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Simple Tips for Organizing Your Entire House

Decluttering your home doesn’t have to be a nightmare. You may feel anxious and discouraged when you see all those stuff scattered everywhere, but with some planning, you can get on top of that and restore your house. Try to picture your home clutter-free, where every single item has its place. This is not hard to achieve and the tips below will surely get you going. So stop procrastinating and start reorganizing your living space.

There’s no success without a plan

Before you start decluttering, you should sit down and make a comprehensive to-do list. Try to think of every single activity that has to be done daily in order to avoid making your home messy again. Make sure to hold onto that list, since it will come in handy for the next cleaning occasion.

Think of priorities
Simple Tips for Organizing Your Entire House

The best place to start reorganizing is where the most clutter is. That’s probably your living room. Go ahead and throw out piled mail, magazines, and papers laying around the room. After you’re done with the living room, you should continue with kitchen and bathroom. With those three rooms done, you’ll already feel some relief.

Prevent yourself from shopping excessively

One of the main reasons you found yourself in a cluttered house is because you have too much stuff. Make sure to think twice before you bring another item in your crowded home. You should look around and see which items you use on regular basis. Everything else is just collecting dust and should be removed.

Routines are good sometimes

Decluttering your home just once won’t be sufficient in the long run. If you’re not doing it constantly, you’ll have a new mess in no time. Make sure to develop a few healthy habits and stick to them in the future. Try to do simple stuff on daily basis. Hang your jacket the moment you enter the house, wash the dishes right after finishing the meal etc.

Share responsibilities

In case you’re sharing your home with other people, try to include them when the time for cleaning comes. Instruct them about their responsibilities on daily basis, and watch how your home is getting cleaner and decluttered in no time.

Get rid of unused stuff
organizing your house

Make sure to permanently dispose of all items that you’re not using anymore. There are few ways you can do this. In the first place, you may drop that stuff to a charity organization, and bring happiness to those in need. Another way is by organizing a yard sale. That will be a fun event, and you’ll make some extra cash instantly.

Avoid disturbance

You want to make sure you’re not disturbed while cleaning. If someone calls while cleaning, you can lose a lot of time before continuing. You should turn off your phone and other devices which can steal your attention. Put up your sleeves and concentrate on the work.

Everything should have its place
Everything should have its place

Try to avoid piling your mail and other stuff on every free surface in your house. Instead, you may try to make a system which you’ll follow in the future. Think of a specific place for every item and stick to that. A good way of achieving that is to use high shelves and closets. In case you lack space, you should consider renting an affordable self storage unit in your area.

Cut it with the excuses

The best way to get in the way of making excuses is to pick up the big black bag and start tossing stuff in it. After just ten minutes of doing that, you’ll see some changes, and that should keep you motivated to go through the rest of the house.

You can’t do it alone

Don’t hesitate to call friends or family members to help you with reorganizing your home. With all these people, you’ll be able to get the job done very fast. You can use the spare time to make a tasty dinner for your helpers. At the end of the day, you’ll have a clean house and a fun evening with your loved ones.

Final thoughts

The tips mentioned above should do the trick, and you’ll get your home decluttered for good. Just stick to your plan and newly acquired habits, and you won’t find yourself in the bad spot again. Don’t forget to give a favor back to everybody who helped you with reorganizing your home. Now you can relax and enjoy your spacious and clutter-free home once again.

Chloe Smith is a cycling enthusiast, business consultant and a part-time writer always willing to share tidbits of advice. She believes that passion, courage and, above all, knowledge breed success.

6 Tips on How to Make Your Garden Stand Out

Everyone enjoys having their own piece of heaven, a place where they can relax, think, create… For most, nature is the inspiring one and this is why we all strive to have a garden, regardless of the size of the plot given, it could be a balcony, a rooftop or a proper backyard. The goal is to create an eye-catcher for the people passing by and a favorite place for your friends to hang out.

