d love to hear them!

Smart spending tips for spring home improvements

Tips to help you save on Spring home improvement projects:

home improvement tipsSpring home improvement season is on the way, and if you’re like most homeowners you have a list of jobs you want to accomplish. Some will be small, economical do-it-yourself projects. Others may require the services of a professional and a greater monetary investment. However you accomplish your home improvement plans, it’s important to do so as cost-effectively as possible.

To make the most of your home improvement projects this spring, take these five steps:

1. Define what you want to do. Be precise and detailed in exactly what you want to accomplish. Going into a home improvement project without a clear vision of the end result means you’ll be making decisions on the fly – and that’s the type of decision-making that can become costly. Knowing exactly what the scope of your project will be can help you better estimate the costs and stay on track with your budget and objectives.

2. Decide if you can do it yourself or need to hire a pro. Yes, DIY can save you dough, but only if you can do the job right the first time. Fixing mistakes can cost more in the long run than hiring a professional. Be honest with yourself about your DIY capabilities, and if a project is beyond your scope, look for a pro to help.

3. Make sure you’re hiring a reputable contractor. While the majority of home improvement contractors are honorable and just trying to earn an honest living, there are also less reliable ones out there, too. Doing business only with companies or contractors who are licensed and bonded can help you weed out the scam artists. Always seek independent reviews of any contractor you may hire. Don’t just rely on the references he or she provides.

4. Create a budget for your project, communicate it to your contractor and make sure he or she understands you’re committed to staying on budget. Good contractors know how to balance quality concerns and cost constraints and will work with you to avoid cost overruns. Your budget should lay out how much you will spend on materials and labor, with some “wiggle room” left over to cover emergencies or necessary changes.

5. Check your credit. It would be great to pay cash for everything your home needs, but it’s not always possible. It’s likely you’ll need to fund larger projects with credit, so it’s important to understand your credit status before you apply for any kind of loan or line of credit. Knowing your credit score and what’s on your credit report can help you better understand the likelihood of you getting the loan you need and what terms you might expect to get on a loan.

Spring is a great time to make improvements that will increase your home’s resale value and your enjoyment of your home. It’s important to make wise decisions about how you’ll manage and fund your home improvement projects, so that when the work is done, you’re left with a better home – and as little debt as possible.

Contact us at 914-576-2572 to schedule your free in home estimate.  We’ll make sure we work within your budget while providing the best quality craftsmanship!


Chef-inspired tips for a cleaner, more efficient kitchen

Tips for a cleaner more efficient kitchen:

Chef-inspired tips for a cleaner, more efficient kitchenIf cleanliness is next to godliness – as the old adage goes – than a clean kitchen is simply a divine place to be. It’s the room in your home that gets the most intense use, so keeping your kitchen clean can be a challenge. You can make kitchen cleanup a bit easier if you take your cleanliness cues from professional chefs.

In a professional kitchen, cleanliness is not only a vital health issue, it directly impacts the efficient operation of the kitchen and everyone who works in it. Here are five tricks professional chefs use to maximize cleanliness and efficiency in their kitchens:

1. Don’t touch – From the culinary student who chops the onions for the French onion soup, to the chef that cooks the food and puts it on the plate, every team member in a professional kitchen knows that touch spreads germs. Home chefs can reduce the spread of germs in their own kitchens by minimizing the need to touch key tools, like the faucet.

Touch-free faucets, like Kohler’s Sensate Touchless Kitchen Faucet, allow you to control the flow of water in your kitchen sink without ever having to touch a potentially germy surface. A state-of-the-art sensor allows the faucet to respond in 20 milliseconds, and eliminates the need for bare-skin taps or awkward waving to activate the sensor. To learn more about the latest in kitchen faucet design and technology, visit www.Kohler.com.

2. Always be prepared – In professional kitchens, staff use separate cutting boards – and often utensils – for preparing meats, vegetables and fruits. Storing utensils, pots and pans according to their tasks facilitates quick and easy access when preparing food. Mis-en-place (pronounced meez-ahn-place), a French adage and popular chef’s practice, involves gathering all ingredients and implements needed before cooking begins. With everything in its place, you’ll be able to move smoothly and efficiently through a recipe without halting food prep to dig through the refrigerator or pantry.

3. Countertop savvy – Countertop savvy goes beyond just keeping them clean. Just as you use separate cutting boards for meats and vegetables, consider the value of task-specific countertop surfaces. Avid bakers, for example, can benefit from marble countertops because the material helps keep the dough cool. If such an installation falls outside your budget, consider a marble pastry board instead. Place it on the kitchen table to transform your eating area into an impromptu bake station. Bonus: rolling dough on a surface slightly shorter than standard 36-inch countertops provides a more comfortable, ergonomic experience.

