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How to Turn Your Home into a Wheelchair-Accessible Living Space

How to Turn Your Home into a Wheelchair Accessible Living Space

If you or a loved one uses a wheelchair or any other similar mobility device to get around, then you might benefit from making a few changes to your home. Even minor alterations and upgrades can make a big difference, and your home will be much safer to live in after the renovations. Here are a few steps you can take to make your home wheelchair-accessible on almost any budget.

Start With the Entryways

Installing at least one or two entryway ramps is an absolute necessity if anyone with a disability is living in your home. These ramps will give everyone the ability to exit the home in the event of a fire or another emergency. According to the ADA, the ramp should be at least 36-inches wide between the handrails. Although some people like to make their ramps out of plywood, you may want to consider making yours out of something a tad bit more sturdy—like a ramp made out of redwood 2-by-4’s. This is because some people use electric wheelchairs scooters which are heavier than the push wheelchairs. No matter what material it is made from, however, the top should be covered in a non-slip coating such as rubber.

The Bathroom Checklist

A very large percentage of accidents that take place in the home occur in the bathroom. One of the reasons for this is because most bathrooms are not designed to accommodate those who have mobility, dexterity, or balance issues. Some disabled individuals can make do with handrails near the toilets and baths, but that depends on their strength and age. Those who do not have enough strength to pull themselves up might need to invest in a hoisting device if they want to remain as independent as possible. Sinks that have vanities underneath will most likely need to be modified so that the wheelchair can be brought closer without bumping into the cabinets.

Master Bath Renovationgrab bars in the bathroom

Room Design

The layout of each room depends on what type of mobility device is being used. Those who are using a power scooter have much different clearance requirements than those who are using traditional wheelchairs. Once you finally decide on a particular device, you will then need to tinker with the layout of each room until there is enough space between the furniture to comfortably turn around.

An Ergonomic Kitchen

The kitchen is another area where many people must spend a little extra time and energy in order to make them as accessible as possible. To turn the wheelchair or scooter around, most kitchens must have a clearance of at least four or five feet between all of the cabinets and counters. Lazy Susans are a great investment, and these inexpensive devices will make your pantries and cabinets much more functional. Moving the appliances and switches is a slightly more difficult project that almost always requires assistance from a certified electrician or contractor. Those who like to cook their own food might benefit from installing lower workspaces such as drop leaf shelves.


Figuring out a solution for the stairs could be the most difficult part of your renovation. There are many devices on the market that are designed specifically to help disabled users go up and down the stairs, but they can be a major investment. You might want to rearrange the rooms of your home so that whoever is using the wheelchair can sleep, eat, and bathe downstairs. If you have extra money to invest into your home, then you can have a swiveling lift installed alongside the stairway.

Even if you do not plan on carrying out all of these projects immediately, you should still start making at least a few changes as soon as possible. Minor alterations and upgrades such as entrance ramps and safety bars will create an environment that is much more comfortable and ergonomic for those who have any disabilities.

Home Remodeling – from House to Home Sweet Home

Renovating a home is one of the nicest projects in the world – it means you’re financially stable and willing to make your living space more comfortable and enjoyable. However, it can also be quite stressful. Not knowing what you want to achieve or not being sure if your ideas will work can make renovation harder than it should be. It’s important to have a clear vision of what you wish to achieve, while an open and honest communication between clients and contractors is a must. Here are some of the things all good renovations have to include and a few to avoid.

Home Remodeling – from House to Home Sweet Home

Having an Image in Your Head

Knowing your needs and desires is essential for a successful renovation. Since clients already know their homes the best, it’s always good to start with their pitch and listen to their input and feedback. Nevertheless, absolute freedom is sometimes counterproductive – they might want to change too many things or, alternatively, simply not know what they want.

No matter how precise clients’ ideas are, they need to remember that some concepts can’t be achieved. Unless they want to tear down every wall and start from scratch, of course. Therefore, both clients and designers need to be flexible, especially when it comes to the budget. Having a vision is quite all right, but reality is something completely else.