Start with a clean-up

Just the same as you do with your house, make your garden look as if everything is there because you intended it to be. Begin by removing all furniture, old clutter, trimming the bushes and the trees and of course mowing the lawn if you have one and clean paving stones.  If you enjoy having what in the words of Jane Austin is described as ‘a prettyish kind of a little wilderness’ you can keep your garden, or parts of it looking untouched. Please be careful with these, you still want it to look safe and inviting without having to worry if you will step on something or if something will fall from a tree.

Choose the flowers

Choose the flowers

The main role in your garden is played by the color-pattern. You can have a theme and combine purple and yellow, orange and red, blue, white and purple etc. or have all colors intertwining. You can have this done by planting flowers. You can plant them in the pots or in the ground directly. It is a good idea to choose perennials as when the season comes, they surprise you with a blossom. If you are not too keen on growing flowers, you can simply buy plants in bloom in little containers every season and put them in your colorful pots. Now all you need to do is to remember to water them.


The style of your furniture may vary. Give your old furniture a new glow by painting them or looking up some of the new makeover ideas. You can even use this trick and make your furniture fluorescent. Make sure the size of your furniture fits the size of your garden. Also, in the untamed, wild-looking parts of your garden, you may want to have furniture that reassembles old park benches.

Garden art

Use garden art

You can buy these items in a store, or even better you can use your old clutter and transform it into beautiful garden pieces. Used car tires can be beautiful flower pots, an old wagon wheel, a bicycle or a lantern can make it seem like there is a story behind your garden. Even practical things like colorful hose reels can add to the beauty of your sanctuary. By adding pebbles, you can make your flower beds a little more interesting and make it a little harder for weed to grow.

Light it up

As a final touch, you may want to add some lights for when the night falls. There’s nothing prettier than pretty Christmas lights. Use them on your gazebo, a rose bush or simply hang them from the branches of the trees around your garden and you will spark a fairy tale. Find suitable lanterns or torches. You can even make your own lanterns if you feel creative.

Don’t clutter up

There is no such thing as good clutter. Don’t make your garden look too busy as it won’t allow you to relax. Organize your flowers into clusters. Don’t get every piece of furniture you may want to have as it might not fit the space. Same goes for garden art. If you discover you enjoy making garden art, don’t keep it all give some away, it will make a unique present. If you lack space for all the plants you would like to have in your garden, you can use suspended flowerpots, that way you will make room on the floor, and gain a sense of greater space.

A beautiful garden can help you endure the lack of time you have in your every-day life. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get to take your child to a park if your own backyard can give a sense of an outdoor heaven.

How to Keep Rodents and Other Pests out of Your Home for Good

How to Keep Rodents and Other Pests out of Your Home for Good

If you own a home, you know how hard it can be to keep rodents and other pests out of your home, especially in certain weather conditions, such as rainstorms and cold temperatures. Though it’s impossible to totally keep pests out of your home, there are some things you can do to greatly reduce the chances that the invaders will find their way inside.

Seal up Entryways

One of the best ways to keep pests out of your home is to take away the places they use to get inside. This means you need to go over your house with a fine-toothed comb to find every little crack, slit, crevice, and hole. Start by checking around your doors, windows and utility boxes and caulk or weather strip any gaps. You also want to seal any foundation cracks or cracks in your basement floor. If you have a fireplace, have it inspected to make sure critters aren’t already using it, and have it sealed if needed. You also should check your roof vents and look in your attic to find any possible means of entry.

Don’t Invite Them In

Pests are attracted to food, so you need to make sure you are not leaving uncovered or opened food out on your counters and shelves. You also want to make sure that you are not leaving pet food or water outside for long periods of time. And, of course, you want to make sure that any trash you throw away outside is in sealed bags and that the trash can lid is firmly secured.

Take Away Their Shelter

Pests are always looking for a place to live, so you don’t want to attract them to your home by giving them one. Some companies, like American Pest Control Inc., know that keeping trees and shrubs trimmed back away from your home and cleaning up piles of branches or debris around your yard can also help. If you have a deck, don’t store anything under it that might provide a hideout.

Use Pest Treatments

In addition to all the other measures mentioned, it’s still a good idea to treat for pests to help keep them out. You can use commercial products that you can buy on your own, but if those don’t work, it’s worth it to call a pest control service.