4. Work the triangle – You may be familiar with the concept of the work triangle: arranging the refrigerator (food storage), sink (food prep area) and range (cooking space) in a triangle configuration makes the kitchen more efficient. But improving efficiency in your kitchen encompasses more than just the arrangement of these three key areas. Expand the concept to include other items that fall into each of these categories. For example, positioning the pantry beside the refrigerator ensures food is stored in the same general location – and increases the efficiency of your triangle flow. In short, the fewer steps taken to navigate the triangle, the more efficient it is.

Ready to make YOUR kitchen more efficient?  Give us a call at 914-576-2572 or contact us for your free in home estimate!

Home Improvement Tips for 2013

home improvement tips 2013Anyone looking to improve their homes in 2013 should look at a few key areas across their property, from making significant changes, to adapting your home to be more energy and eco conscious; this can be achieved in a number of ways and can go hand in hand with freeing up space around your home as well as with renovating key rooms. Making these changes can ultimately help to boost the value of your home while also making it more comfortable and cost effective.


It can be easy to let clutter build up around your home whether that means filling up a garage or basement with old items or not clearing out cupboards on a regular basis. Living in the same house for a long time will mean that you will gradually fill up your available space which can make it difficult to make changes.

A cluttered home can also put off prospective buyers. Decluttering can consequently involve going through different rooms and either throwing out, recycling, or selling items: old DVDs and books can be sold online, and, in some cases, mobile phones and other electronics can be recycled for cash.

Renovate Key Rooms

By focusing on key rooms around your house you can make a stronger impact on your property’s overall decor and its appeal to buyers. The main rooms to focus on include the kitchen, bathroom, and the master bedroom. Kitchens can be improved by removing central islands to create space and by installing granite counter tops; you can improve bathrooms by creating walk in showers or by fully converting spare bathrooms into waterproof wet rooms. For master bedrooms, repainting and replacing curtains with roller blinds can help to increase the effect of available light.

Be More Eco Conscious

There are many ways in which you can make your home more eco friendly. These ways can range from recycling more to using less water; devices can be fitted to taps to limit water usage while a water meter can be more cost effective than relying on local averages. You can also start a compost heap in the garden and use recycled newspaper as insulating material in lofts to reduce heat loss

Switch Energy Providers

If you’ve been using the same energy provider, or providers, for several years, it can be a good idea to switch at the start of 2013. Look around for deals and be mindful that energy prices as a whole are set to rise during 2013. Providers that combine gas and electric prices and that can offer you incentives for switching are available.

Make Lots of Small Changes

Rather than making large-scale changes to your home it can sometimes be more efficient to focus on a range of small renovations around a property. These renovations might include fixing broken taps, replacing light fixtures, and getting rid of old curtains. Minor upgrades, which can involve hanging new art, or switching the lighting scheme in rooms to include lamps and dimmer switches, can help to boost value and add personality to rooms.

Guest post courtesy of:

Author Bio: Liam Ohm writes about home improvement, from estate agents in Maidstone to how to make your home eco-friendly. In his spare time he enjoys travelling and networking.

10 Ways to Make Your Home Greener

10 ways to make your home greenerThere are many ways in which you can make your home greener; doing so means that you can raise your property’s future resale value, while also being able to save money on bills. To achieve this, it’s worth thinking about the benefits of switching to eco-friendly appliances, as well as considering how long term investments like solar panels can help to generate future savings. These approaches, and more, to making your home greener are listed below:

1 – Use Eco-Friendly Appliances

Old white goods in the kitchen like washing machines, fridges, and freezers can consume a lot of energy and emit heat and noise. You can reduce their environmental damage, and their costs, by switching to energy saving appliances.

2 – Consider Solar Panel Installations

An excellent long term idea, solar panels can add real value to a property over time. While it may take a long time to recoup your initial investment in solar panels, they will provide backup power and can be subsidized through government feed-in tariffs that pay you for surplus energy.

3 – Compost

If you don’t already, composting represents a great way to deal with waste while recycling nutrients for your garden. You can make a compost heap using a sealed wheelie bin and it doesn’t require a large garden to make one work. Tea bags, coffee grounds, and food scraps can be added to a compost heap and will eventually produce mulch and fertilizer for your garden.

