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What to Do When Your Remodeling Project is Taking Up Your Whole Life

What to Do When Your Remodeling Project is Taking Up Your Whole Life

Any remodeling project is likely to be time-consuming and fairly labor-intensive, but some projects simply go out of control and end up taking over your life. If you are thinking about a remodeling project or currently in the middle of one, this is a situation that should be avoided at all costs. Here are four ways to handle a remodeling project that has started to take up every waking moment of your life.

Consider Having Someone Else Do It

Perhaps the simplest way to regain control of your time is to let a professional remodeling contractor, such as Velarde Builders Inc, take over where you’ve left off. While it is more expensive, paying a contractor to handle your remodeling project will save you time while still getting the project accomplished. Since most contractors have entire work teams, hiring one will also likely get the project done sooner than you could have working on your own.

Break the Project Into Smaller Chunks

Some projects are simply too large to be tackled all at once. If you are doing a whole-home remodel or a very comprehensive remodel in one room, it may be easier to break the project up. Tackle one element at a time and use your days off to get the tasks done as you can. While the overall project will take much longer this way, it will be much more manageable.

Bring In Friends to Help

If you’re already in the midst of a large project that you can’t afford to hire a contractor for, consider getting some help from friends. Invite two or three people over on a given Saturday to help you finish the project as quickly as possible so that you can get out from under it. Provide food and drinks for their help, and make it clear that you’ll return the favor the next time they have a big home project to tackle.

Scale the Project Down

If all else fails, you can rethink your project after it has already been started and change it into a more modest proposition. Certain elements will probably be locked in after you’ve done your preparatory work, but others may be more flexible. If your entire life is being taken up by this project, it’s better to get a more modest version of it finished than to struggle along with the version that involves more than you can reasonably handle.

Remodeling can make your home more comfortable and even add value to it, but no project should take up your entire life. Use these tips to manage the project and get back to enjoying your home rather than seeing it as a workspace.

How to Increase Your Property’s Value – Infographic

Your property is a long-term investment and one day, you want to release the equity in it.

We can be drawn into thinking that every improvement and renovation we make to our property will add value, increasing the profit we will eventually make on our home.

But, are you making the right changes? Are you doing too much and out-pricing your property from the local market?

Making the Right Renovation Choices

Trends come and go but it is important that you add the right value in the right places when it comes to property renovation, as the infographic explains further.

The one statistic that is on every buyers mind is the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating for the property. If it is near the top of the scale – from A to D – the property should be cheap to heat as it is well-insulated.

Anything lower than a D rating can make for an expensive house to heat. If your EPC rating is low, consider adding value by updating not only the insulation of the property but the type of heating system too.

Underfloor heating costs less to install and run that most traditional heating systems. Coupled with additional insulation measures, your home will be tasty warm and an attractive purchase for potential buyers.

What Else Adds Value?

From a new kitchen to a modern bathroom, there are many changes you can make to your home to add value. Find out more with this fantastic infographic from Balustrade Components.

How Can You Increase Your Households Value

Mini Renovation: 4 Small Repairs That Will Make a Difference in Your Home

Mini Renovation 4 Small Repairs That Will Make a Difference in Your Home

Every homeowner wants his or her home to look better and be more comfortable, but not everyone has the resources to go through a full renovation. Luckily, there are several small home projects that almost anyone can do to improve a home’s appearance and feel. Here are four of the easiest repairs and upgrades you can make to improve your living environment.

Install a Fireplace

One of the easiest ways to add class and beauty to your home is to install a fireplace in a major living space. Believe it or not, this job isn’t nearly as difficult as you probably think. Many modern fireplaces, especially electric ones, can be installed very easily by any weekend handyman. If you want something that’s very easy to install, a wall mounted electric fireplace is a great option.

Consider New Lighting

Though most people don’t think of it, it’s remarkable what a difference updated lighting can make in a home. New lighting fixtures and bulbs can give your living areas a more modern appearance and provide better light for the rest of your decor. At the moment, recessed lighting is very popular among homeowners and designers.

Give Your Home a New Look with a Fresh Coat of Paint

If you’re working on a tight budget and can’t afford professional contractors, a fresh coat of paint may be the ideal solution to help your home look better. Almost anyone can paint a room, and the materials needed are relatively inexpensive. Pick out some fresh colors, set aside a weekend to paint and you’ll be amazed at how different your home looks when you’ve finished.