Pests are a nuisance and can be a health hazard. Following these tips will help to keep them out of your home and keep you and your family safe.

3 Simple Steps To Motivate You To Organize Your Home

3 Simple Steps To Motivate You To Organize Your Home

Everyone wants to get organized but very few of us quite get around to it. The main reason why many people get lost in clutter within their homes is the sheer lack of motivation. An individual might spend an hour each morning looking for stuff, but they never think about organizing the space to solve that problem. If you have never been one the few who have everything in its place, here are 3 tips to motivate you to organize your home:

  1. End Results

The biggest motivation for me is thinking about the end result. A clean, fresh and attractive space is the best gift you could possibly have. In an organized home, bugs have no place and you will not be losing money on something that was lost in your clutter. An organized space gives a good impression to guests and friends.

  1. Get Inspired by the Media

To get motivated into organizing your home, try leafing through organized living magazines, newsletters, and books. You can find organization advice on just about anything from making better use of dead space in your kitchen to a closet organization system for your bedroom or pantry. This will not only give you organizing ideas but having a look at these homes will certainly trigger the desire for some order in your home. If the books and photographs do not bring any inspiration, you could watch a few programs on organizing for more realistic tips. From all the reading and watching, you will learn important organizing hacks to help make the difference. If you have much clutter to deal with, dedicate an entire weekend or week to organizing. Remove everything from a room, and have a number of categories to either keep, donate or dump. With everything in the right pile, you can clean the empty room, shelves, and cabinets accordingly. Once the room is dry, start putting everything that you decided to keep in a specific place. The lessons learned during research about organizing are motivational enough to keep things neat and tidy.

  1. Baby Steps

Start by drafting a to-do list and ensure you make organizing a daily routine. This will motivate you to do a little more cleaning, arranging or dusting every day. This action will encourage you to consistently organize your home which will come naturally no matter the day or time. There should be some must-do tasks to accomplish each day to prevent clutter from creeping back in. On days when you feel like breaking the habit, give yourself a reason to organize like inviting some friends to dinner. Since you would want to host guests in a neat and clean space, you will be inspired to clean up and organize. Make your organizing fun by playing some music, wearing comfy clothes, or rewarding yourself for tasks accomplished.

Living in an organized space is not only good for your image, but it is also a healthier and more productive choice. You will not waste time looking for things in the morning, nor will pathogens find a hideout in your home. It might take time to organize the entire house but once you get started, the rewards become simply irresistible.

Expert Guide to Packing for a Home Move


Expert Guide to Packing for a Home Move

It is common for people to start packing for a move at least eight weeks before the big day. Still, last-minute moves are not so unusual. There are situations when people need to move in less than four weeks. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, here is a simple guide on how to pack and sort your items on short notice.

Keep only what you need

The best thing about last minute moves is that you can get rid of the ton of stuff you don’t need. Once you start packing, you will quickly realize that it is easier to throw away than to take with you. At the end of the day, you will also save time and energy. It’s a common mistake to believe that you should pack everything and sort later. Not true. Make sure to get rid of as many things as you can.

Walk through the house and make three piles in each room – 1) keep, 2) donate and 3) dump. Involve the whole family in sorting out their stuff, and bear in mind – if you are unsure what to do – dump it.

Donate what you don’t

Charities are always ready to take away your unwanted stuff. Even if your donation pile is large or you have bulky furniture items that are still in good shape, a non-profit organization can organize the transport, saving you both the time and money needed to get rid of them.

Just make sure that you have sorted everything out, so they only have to make one trip. Phone the organization and determine a pick-up date and time. Before you make a call, bear in mind that some charities only pick up on specific dates and specific locations.

Prepare packing supplies

Used cardboard boxes are the most convenient way to transport your items to a new home. Still, if the time is the issue you should purchase your boxes and other packing supplies directly from a moving store or office supply company.

On the other hand, if you are moving locally, ask for green movers who provide multi-use plastic bins. Not only will it save the environment, but also the time needed for finding boxes and getting rid of them once you unpack. Reputable moving companies also offer transport containers for bulkier items like furniture and outdoor equipment.