4 – Use Less Water

Making savings on your water usage can add up to significant bill savings. There are some simple ways to achieve this – don’t leave taps running when you’re brushing your teeth or shaving and set limits on showers. Alternatively, invest in low flush shower and tap faucets and recycle grey-water from baths for the garden.

5 – Insulation

A home that has up to date insulation will be a greener property as you won’t have to rely as much on central heating. Windows and doors can be re-insulated using natural materials and blinds made from recycled materials can be added to rooms.

6 – Switch to Energy Saving Bulbs

If you’re using old light bulbs, it’s worth considering a switch to energy saving bulbs and LEDs. While they might initially be more expensive, energy saving bulbs last longer and are better for the environment.

7 – Use Eco Friendly Cleaning Products

Try to clean your home using eco friendly products that won’t damage the atmosphere. Toilet cleaners, air fresheners, and other natural cleansers can be picked up at relatively little cost but can have a big impact on your home.

8 – Get On Top of Recycling

Make sure that you’re separating paper and plastic  and find a local bottle bank if there is no collection. You can also order extra bins and  arrange for special collections for old furniture and white goods.

9 – Change Your Eating Habits

By eating more local food and buying from farmer’s markets, you can end up with produce that’s healthier and better for the environment by reducing distribution and packaging costs.

10 – Switch Appliances Off at Night

Most people tend to leave their appliances switched on or left on standby overnight – anything non-essential can be switched off at the mains rather than left on overnight or standby. Doing so will help to make your house greener and will save you on your bills over time.

Guest Post By:

Author Bio: Liam Ohm writes about home improvement. He recommends investing in bespoke furniture in order to ensure it fits your specification and holds its longevity. In his spare time he enjoys reading, socialising and travelling.

Button-up your home for winter

time to prepare your home for winterAs the leaves turn and fall to the ground, it’s time to start thinking about “buttoning up” your home for winter to keep you and your family healthy and comfortable, your belongings safe and high energy costs at bay.

Heating accounts for 34 percent of all annual utility usage, according the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). One of the most cost-effective ways to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home is to seal and insulate the “envelope” – outer walls, windows, doors and roof. By doing so, ENERGY STAR estimates that a homeowner can save up to 20 percent on heating and cooling costs, the equivalent to lowering up to 10 percent of total energy costs for the year.

Here are a few ways to keep you and your family healthy, your belongings safe and help lower your heating bill:

Preventing the draft

Old, drafty windows and doors can account for home energy loss of up to 30 percent, according to the EPA, which means paying more in the winter to heat your home. By replacing non-performing windows and doors, homeowners can drastically reduce heating costs. A typical home that replaces its single-paned, clear glass windows with energy-efficient windows can realize up to $501 in annual savings, according to the EPA.

Additionally, old or improperly installed siding can also be the cause of drafts. However, by installing new, energy-efficient vinyl siding and underlayment, homeowners can increase a homes’ R-Value, a measure of insulation’s ability to resist heat traveling through it.

However, even the best windows, doors and siding can be drafty, if they are poorly installed. So it’s important to make sure your home improvement is completed by a quality contractor who has a long history of being in the business so you can be sure they will be around if you have any issues down the road.

Prevent moisture

Water leakage from snow, ice and rain can cause damage to the exterior and interior of your home. This can result in costly damage to framing, structure and insulation, more importantly it can cause issues – like mold – that can be harmful to the health of your family.

The roof is often the site of leaks in homes; however, by installing a new roof and taking the proper precautions, leaks won’t be a problem.

Other ways to improve the seal of your home to prevent moisture damage, drafts and improve energy efficiency include:

* Sealing leaks

* Adding insulation

* Sealing ducts

For more energy saving window, door, siding and roof tips, check out the U.S. Department of Energy’s website.

Want to make sure your home is ready for the winter weather?  Give us a call at 914-576-2572 or send us an email to   bruzzesehomeimprovements@gmail.com.  We special in energy efficient window replacement, roofing and energy efficient vinyl siding.

How to remove wallpaper properly

how to remove wallpaper properly
BIO: This is a guest post
on behalf of national tool and equipment hire supplier HSS Hire who specialize in DIY equipment including Wallpaper strippers.

Doing your own decorating is a great way to save money and can be a good household bonding experience too. But unless you do it right you can make mistakes that are expensive to correct, and create more discord than harmony.

It is probable that one of your first steps will be to strip away existing wallpaper. Although some choose just to paper over it, this is usually a bad idea, because new coverings stick less well to old wallpaper than to the basic wall surface.