Hiring a Professional or Two

Before starting a home renovation project, every client needs to figure out whether they want to do it alone or hire a professional. Small renovations – laying new kitchen tiles or installing wall-mounted toilets – can be done by basically anyone who can handle a hammer and power tools, but more complexed tasks shouldn’t. Except if you’re a pro.

Some of the people clients need to consult are architects, interior designers and decorators, and all of them offer new and unique insights into the matter. However, no renovation should begin without talking to trustworthy home improvement contractors as they’ll basically be the ones doing all the actual work. Having contractors inspect a client’s home is an essential part of the process and no client should skip this step.

home improvement contractor

Think Fast!

Once clients decide their home needs remodeling, there are a number of decisions to make – who to consult, who to hire, which colors to choose, which materials to buy and what’s the budget? The problem with most clients is that they take too much time to answer these questions and thus delay the work. Hence, it’s best to think about these things beforehand and make firm decisions as soon as possible.

Another problem with clients is that they change their minds too often – from altering the color of the bedroom walls to changing the pattern of the drapes and everything in between. It’s quite understandable to have second thoughts, but too many changes hurt the project and affect the schedule.

Purchasing Wrong/Cheap Material

There are two problems with clients purchasing the material on their own: they don’t know what’s good and also have a tendency to opt for cheaper choices. And that’s one of the worst things they can do – never try to save money on this part of the project! Otherwise, you’ll end up with faulty material that will, consequently, produce faulty results. Therefore, it’s always better to consult contractors when purchasing material or trying to save bigger amounts of money where it’s possible.

The End Result

If they follow these tips and study remodeling do’s and don’ts, clients will definitely be more informed about what they should and shouldn’t do when renovating their home. Ultimately, they’ll be able to do plenty with the space they have and turn an average home into something quite luxurious.

Guest Post By:

Stacey CooperStacey Cooper is an business consultant and a blogger with genuine love for decor, creativity and home improvementShe enjoys spending time in nature with her husband, writing  and learning about other cultures by travelling

Positives facts of building a 2 bedroom granny flat

A granny flat is the special residential setting that many homeowners build to accommodate elderly people who are in their later age and cannot make living on their own. Putting them in a nursing home for strangers to take care of them is not your only option. A granny flat is an accessory suite that belongs to the primary dwelling and can be found with attached or detached design. So, a granny flat comes in to aid old-age family members who can live happily in 2 bedroom space that are complete with kitchen, bathroom and pleasant living area.

2 bedroom granny flat
2 bedroom granny flat

This concept has found a significant place in today’s homeowner’s essential to-do-list when it comes to building an extra personalized space for accommodation of their loved ones. The thought of constructing the granny flat setting also crosses the mind of urban citizens because of its ability to enhance the value of property and give you an opportunity to earn additional income.

Of course, there are pros and cons of building such an accessory to your existing property. Your final decision of whether or not to go for the extra space depends on what you make of it.


Here are some of the pro factors:

Great emotional support

Can you think of the pain your parents may have to go when they get retired from their job? Or worse, when they lose their partner? In time of emotional trauma and misery, the elderly members of your family need support and shelter and warm touch of their loved ones. To make them feel less lonely and loveless, you can allow them to stay in a 2 bedroom granny flat built close to your existing house and make them feel loved, cared and secure.

2 bedroom granny-flat
2 bedroom granny flat

Relationship gets stronger

As you are able to provide much needed emotional support and good care for your parents, you can earn better opportunities to stay close and connected to the elderly family members. You know them better, so only you can give them much comfort and warmth they deserve. By spending more time with them, you can make them feel special, safe and healthy. Thus, your relationship with them remains active and stronger.

Affordable alternative

Can you compare the arrangement of 2 bedroom granny flat built close your house to an independent second house built separately for your parents? Without a doubt, having a granny flat is much more affordable than any other option you have thought. Sending your parents to a retirement home will also not be an appropriate decision since it will cost you more, and your parents may not feel easy and comfortable in an alien environment.