Update Your Plumbing Fixtures

Like anything else, trends in plumbing fixtures come and go. If you want to give your bathrooms and kitchen a new look without the expense of full renovation, consider getting new sinks and updating your bathroom vanities. Simple changes like this can make a large difference, especially if your current fixtures are decades out of style. Plumbing work is fairly specialized, so be sure to contact a professional plumber, such as one from Young Plumbing Corporation, to help you with changing out your sinks and other fixtures.

Even though all of these renovation ideas are small, they can add up to a substantial change in your home environment. Try a few simple updates and enjoy the satisfaction of having added both beauty and value to your house.


In the field of construction, the utilization of glass material is increasing day by day. No matter if you take into consideration the construction of residential buildings or the commercial ones, glass is being used everywhere. There are many reasons that make glass as a material suitable for the construction business. This material allows the entry of light and also reflects it to a certain extent. With the use of glass, it is  also possible to make a space look larger. The use of glass balustrade is also catching speed.

Glass Balustrade
Glass Balustrade

If you check out the market of glass balustrade, you will come across two types to choose from. One of them depends on posts. These are the ones that you get to see quite often. The latest other type which has impressed everyone is called the frameless glass balustrade.  Most of the people prefer this form of glass balustrade for upgrading their staircase.


The magical appeal of frameless type of glass balustrade is winning hearts across the world. If you take a quick look at this balustrade, you will hardly notice any support given to the huge glass panes. The neat and stylish look renders an excellent finish to the staircase. There are many ways in which the frameless type of glass balustrade can be used for updating the staircases. For those who do not know, this kind of system is also known as structural glass.

Since in this system the glass itself perform the role of offering support to the entire system, so the application of frameless balustrade turns out to be more apt for updating the staircase. In this case, the pressure or the amount of load that the system withstands can be quite impressive. The cantilever feature of this glass balustrade can be utilized for designing the staircase in a more feasible way. No doubt, the thickness of glass used for making the staircase has to be really good. To be more precise, the thickness has to be 15 mm or more. This will provide enough strength to the structure of the staircase.

Glass Balustrade
Glass Balustrade

Glass made staircases certainly make a room look larger and beautiful, particularly if you want to build the staircase right in the middle of your living space. High quality glass based frameless balustrade can add tons of aesthetic elements to your living space. You can make the staircase look even more beautiful by incorporating attractive handrails. Talking about the weight of the handrail in staircases, it is important to mention that the handrail should come with the ability to withstand its own weight.

In the present time, most of the manufacturers of frameless glass balustrade prefer laminating the glass material for adding some extra amount of strength. No doubt, it also adds a smooth finish to the glass staircase. When it comes to choosing the glass balustrade, you certainly have to pay importance to the quality as well as design also.

The quality of the glass used in the frameless balustrade should be good enough. Good quality glass will not only last longer, but will also prove to be stronger and tougher. On the other hand, the kind of design you choose should go well with the look of your home’s interior. The design must accentuate the look of your home’s decor. So, spend some time in choosing the right supplier and then spend your money on updating your staircase.

Thus, the frameless glass balustrade effortlessly define boundaries without interruption, offering incomparable and perfect finish to the staircase.



How to Turn Your Home into a Wheelchair-Accessible Living Space

How to Turn Your Home into a Wheelchair Accessible Living Space

If you or a loved one uses a wheelchair or any other similar mobility device to get around, then you might benefit from making a few changes to your home. Even minor alterations and upgrades can make a big difference, and your home will be much safer to live in after the renovations. Here are a few steps you can take to make your home wheelchair-accessible on almost any budget.

Start With the Entryways

Installing at least one or two entryway ramps is an absolute necessity if anyone with a disability is living in your home. These ramps will give everyone the ability to exit the home in the event of a fire or another emergency. According to the ADA, the ramp should be at least 36-inches wide between the handrails. Although some people like to make their ramps out of plywood, you may want to consider making yours out of something a tad bit more sturdy—like a ramp made out of redwood 2-by-4’s. This is because some people use electric wheelchairs scooters which are heavier than the push wheelchairs. No matter what material it is made from, however, the top should be covered in a non-slip coating such as rubber.

The Bathroom Checklist

A very large percentage of accidents that take place in the home occur in the bathroom. One of the reasons for this is because most bathrooms are not designed to accommodate those who have mobility, dexterity, or balance issues. Some disabled individuals can make do with handrails near the toilets and baths, but that depends on their strength and age. Those who do not have enough strength to pull themselves up might need to invest in a hoisting device if they want to remain as independent as possible. Sinks that have vanities underneath will most likely need to be modified so that the wheelchair can be brought closer without bumping into the cabinets.