Ask for help

When it comes to moving, you have three recruitment pools – 1) friends, 2) family and 3) service companies. Friends and family are always eager to help. However, make sure that before you “hire” them, you know exactly what every person’s job will be. There’s nothing worse than a helpful hand wandering around and getting in the way of everybody else.

Professional movers are always a phone call away, and some of them offer a truly comprehensive range of services. For instance, aside from treating your belongings with the utmost of care during the move, the guys who own and operate City Removalist will even do the packing and unpacking for you in case you are, say, short on time.

Once you have the supplies and able-bodied helpers at your disposal, you can start loading the “keep” pile into boxes. Large appliance and some pieces of furniture will require special preparation before they are loaded. Moving professionals will help you with every aspect of the move, either by providing packing containers or pack everything for you. One way or another, they’re a valuable time-saving service.

DIY vs. Renovation Contractor

DIY vs. Renovation Contractor

If we have been living in the same space for a long time, it can get pretty dull and leave us wanting a change. More than that, our needs change over time, and our space should adapt with us to accommodate those needs. But how do we know what changes will make our lives better, and how do we make our place new and shiny without emptying our savings accounts? There is no one-size-fits-all answer, and the situation differs from one person to the next, but there are some guidelines that everyone can follow to make sure they’re on the right path.

Differentiate between needs and wants
DIY vs. Renovation Contractor

A lot of us want to live in a different home, whether it be bigger, brighter or cozier. But unfortunately, we can’t always get exactly what we want to have, which is why it is important to realize what you need first. You might want an extra guest room, because you don’t want your in-laws to be sleeping on the couch when they come for a visit, but in reality what you need for a better functioning everyday life is an extra bathroom. Making this separation between the wants and the needs is crucial to handling your budget – and your space – the right way. For example, quality granny flats in Australia are gaining more and more popularity, and the extra space might simply need to take precedence over an in-ground pool. Your needs should be the priorities, and your wishes should be given whatever is left over once the needs are taken care of.

Learn some new skills
Learn some new skills

For many things, you might need expert help, but not all things have to be done professionally and many of the basic renovation jobs can be learned pretty fast. The first thing you can always do alone is paint your own walls. Watch several tutorials online or ask a friend who has done it before and just go for it. It’s not nearly as hard as it looks, and with just a few tricks up your sleeves, you will be done in no time. You can do other things too like installing shelves, doors and appliances, and with today’s tools, resources and just a little bit of knowledge; you can lay down your own floors as well. Doing things on your own might take some precious time off your hands, but it will be greatly cheaper and you will be able to do it exactly how you’d like.

Know when to call the professionals
DIY or contractor

Doing some – or even most – of the work yourself can be very cost efficient as well as fulfilling, but sometimes there are just things that you can’t handle on your own. When the moment comes when the result is not only a matter of aesthetics and comfort, but actual functionality and safety, you should leave it up to someone who is an expert in the field. Basically, for anything that has to do with electricity, plumbing or the structure of the house, you will want to hire someone to do it. Messing with it on your own can have consequences, either instant or further down the line, and that is the risk you are not willing to take. It might burn your wallet to pay someone to do some “basic” roof repairs, but if you went up there and did it yourself, the damage that would come from the leaks if you got it wrong would be a lot greater than the cost right now. Very often, if you offer one team to do your entire home, they will offer you some discounts, so it might be worth searching for someone who has a team with a wide range of capabilities.

In the end, our homes are some of the most important things we have, and we should do everything in our power to make them safe and comfortable. Remember to always check which repairs and renovations you could do on your own, but be ready to take a step back and let the professionals take over if anything goes wrong. If you are hiring someone to do the job for you, make sure you are constantly checking on what is being done so that you are sure your home will be exactly how you dreamed.

5 Kinds of Rugs for Busy Households

Today, rugs come in many different materials, colors, patterns and textures and finding the perfect one for your home can be exhausting. The task can be even harder if you’re looking for a rug that can withstand your active kids and a lot of traffic in general. It’s not easy to find a durable and easy-to-clean rug that will go well with your living room décor or look good in the kids’ bedroom. If you really don’t know where to start with your search, here’s a little guide that can help you choose a perfect rug for your busy household. Take a look.