Your second reliable income source

You can switch the users of your flat from time to time. Though the main purpose of building a granny flat is to accommodate certain family members, you can change the rules of the setting in the future. You can rent it out to teenagers who need some space for recreation or music studio and generate regular income stream. Plus, investors are always looking for additional functional space that can be of special use.

Fast Fix: Details To Look For When You Want A Fixer-Upper

A fixer-upper can be either the best or worst purchase of your life. The difference between the two lies in choosing the right property for your specific individual needs and abilities. A property that might work for someone just looking for an affordable home won’t necessarily be the best choice for an investor and vice versa.

Fast Fix Details To Look For When You Want A Fixer-Upper

Three Types of Fixer-Upper

The type of fixer-upper you should buy depends on what you will be doing with it. There are three major possibilities:

  • Fix and Flip: Choose a property in a neighborhood just about to be gentrified or near a planned extension to public transit. Calculate costs and benefits carefully.
  • Fix and Rent: The ideal rental fixer-upper is in an established neighborhood. Choose a smaller home and create additional space or a shabby home in need of some TLC that can be upgraded to average neighborhood quality.
  • Fix and Live: As you won’t be worrying about immediate sale or rental, you can find bargains by looking for something quirky or unusual.

Your Property and Your Skills

Some fixer-uppers only require modest fixing while others require highly skilled labor. Be realistic about what work you can really do. Rewiring a house or redoing plumbing are not jobs for amateurs and can be very expensive. Replacing vanities, cabinets, and counters take less skill and can be quite affordable. Cosmetic fixes such as repainting, redoing floors, and refinishing interior doors are something anyone can manage with a bit of internet research and hard work. If you need more information on any properties you’re interested in, you may want to enlist the help of a professional like those at Mattox Realty.

Red Flags

Not all problems can be fixed. The major signs that you should avoid a property are:

  • Structural Damage: If a property has cracks in the foundations or other major structural issues, it is not worth fixing.
  • Water Damage: The problem with water damage is that it rarely affects just a small, visible area. It can rot the timber used for framing the house. Mildew can get in places you cannot access with totally destroying and rebuilding the house.
  • Termites: Termite damage is like water damage. If there are visible signs of termite damage, there may be a great deal of major structural damage that is not immediately obvious.
  • Flood and Landslide Zones: If a house is in a flood or landslide zone, buying it is like playing Russian roulette. It may remain safe for the next fifty or hundred years or it may be destroyed the day after you buy it. Especially given the increase in floods and other extreme weather patterns due to global climate change, this is a risk not worth taking.

It’s important to get as much information as you can on any home you may want to buy. Factors ranging from where it’s located to what might be wrong with it can drastically affect your ability to fix it up as your new home or as an investment. The more you know, the more successful your home-buying experience can be.


3 Reasons Your Bathroom Should Be The First Thing You Remodel

The bathroom is likely the busiest room in the home. Everyone needs to use it at some point whether they are taking a shower or simply getting dressed to begin the day or get ready for bed. This is only one of the reasons as to why the bathroom should be the first area of the home that you remodel.

3 Reasons Your Bathroom Should Be The First Thing You Remodel

Getting A New Look

If your home is like most, then the bathroom doesn’t really get a lot of attention aside from the occasional sweeping, mopping and other cleaning. If the home is older, then the bathroom is likely outdated and needs a makeover. You can remove the toilet to add one that uses less water along with a new shower so that you have a comfortable place to stand while washing. Another idea is to remove the tub and install one that has a jet system so that you can relax after a long day. A sparkling bathroom with new decorations and better lighting often means that you’ll feel more comfortable while being in the room at any time of the day. After the bathroom is remodeled, then it will give you a room that is functional while the rest of the house is being updated.