Preparation is the key!
Don’t neglect to cover up the carpet and anything else in need of protection, and tape your covers in place. You should also cut off the electricity to the room, and tape covers over all electrical outlets. Gather together all the equipment you’ll need before you begin.

Check what your wall is made out of
Most walls are either ‘drywall’ (this is made out of a soft kind of plaster called gypsum sandwiched between paper layers) or plaster that has been laid over a wooden or metal mesh. You can tell by feel which one you have. Plaster feels cooler to the touch, and is smoother and harder. If in doubt, try tapping it. Drywall sounds more hollow.

You need to be particularly careful when stripping wallpaper off drywall, because as the name suggests, it is particularly susceptible to water damage.

Check what kind of wallpaper you’re dealing with
Some more modern wallpapers are dry-strippable. These are much easier to deal with. To see whether this applies to yours, get a putty knife and carefully ease off one corner. If it peels then you’re dealing with dry-strippable wallpaper. If that’s the case, you shouldn’t need any further tips – just remove the wallpaper carefully from the wall. If not, you’ll have a harder time of it.

Using a stripping solution
This is the traditional method of wallpaper removal, and perhaps the messiest and most time-consuming, though the good news is that it doesn’t require any expensive special equipment.

First either score or sand your wallpaper to help the water soak through, then fill a bucket with very hot water and stripping solution – there are lots of alternatives for this including vinegar and unscented fabric softener as well as products sold specifically for the purpose of wallpaper stripping.

Use a sponge, roller or large brush to soak small sections of wallpaper at a time. The key is never to soak more than you can remove in about ten to fifteen minutes. Let it soak for a few minutes then start stripping, using a plastic putty knife. Don’t neglect to wash away the residue once you’re done.

Using a steamer
You can make your life much easier by renting a steamer. The process for removing wallpaper with a steamer is very similar to using a stripping solution, but instead of painting anything on, you just have to hold the steamer against the section you want to remove.

Here is an interesting video about uploaded by Kulppainting about how to remove wallpaper. 


BIO: This is a guest post on behalf of national tool and equipment hire supplier HSS Hire who specialize in DIY equipment including Wallpaper strippers.

Image reference: http://www.flickr.com/photos/varresa/1127789331/sizes/m/in/photostream/

Home Renovation: The Various Dangers

Asbestos Photo

Guest post courtesy of:

Brian Turner
Toxic Substance Safety Advocate

Home renovations can be a lot of fun. When a home needs a face-lift  it can be more affordable to use the DIY approach. While there are many advantages to a DIY approach, it’s also important to acknowledge the many dangers. Understanding that there is the potential to stir up asbestos, breath in vapors and even damage eardrums will make it easier to recognize the importance of the proper safety equipment.

Perhaps the most dangerous chemical that can be exposed in home renovation is asbestos. Exposure to asbestos can lead to a cancer known as mesothelioma. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides information about asbestos and where it can be found and how to avoid it whenever possible. As long as it’s not disturbed it doesn’t pose a threat. However, when it is disturbed in a DIY project, it can expose everyone in the home.

Just as it’s important to wear a dual cartridge respirator when sawing and sanding because of the various fibers, it’s important to do so with dry wall, insulation and anywhere else that asbestos is suspected. There are tests that can be run by professionals to test for the presence of asbestos. This can be a good idea to determine whether it’s best to let professionals handle the renovation or if it is still a good DIY project.

The various respirators can be purchased at any home improvement store. There are cartridges that go into them and they have a finite life span. It’s important to know when the cartridges have to be replaced to ensure they are doing the job they are supposed to.

When it comes to breathing in vapors, such as those of paint thinner, polyurethane and other chemicals, there are precautions to be taken as well. A respirator can be worn but that only protects the lungs. The eyes should also be protected, which means wearing goggles.

Many of the chemicals also warn about the product being a skin irritant. Gloves should be worn as well. There are some gloves that cover more than just the hand and can be advantageous to offer the highest level of protection.

Some home renovation projects include using some very loud equipment. Holding an electric saw, a jack hammer or anything else can cause damage to the eardrums. There are various earplugs and headpieces that can offer ear protection. Each different plug will say how much protection it offers so it’s important to buy the right level.

Accidents happen during DIY projects all the time. It’s critical to stay informed about all the risks before getting started. Reading about asbestos and checking out the MSDS sheets on all chemicals can go a long way in preventing any unnecessary exposure. A DIY project can save a lot of money but if it puts everyone’s health at risk, there wasn’t actually any saving involved. There are ways to protect one’s self against the dangers but it involves knowing what to wear and when. Safety gear was created to be used, so that’s all one has to do.