Master Bath Renovationgrab bars in the bathroom

Room Design

The layout of each room depends on what type of mobility device is being used. Those who are using a power scooter have much different clearance requirements than those who are using traditional wheelchairs. Once you finally decide on a particular device, you will then need to tinker with the layout of each room until there is enough space between the furniture to comfortably turn around.

An Ergonomic Kitchen

The kitchen is another area where many people must spend a little extra time and energy in order to make them as accessible as possible. To turn the wheelchair or scooter around, most kitchens must have a clearance of at least four or five feet between all of the cabinets and counters. Lazy Susans are a great investment, and these inexpensive devices will make your pantries and cabinets much more functional. Moving the appliances and switches is a slightly more difficult project that almost always requires assistance from a certified electrician or contractor. Those who like to cook their own food might benefit from installing lower workspaces such as drop leaf shelves.


Figuring out a solution for the stairs could be the most difficult part of your renovation. There are many devices on the market that are designed specifically to help disabled users go up and down the stairs, but they can be a major investment. You might want to rearrange the rooms of your home so that whoever is using the wheelchair can sleep, eat, and bathe downstairs. If you have extra money to invest into your home, then you can have a swiveling lift installed alongside the stairway.

Even if you do not plan on carrying out all of these projects immediately, you should still start making at least a few changes as soon as possible. Minor alterations and upgrades such as entrance ramps and safety bars will create an environment that is much more comfortable and ergonomic for those who have any disabilities.

Home Remodeling – from House to Home Sweet Home

Renovating a home is one of the nicest projects in the world – it means you’re financially stable and willing to make your living space more comfortable and enjoyable. However, it can also be quite stressful. Not knowing what you want to achieve or not being sure if your ideas will work can make renovation harder than it should be. It’s important to have a clear vision of what you wish to achieve, while an open and honest communication between clients and contractors is a must. Here are some of the things all good renovations have to include and a few to avoid.

Home Remodeling – from House to Home Sweet Home

Having an Image in Your Head

Knowing your needs and desires is essential for a successful renovation. Since clients already know their homes the best, it’s always good to start with their pitch and listen to their input and feedback. Nevertheless, absolute freedom is sometimes counterproductive – they might want to change too many things or, alternatively, simply not know what they want.

No matter how precise clients’ ideas are, they need to remember that some concepts can’t be achieved. Unless they want to tear down every wall and start from scratch, of course. Therefore, both clients and designers need to be flexible, especially when it comes to the budget. Having a vision is quite all right, but reality is something completely else.

Hiring a Professional or Two

Before starting a home renovation project, every client needs to figure out whether they want to do it alone or hire a professional. Small renovations – laying new kitchen tiles or installing wall-mounted toilets – can be done by basically anyone who can handle a hammer and power tools, but more complexed tasks shouldn’t. Except if you’re a pro.

Some of the people clients need to consult are architects, interior designers and decorators, and all of them offer new and unique insights into the matter. However, no renovation should begin without talking to trustworthy home improvement contractors as they’ll basically be the ones doing all the actual work. Having contractors inspect a client’s home is an essential part of the process and no client should skip this step.

home improvement contractor

Think Fast!

Once clients decide their home needs remodeling, there are a number of decisions to make – who to consult, who to hire, which colors to choose, which materials to buy and what’s the budget? The problem with most clients is that they take too much time to answer these questions and thus delay the work. Hence, it’s best to think about these things beforehand and make firm decisions as soon as possible.

Another problem with clients is that they change their minds too often – from altering the color of the bedroom walls to changing the pattern of the drapes and everything in between. It’s quite understandable to have second thoughts, but too many changes hurt the project and affect the schedule.

Purchasing Wrong/Cheap Material

There are two problems with clients purchasing the material on their own: they don’t know what’s good and also have a tendency to opt for cheaper choices. And that’s one of the worst things they can do – never try to save money on this part of the project! Otherwise, you’ll end up with faulty material that will, consequently, produce faulty results. Therefore, it’s always better to consult contractors when purchasing material or trying to save bigger amounts of money where it’s possible.

The End Result

If they follow these tips and study remodeling do’s and don’ts, clients will definitely be more informed about what they should and shouldn’t do when renovating their home. Ultimately, they’ll be able to do plenty with the space they have and turn an average home into something quite luxurious.