Calling The Professionals

Whether you’re changing the tile on the floor or changing out the shower to include a sliding door, you want to get professional help, like the professionals at Callier Thompson Kitchen & Bath, if you aren’t sure what you’re doing in the bathroom. When the bathroom is at the top of the list of rooms to be remodeled, then it gives the contractor time to get the other rooms completed without rushing as the bathroom is the smallest room and will usually take the least amount of time. A professional will be able to quickly do any of the plumbing, electricity and flooring that you need to have done so that you can work on ideas for the rest of the home before approaching the contractor with your thoughts.

It Needs To Stay Open

The bathroom is a room that doesn’t need to be out of commission for a long time, so it’s best to knock out the remodeling project as soon as you can. You don’t want to have the room blocked off so that no one can use the toilet or the tub. If there is another bathroom in the home, then it will help, but you want to make sure as many of the updates are done as soon as you can complete them so that no one is inconvenienced.

Your bathroom is likely the smallest space in the home, but it’s the most important. It has the tools for staying clean and making sure proper hygiene is maintained for all ages. When you’re completing remodeling projects, you want to start with this room first as it usually doesn’t take as long, and you want to make sure that everyone is comfortable while taking care of personal matters.

Are you thinking about remodeling your bathroom?  If so, give us a call at 914-576-2572 for a free estimate!

Exterior home design ideas: what should you go for in 2017

exterior home design

With so many ideas on interior home design, it seems that the exterior often remains in the backstage when it comes to trends. That’s not the case for 2017 though. Your home exterior is as important as your interior. A lot of people think that interesting exterior design ideas have to involve a lot of time, effort and investment, but that’s not necessarily true. If you want to be frugal with your décor and design, there are many ideas that can be refreshing and budget-friendly at the same time. You may be unsure where to start, so let’s see what you can do about your exterior in 2017 to make it more personal and pleasant.

1. Pops of color

You may be wondering how exactly are you to achieve pops of color when it comes to exterior but there’s nothing that a little bit of creativity and paint cannot do. The easiest way for you to freshen up the look of your home is to paint the windowpanes and doors in some vibrant color. You can also combine colors for an even bigger impact.

Exterior home design ideas: what should you go for in 2017

Making a contrast between your walls and other surfaces by using color is a huge trend for 2017 and it can easily be done over just one weekend. Of course, you can add a unique twist to this trend and spice things up with various detailed drawings.

2. Neat garden

Neat garden

Not everyone has a huge backyard that can fit a true natural oasis but you can still do a lot with the space you have. Designate an area in your backyard that you would use for planting plants and shrubbery. Be consistent with this task and choose the plants that complement each other. There are a lot of no-fuss plants that are very low maintenance. It’s important to strategically place these plants so that you have room for a little garden path that you yourself can make by using wooden planks, stones, gravel, bricks, etc.

3. Patio furniture

If you want to make your own patio, but you’ve never got round to it, 2017 is the perfect year for such a resolution. When looking for the perfect patio furniture, it’s important to look for those pieces that match the style of your home and your personal taste. You should also decide whether your patio furniture will be out in the open, or in some covered space.

patio furniture

You may think that getting new furniture is bound to be expensive, but if you visit garage sales there’s great possibility of you hitting the jackpot and finding some unique pieces to complement your exterior. With the help of some repurposing and crafty DIYs, you can transform any piece of furniture into a decorative exterior gem.

4. Add details

Details are very important when it comes to exterior. Accessories such as cushions and covers for your patio furniture, garden bits and pieces like garden gnomes, a unique mailbox, creative house number, etc. are only some of the details that can truly unify your efforts. Of course, don’t forget easy to clean door mats – these will add a perfect decorative and personalized touch to your homes overall appeal.

2017 exterior trends

5. Light it up

Adequate lighting is very important for the 2017 exterior trends. Some people enjoy having fairy lights decorate their trees, porches and fences all year round while those who are a bit more practical look for sleek and minimalist design that would light up the driveway, garden path, certain porch areas, etc. Whatever your preferred style is, make sure to opt for LED lights because these will be very cost-effective in the long run.