Guest post courtesy of:

Brian Turner
Toxic Substance Safety Advocate

Brian TurnerBrian Turner has been working with the Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance as an environmental health and toxic substance safety advocate since June of 2007. Brian brings a tremendous amount of research and awareness experience in environmental health risks, environmental carcinogens, and green building expertise. Brian is very interested in all types of cars; his favorites are classic, muscle, and imports. Brian is commonly found playing and watching various sports with his friends.

Stay Connected with Brian Turner

Read more: http://www.mesothelioma.com/blog/authors/brian/bio.htm#ixzz29ZJmnqVM

How to Design (and Live) With Meaning

Design and architecture have the power to make the world a better place. These 10 instructions can help

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Live to design, don't design to live

Source:  Houzz.com, By Jody Brown

Creating the perfect master suite retreat

The master bedroom is the ideal place to take refuge from reality – and when it comes to creating the perfect bedroom and bath, casual and comfortable retreats are more appealing than formal, model-home-like spaces. The right color palettes, furnishings and fixtures can transform a master suite into a tranquil escape from the stresses and headaches of the day.

master bedroom suite

But blissful hideaways are not limited to only one style and feel. Relaxation can come in a number of ways – it simply depends on the eye of the beholder. Here are some ideas and inspiration to create a serene master suite, no matter your definition of relaxing.

Bathing bliss 

Before choosing a theme or color palette for the bedroom, focus your attention on the bath. This functional room deserves to be updated with elegant and understated features in order to create a haven from the stresses of everyday life. After all, a true master suite escape has the ideal spa-inspired bathroom.

To achieve a charming appearance with soft comforts, start by styling the room with fixtures and accessories that exude a clean style, like the Voss collection from Moen. Voss delivers uncomplicated glamour throughout the entire bath. With a full range of bath fixtures, including rain showers, faucets and coordinated accessories, your master bath can be transformed into a personal sanctuary that will last for years to come.

“While American bathrooms are decreasing in size, they’re actually increasing in spa-like atmosphere,” says Rebecca Kolls, senior director consumer strategist of home and garden for Iconoculture.

Cozy country flair 

An uncluttered room with rustic antique decor pieces is sure to create a relaxing environment away from the hectic world outside. The simple and charming aesthetics of an English country look accomplish this desired feeling. English country styling mixes patterns and decor elements comfortably and with a bit of flair, incorporating what Kolls calls “style telling” – or styling that tells a story. And the cozy design flow works perfectly for a bedroom setting.

To create this look, start with a simple color palette – such as blue and white or pink and brown. Patterned wallpaper, borders and curtains in floral or plaid prints are a great way to evoke that welcoming, home-style country feeling. Keep your eyes open for one-of-a-kind antiques and wood furniture to accent your country retreat. A perfect – and often inexpensive – place to start is your local antique store, flea market, or even yard sales. After all, one person’s trash is another person’s vintage treasure.

Select delicate, yet comfortable, furniture pieces to add to the relaxing and comfortable feel. Accent chairs with coordinating floral patterns and overstuffed accent cushions in a variety of shapes and sizes will make you want to curl up with a blanket and read your favorite book. Don’t be overly concerned with finding matching wood pieces. Different and unique items add to the rustic appeal. Pine, oak or mahogany furniture items all have their place in laid-back English country style.

Coastal contemporary 

There’s a reason why tropical beaches are considered the fundamental escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The rush of the ocean and the feel of sand between your toes can bring anyone a lasting sense of tranquility. Those same feelings can be incorporated into a master suite by selecting contemporary and cool hues in blues, pale greens and whites, with touches of sandy brown and gold.

For this laid-back theme, use an upholstered headboard in a soft blue pattern to highlight the focal point of the room – the bed. You can even go a step further by adding plush curtains behind the bed frame, paired with a large plate-glass mirror to provide the feeling of open spaces – like the open sea. Because the bed will be the focus of the room, keep the shades simple.

Try bamboo window shades to maintain the casual flow while allowing in natural light. Use whimsical decor pieces such as glass bedside lamps and palm plants throughout the rest of the room to complete the theme. Looking for low-cost design elements? Corral beautiful shells and sea glass found at your nearest beach into clear glass cylinders and place strategically throughout your master suite.

Whether your style is more classic, country or coastal – or perhaps a combination – you can create a dream master suite retreat that fits your own personal style.

Bruzzese Home Improvements would be delighted to help you transform your Master Bedroom into YOUR perfect Master Suite Retreat!  Give us a call at 914-576-2572 to schedule your free in home design consultation today!

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