Guest Post By:

Stacey CooperStacey Cooper is an business consultant and a blogger with genuine love for decor, creativity and home improvementShe enjoys spending time in nature with her husband, writing  and learning about other cultures by travelling

Fast Fix: Details To Look For When You Want A Fixer-Upper

A fixer-upper can be either the best or worst purchase of your life. The difference between the two lies in choosing the right property for your specific individual needs and abilities. A property that might work for someone just looking for an affordable home won’t necessarily be the best choice for an investor and vice versa.

Fast Fix Details To Look For When You Want A Fixer-Upper

Three Types of Fixer-Upper

The type of fixer-upper you should buy depends on what you will be doing with it. There are three major possibilities:

  • Fix and Flip: Choose a property in a neighborhood just about to be gentrified or near a planned extension to public transit. Calculate costs and benefits carefully.
  • Fix and Rent: The ideal rental fixer-upper is in an established neighborhood. Choose a smaller home and create additional space or a shabby home in need of some TLC that can be upgraded to average neighborhood quality.
  • Fix and Live: As you won’t be worrying about immediate sale or rental, you can find bargains by looking for something quirky or unusual.

Your Property and Your Skills

Some fixer-uppers only require modest fixing while others require highly skilled labor. Be realistic about what work you can really do. Rewiring a house or redoing plumbing are not jobs for amateurs and can be very expensive. Replacing vanities, cabinets, and counters take less skill and can be quite affordable. Cosmetic fixes such as repainting, redoing floors, and refinishing interior doors are something anyone can manage with a bit of internet research and hard work. If you need more information on any properties you’re interested in, you may want to enlist the help of a professional like those at Mattox Realty.

Red Flags

Not all problems can be fixed. The major signs that you should avoid a property are:

  • Structural Damage: If a property has cracks in the foundations or other major structural issues, it is not worth fixing.
  • Water Damage: The problem with water damage is that it rarely affects just a small, visible area. It can rot the timber used for framing the house. Mildew can get in places you cannot access with totally destroying and rebuilding the house.
  • Termites: Termite damage is like water damage. If there are visible signs of termite damage, there may be a great deal of major structural damage that is not immediately obvious.
  • Flood and Landslide Zones: If a house is in a flood or landslide zone, buying it is like playing Russian roulette. It may remain safe for the next fifty or hundred years or it may be destroyed the day after you buy it. Especially given the increase in floods and other extreme weather patterns due to global climate change, this is a risk not worth taking.

It’s important to get as much information as you can on any home you may want to buy. Factors ranging from where it’s located to what might be wrong with it can drastically affect your ability to fix it up as your new home or as an investment. The more you know, the more successful your home-buying experience can be.


3 Reasons Your Bathroom Should Be The First Thing You Remodel

The bathroom is likely the busiest room in the home. Everyone needs to use it at some point whether they are taking a shower or simply getting dressed to begin the day or get ready for bed. This is only one of the reasons as to why the bathroom should be the first area of the home that you remodel.

3 Reasons Your Bathroom Should Be The First Thing You Remodel

Getting A New Look

If your home is like most, then the bathroom doesn’t really get a lot of attention aside from the occasional sweeping, mopping and other cleaning. If the home is older, then the bathroom is likely outdated and needs a makeover. You can remove the toilet to add one that uses less water along with a new shower so that you have a comfortable place to stand while washing. Another idea is to remove the tub and install one that has a jet system so that you can relax after a long day. A sparkling bathroom with new decorations and better lighting often means that you’ll feel more comfortable while being in the room at any time of the day. After the bathroom is remodeled, then it will give you a room that is functional while the rest of the house is being updated.

Calling The Professionals

Whether you’re changing the tile on the floor or changing out the shower to include a sliding door, you want to get professional help, like the professionals at Callier Thompson Kitchen & Bath, if you aren’t sure what you’re doing in the bathroom. When the bathroom is at the top of the list of rooms to be remodeled, then it gives the contractor time to get the other rooms completed without rushing as the bathroom is the smallest room and will usually take the least amount of time. A professional will be able to quickly do any of the plumbing, electricity and flooring that you need to have done so that you can work on ideas for the rest of the home before approaching the contractor with your thoughts.

It Needs To Stay Open

The bathroom is a room that doesn’t need to be out of commission for a long time, so it’s best to knock out the remodeling project as soon as you can. You don’t want to have the room blocked off so that no one can use the toilet or the tub. If there is another bathroom in the home, then it will help, but you want to make sure as many of the updates are done as soon as you can complete them so that no one is inconvenienced.