Show your home exterior the same love you show your interior. This is the main design trend for 2017 that everyone should consider. Creating a true harmony with these two different aspects of your home will generate warmth and sense of belonging that every homeowner desires.

Guest Post By:

Chloe TaylorChloe is an art historian, recreational ballet dancer and a contributor at smoothdecorator.com. She is passionate about photography, dance and music. Her biggest dream is to travel the whole world with her husband and take stunning photographs of beautiful places. She also enjoys learning and writing about home design, since she is crazy about aesthetics. You can find Chloe on FB, Twitter, and G+.

How Do You Install the Thermal Insulation Roof in Your Home and Commercial Places?

Roof insulation is very important for new age buildings because through this process, you can save your roof and the procedure can also control the noise level as well as the temperature of your home. If you have an old damaged roof and you have been noticing leakages on the roof of late, then the time has come to consider professional roof repair services. They will inform you about the kind of services they provide and you should make sure if they deal with the roof insulation process.

roof insulation

Generally, roof insulation is done by installing a separate layer and you are free to make a choice regarding the layering process. You may increase the insulation layer as per your requirement.  Roof repairing to prevent water leakage may incur you a huge cost, and the problem will recur again in the near future. Roof insulation is a better alternative to save your property from the extremities of the climate.

Reasons for installing roof insulation

The exterior surface of the roof may get damaged due to high moisture level. Especially during a rainy season when the moisture level is at its zenith, the problem worsens.  This may intensify the damage and may also result in the collision of the roof. In this regards, you can install some drain or vents on the roof to let the moisture and blocked water escape through these channels and keep it dry.

  • If you are noticing lately that the bill for the energy consumption need of your house is growing bigger, then there must be some ventilation problems in your house. Due to a lack of ventilation and air tight issues, your air conditioner and home heating system do not provide you with accurate heat and cooling temperature. The cooling air can escape through these leakage points without maintaining the required temperature at the earliest.  As a result, these machines remain on the working mode all the time to reach the desired temperature. But if you install the roof insulation then you can prevent this excess energy consumption and it will also keep the roof of your home dry and air tight. Hence, it offers better control to the room temperature and also minimizes the electricity bill.

new roof insulation

  • If you have a restricted budget, then you can also choose the lower thickness of the insulation. But it is recommended to install the roof insulation as per a professional company’s guidance. They will inspect your property and will also suggest you regarding the best roof insulation process as per your budget, and you can also install some colorful roofing in your home and commercial property.

Why do you need to opt for roof repair after the winter season?

During the winter season, your roof can get damaged due to the wind, snowfall, and frozen climate. There are several hidden damages that can occur and these will result into leakage during the spring season also. In this regard, you need to avail the services of roof repair contractors on an immediate basis to rectify the issue from getting it damaged further.

During a new roof installation process, you can incorporate with the thermal insulation of your roof. It will save your power consumption cost and will also provide your home a more secure environment.



Remodeling in 2017? Best Features to Consider Installing in Your Home

When remodeling your home, focus on updates that you’ll benefit from for an extended period of time. Also keep your family’s comfort and overall lifestyle in mind when choosing products and materials.

Remodeling in 2017 Best Features to Consider Installing in Your Home

Creating a Smart Home

Smart homes are in. If you haven’t transitioned into the technological world yet, now is the time to do so. If, in the future, you decide to sell your home, being able to list “smart home” as a feature, can impress potential buyers. Just how much technology you include in your remodeling project will depend on your budget and your lifestyle. You can have your home equipped so that you can control appliances, the alarm system, lighting, your sound system, television and much more with the touch of a finger.

Choosing Faucets for Your Remodeling Project

From a decorative standpoint, you want the finish on your bathroom and kitchen faucet to complement the countertop color and material. For 2017, faucet finishes such as satin black, bronze or rose gold finish are expected to be quite popular. Installing water-saving faucets is a money-saving benefit you can appreciate immediately after installation and in the years to follow. There’s a diverse selection of water-saving faucet designs to select from. Touchless faucets are trendy, convenient and can reduce the spread of germs.