5 Kinds of Rugs for Busy Households

Jute, sisal or seagrass

These natural material rugs are a great choice for every family and busy home. Because they are made of natural fibers, they can be a little costly, but if durability is your main criterion, this is the rug for you. They can withstand any kind of liquid spills and even brushing the stains out with a bristle brush. Before, they used to be available only in the shades of beige, but today you can get them in many patterns and colors, such as blue and gray. Truth be told, these rugs are not completely appropriate for rooms like nurseries or children’s bedrooms because they can be a little rough on gentle feet, but they are just perfect for a den or a sunroom.

Carpet tiles

These types of rugs are very practical because you can easily replace tiles that are worn-out or damaged, which makes them perfect for busy households. You can find tiles in different sizes and prices depending on the material. They best thing about the carpet tiles is that you can combine them the way you wish and create intricate designs. This can be very useful if you want to mask dirt or create some unique patterns.

5 Kinds of Rugs for Busy Households


Even though they can be costly, wool rugs are probably the best choice for any family. They are not only durable and soft to the touch, but are also available in many colors and patterns. If you’re ready to invest in a high-quality wool rug, you can be sure it will last you for more than 10 years (unlike synthetic rugs that will look their best only for two or three years after the purchase). Wool is easily cleaned and very moisture-resistant, making it the best choice for busy areas. Wool is also very soft and if you want to invest in gentle and durable kids floor rugs, wool is the way to go.


Cotton rugs such as flat-weaves can easily be found at an affordable price. Also, they are relatively easy to clean. Most are machine washable or you can scrub the stains with some soap and a brush. Their biggest advantage is that they are soft and gentle, which makes them a great choice for nurseries and kids’ bedrooms. They are also perfect if you want to add a splash of color to your space, since they come in vibrant tones and many interesting designs.

5 Kinds of Rugs for Busy Households

Indoor-outdoor rugs

This type of rugs is great if you want to decorate your sunroom or a patio. They can also be a good option for rooms that are very busy and are exposed to a lot of wear and tear. They are usually made of durable synthetic materials like nylon, polypropylene or polyester, so if you don’t mind it, they will be a perfect match for your home. They are also easy to clean, come in many vibrant colors and patterns. Besides, they are more than affordable.

Now that you are familiar with different rug types and materials, you can choose the best one for your busy household and enjoy it for many years to come.

Importance of Trundle Beds for Your Little Kids at Home

When you have new additions in the home, your infants, then there are certain arrangements to be made not just in daily habits but also in the things used at home.

  • Coming to the changes in the bedroom, the best addition or a change for a family can be the inclusion of a trundle bed. It is true that not all homes are spacious, and this can be a troublesome situation. Well, there is no need to worry as you can get a single trundle bed for your child.
  • Having a trundle bed can help in organizing things in the little space. In addition to this, your infant’s or child’s stuff can be easily stored in the bed. Also, the kids can comfortably play around and sleep on the bed.
  • These beds are even stylish and can be rolled inside when there is no use of it. Besides the practicality and look, a family can gain many benefits with the trundle beds.

Importance of Trundle Beds for Your Little Kids at Home

Benefits of a trundle bed you should know

Let us check out some of the advantages that a single trundle bed can offer, go through the following.

  1. Additional space: This is the most common benefit of trundles, you can open them during nights or when the child is sleeping and can keep it inside when it is not required. It is actually a smart idea to include such a bed in the family and save good amount of space. A trundle bed is especially helpful for small apartments, where you need to go for maximum utilization of space. In addition, it is a unique furniture which can impress the guests coming to your home.
  2. Bonding between kids: If you have twins or two children, then having a trundle bed can make their bonding stronger. How? Well, they can play together, sleep together and spend quality time with each other. The daily communication will enhance their love, which can be felt for many more years to come.
  3. Storage section: Instead of getting extra furniture for storing the kids’ stuff, you can do it in a trundle. It can be a best place to store books, toys, games and other things. There are drawers in the trundle, which makes a great convenience for families with small homes. Moreover, you can also make additional drawers in case you want to customize the design of the trundle bed. Just suggest the required designs and layout to the carpenter, and you can use the bed for more space.
  4. Price: Well, it can be a surprise for you to read that these trundle beds are reasonably priced. You need not pay for two beds, instead get just one trundle bed and make your expense half. There are different varieties of such trundle beds available in the market; you can choose any based on your requirements and of course your budget.
  5. Sharing: Kids should be taught all good things right from their young age. With trundle beds they can eventually learn the act of sharing and caring each other. There will be nothing like yours or mine, everything will be together.