Your bathroom is likely the smallest space in the home, but it’s the most important. It has the tools for staying clean and making sure proper hygiene is maintained for all ages. When you’re completing remodeling projects, you want to start with this room first as it usually doesn’t take as long, and you want to make sure that everyone is comfortable while taking care of personal matters.

Are you thinking about remodeling your bathroom?  If so, give us a call at 914-576-2572 for a free estimate!

A Stunning Sight: 5 Integral Elements of Eye-Catching Curb Appeal

A Stunning Sight 5 Integral Elements of Eye-Catching Curb Appeal

The first impression people form of your home is often based on the curb appeal of your property. There are many design elements other than landscaping that can influence the impressiveness of your curb appeal.

Outdoor Structures

An arbor, pergola or gazebo can be included in your landscape design to enhance the curb appeal of your home. Outdoor structures can be used to showcase plants or to create intimate areas within the landscape design. These structures provide opportunities for decorating your outdoor space in various ways as the seasons change.

Garage Doors

Functional details such as garage doors can affect your home’s curb appeal. An outdated or unattractive garage door can be an eyesore. Replacing an unsightly door with a door from places like Best Doors that complements your home’s exterior design will have a positive impact on your home’s appearance. Be sure to explore the diverse design options such as slat doors, sectional doors, and aluminum doors, along with the many finish and hardware options that are available so that you can find the most appropriate and attractive design for your home.


According to the statistical information provided at Zillow, adding a fence to your property can often increase the value of your home. The type of fencing should be consistent with the style of home you have and in the same design field as the fences of the other homes in your neighborhood. Gates can be a decorative feature that enhances the curb appeal of your home.

Front Door

Your front door can be one of the most stunning features of your home. You’ll want to choose a door design that complements the design style of your home. Impressive front-doorhardware options are available that enable you to display your personal style.

Porch Décor

Once you’ve chosen an impressive front door, your front porch can become a showplace that will cause all who pass by to stop and take notice. Include lighting that complements the style of door you’ve chosen. Add impressive furniture in a complementary style. Make sure that you keep plants and accessories to a minimum so that each design element can be seen and appreciated.

Design elements such as a garage door, fence or front door can increase the value of your home and enhance your home’s curb appeal. Plants can be added as a decorative element in accordance to the size of your lawn and the investment of time you have to devote to its upkeep.

Guest Post By:
Anica Oaks

Freelance writer and web enthusiast
Read some of my published work on my Google+ page.

Roofing Renovation: 4 Tips For Your Next Roof Make Over

Roofing Renovation 4 Tips For Your Next Roof Make Over

When it’s time to get a new roof for the home because of damages, wear and tear or you simply want a new look for the home, there are a few tips to keep in mind to make the process as smooth as possible. Don’t do any work on your own that you aren’t 100 percent certain you can complete. It’s best to hire someone to help you instead of possibly damaging the roof even more.

Check The Style
Most homes have a shingle roof, but there are many who are venturing toward a metal roof or one that is made of other materials that last longer than shingles. A metal roof can be relaxing when it rains as you listen to the drops fall above your head. The metal can also attract heat, which can help in insulating the home. You want to add a roof to the home that will complement the exterior look of the home for a more appealing presence.

Professional Help

After getting on the roof to see what needs to be done, you need to make the decision of whether you can complete the work on your own or if it’s too big of a job for you to handle. Companies like D.S. Bahr Construction, Inc. can complete the work that you need done without interfering with the flow of your everyday life. Make sure that you get a quote in writing if a contractor is used.

Check The Codes
Before you begin any work on the roof, you need to check the building codes in your area. There are some states that will only allow two or three layers of new materials on the roof before a completely new one is installed. A local municipal building will have all of the information that you need when it comes to building codes so that you aren’t breaking any regulations.


Think about the maintenance that you will have to perform with the new roof. If you’re replacing shingles, keep in mind that a severe storm and the weight of ice or snow can sometimes damage the material. A metal roof is often more durable, but the surface is hot, which makes it hard to examine the area for damages in the middle of summer. Wood shingles might be an option if you want something that is attractive, but you need to keep the materials on hand in case one or more splinters and breaks off.

Your roof is one of the most important things of the home as it shelters the inside and provides protection. However, there are times when you might need to make repairs or you might want a complete new look for the home. Talk to a contractor to make sure everything is done the right way, and look at the options you have with materials so that you have the best roof on the home.


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