Installing Stone in Your Home

If your remodeling project includes the addition of a fireplace, you’ll want to explore the exquisite selection of stone at places, such as Harristone, that manufacture precast, natural-looking stone. As you’re browsing through their diverse selection of stone, you may get some ideas as to how to incorporate stone into your remodeling project. If it’s an open floor plan you’re creating, stone columns can be included in the project to frame a dining area or living space. Adding a stone wall to any room can make the overall design more impressive. Areas that are often overlooked as a decorative feature can be transformed into a main feature when stone is added to that area.

2017 Lighting Trends

Your remodeling project most likely requires the installation of new lighting. Industrial and modern lighting fixture designs are highly popular. Lighting in 2017 kitchen designs includes recessed lighting and under cabinet lighting. Bathroom lighting expands to include mirror lighting and money-saving dimmer switches.

When you plan your remodeling project, it’s best to choose design features that accommodate your needs. Making choices that will increase the value of your home is also a factor to consider.

Must-Know Bathroom Renovation Tips

Must-Know Bathroom Renovation Tips

If you haven’t redone your bathroom in a while, it’s high time you did. Try getting rid of an old paint job and cracked tiles, or put your crafting skills to the test. There are various ways you can repair, restyle, and redecorate your bathroom in order to make it the most pleasant space in your home. To help you bring life back to this often overlooked space in your home, we have prepared 5 efficient tips and tricks which won’t hurt your bank account.

1. Get rid of mold

This issue is the most important one, and we therefore list it first, because it concerns your family’s health. Before you begin, you have to establish the causes of mold development, which are most often poorly ventilated rooms and leaky sinks, bathtubs, showers, and most importantly pipes. If you don’t have mold, then you should think about methods of successful mold protection. Firstly, get rid of any damp old rags and cloth pieces that you can find lying around, because they can attract mold spores very easily. The safest way to resolve this issue is to invest in an air purifier that can dehumidify your bathroom and keep the humidity below 50%, which prevents mold from forming. On the other hand, if you have already discovered black mold patches on your bathroom walls, you have to start removing them with anti-mold products, such as vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide.

Must-Know Bathroom Renovation Tips

2. Colorful tiles

Tiles should also be on your bathroom redesign list. Forget about hiring a contractor to do the job for you, because you can easily do it on your own. Remember that by placing tiles next to your bathtub or shower and on your floor, you have essentially covered all the important places and that everything else is up to your desires. If you choose to place tiles in this way, you only have to pick out the color and the style of the tiles. Luckily, we have prepared some great and affordable ideas  on how to add new flare to your bathroom

3. Paint jobs

This next suggestion is considered the most inexpensive and authentic way to redo your bathroom without calling a contractor for help. The greatest feature about the idea is that you can engage your whole family in the color choosing process and in the paintwork as well. Try experimenting with various designs and patterns – avoid the one color option. Try painting pleasant murals on the walls or something your children might find interesting. We recommend looking for great paint job ideas which you can use as inspiration for your own bathroom. Make sure to use protective tape to cover all the vulnerable spots around the windows. For the ceiling, you will need to use acrylic paint which prevents damage caused by humidity and mold.

Must-Know Bathroom Renovation Tips

4. Lighting

Consider getting some lamps for your bathroom with adjustable light settings, so that you can dim the lights whenever you want to take a relaxing shower and relieve stress. We would recommend opting for candles, preferably scented ones, to soothe the bathroom atmosphere and allow you to get in touch with your inner self. If you are feeling handy, you can take some colored paper and recreate a rustic looking candle holder to serve as a lighting fixture, making your bathroom more sophisticated. For more great and affordable ideas regarding the work you want to do in the bathroom, we recommend consulting with experts like an expert in bathroom renovations from Sydney.