If you think that the benefits above mentioned are right, then you should not wait for long and purchase the right kind of trundle bed for your kids right away.

You can find many options in the market under the umbrella of a trundle bed. Some of the popular ones include trundle with drawers, mega trundle, classic trundle, and twin trundle. So, think about all the considerations of your kids and home, and get the perfect furniture for your little bundles of joy. Have a great time shopping for kids.


Creepy Crawlers: How to Eliminate Pests in Your Home This Summer

Creepy Crawlers How to Eliminate Pests in Your Home This Summer

The weather is warming up outside, which means that insects and other creepy crawlers will be coming out of hibernation soon. And they are all going to be looking for places to provide them with food, water, and shelter. So houses all over the country will become rapidly infested with them if they aren’t prepared. Luckily, when this happens, there are three ways to eliminate the pests quickly and safely.

Store Food Properly

Proper food storage habits will help keep pests at bay by making the place unappealing to them. All food must be put away in containers that seal shut. And nothing should ever be left out at night that they could snack on. That means, dirty dishes and leftovers all have to be cleaned up before heading to bed.

Keep Things Dry

Most pests can’t endure hot, dry conditions because they need a steady supply of water to drink. So naturally, they tend to congregate around areas that are damp and wet. That is why one of the easiest ways to deter them is to remove as much moisture as possible in the house. This can be done by fixing all of the drips and leaks and removing any sources of water that might be tempting to them. All the sinks in the house should be towel dried in between use. And water dishes for the pets have to be put away at night too.

Remove Trash and Clean

According to Allrid Pest Management, homes with an excess amount of trash and debris make the perfect environment for pests to live in. And the pests will end up spreading to all of the surrounding houses, which perpetuates the problem. That means, even if someone has an immaculate house, they can still end up getting an infestation of pests because they have a dirty neighbor. So the best thing to do in this situation is to report the problematic house to the local authorities to ensure that it gets cleaned up quickly. Then, the neighbors who live in the vicinity need to have their houses treated as well.

Everyone needs to participate in these pest-deterring procedures for them to be effective. That way, the sources of food, water, and shelter are all taken away, which makes the area uninhabitable for the creepy crawlers. But remember, those who already have a severe infestation may need to call in a professional pest control company if these procedures aren’t enough.


DIY Home Energy Audit

You might think that improving your home’s energy efficiency requires a significant investment in new high-tech windows, solar panels for your roof or even overhauling your HVAC system. Although it’s true that making any of those big investments can have a significant impact on your home’s energy consumption, little changes can make just as much of a difference. For example, it’s estimated that the United States spends more than $300 billion a year on energy that is wasted because of drafty doors and windows. A few nickels’ worth of caulk might be all that’s needed to solve the problem for your home. There are countless issues around your home that could be costing you a lot on your energy bill when taken all together, and many of them can be easy to fix.

Checking on all of these potential trouble spots on a regular basis can make a huge difference on your energy bills. You can and should hire a professional to perform a home energy audit every so often. However, you also can perform a do-it-yourself energy audit on a regular basis to catch many of the most common and easily fixed issues before they require professional intervention. Yet with so many potential trouble spots in your home that require attention, it can be easy to overlook some of them. The following checklist details some of the most common areas where energy efficiency can be improved around the home. Following it can help you perform a DIY home energy audit and ultimately result in major savings on your energy bill.


DIY Home Energy Audit Checklist

Checklist: DIY Home Energy Audit created by Mendel Plumbing and Heating

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