Must-Know Bathroom Renovation Tips

5. Be economic

It is important to remember that not everything has to be completely exchanged and bought for you to make your bathroom perfect. The key is in repurposing and refinishing existing items. You can keep your old fixtures by buying a refinishing kit and activating your inner DIY expert. The only real expenditure that you can anticipate concerns protective gear and protective materials. A great method for turning your old bathroom into an extravagant one is transforming the bathtub into a walk-in shower. This will add more space and elegance to the room. Take used plastic cups and turn them into a holder for your toothbrushes, toothpaste and other products.

Redoing your bathroom can be a fun and practical way to revive an unhealthy and dull-looking space and turn it into one where your family can safely relax, and where your friends can feel at home.

Author Bio:

Alex WilliamsMy name is Alex Williams. I am a journalism graduate, and a rookie blogger trying to find my luck. Blogs are the perfect opportunity for presenting yourself to wider audience, getting the chance to showcase my expertise and receiving recognition. I am a regular contributor at BizzMark Blog. 

FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011742847691

Twitter: https://twitter.com/alextmwilliams1


Top 5 Innovative Ways to Use Your Garage Space

TRUE! Garages are the most ignored spaces of a house. But, nobody knows that if used in  a right way, one can get the most out of garages. All you need is to stop considering your garage as ‘just a space to park your vehicles’. Transform or revamp it in such a manner that it looks like one of the handiest parts of your house without hiring any garage professional.

Let’s take a look at these 5 innovative ways that you can make your garage more useful;

#1 Use Your Garage Space for a Party Celebration                    

Is it time for a festival? There are myriad reasons to celebrate, whether it’s a birthday, an engagement, a promotion, or any sports occasion! Why searching here and there for a space when you have it in your home. Yes! We are talking about garages. Garages are frequently ignored by party throwers, but why? Garages are a standout amongst the most open rooms in their homes and perfect for such kind of gatherings. It is very easy to decorate and there is a lot of space to arrange chairs and tables with a handful of guests.

Garage Space for a Party Celebration

#2 Make Your Garage- A Gym

Transforming your unused garage space into a gym is an awesome idea. As physical maintenance is an imperative part of everyone’s lifestyle. After a busy day at work, without going anywhere, you can refresh yourself at your home by doing a workout. Fill your unused garage space with fitness and sporting equipment like- bicycles, treadmill, jump ropes, and free weights. At-home gyms can actually save your time and you don’t need to pay heavy amounts.

Garage Gym

#3 Utilize Your Garage Space for Office

Have you ever pondered transforming the unused garage space into something valuable? Most of us work from home, and for them garages can be considered as a smart way to get a classy home-office. Office’s set in garages can look surprisingly like a regular home office. Apart from PC and table, balance your home office with an entertaining area, sofa or a couch, and an entertainment system. Give your home office an immaculate look by including some extra beautifying stuff like floor carpets, framed images, and cushions.

Office in Garage

#4 Covert Your Garage Space into Children Play Area

Are you living in a smaller home? Then, it can be a challenge to dig up space for a growing family. Making a devoted play space for your kids is a pleasant thought, but if you don’t have a basement or an extra room in the house, it might appear as though you’re in a tough situation. If your garage goes unused, it might be the perfect space for a playroom. With some changes, you can simply change over your garage into a play space that your children can appreciate year-round. Carpet tiles in a garage function admirably for a playroom as they very well get fixed on the ground and no tension of getting slipped while playing.

#5 Your Garage Can Become Restroom or Guestroom

You can even transform your garage into a restroom when you have a smaller home. Also, as the holidays are coming, your relatives or friends  can anytime travel to your home and plan to stay with you. So, why make yourself suffer when you have enough space in your garages? By transforming garages into a restroom or a guest room, you can create privacy, comfort, and enough space to live for your guests so that they can feel right at home.

So, why wait? Without delaying, grab these top 5 pioneering ways and use your garage space smartly. Also, don’t forget to share your experience with us by commenting below.

Author Bio:

Oren Linder is the author and founder of ASAP Garage Door Services Inc that provides garage door repair services in Brooklyn and other areas of NY. Oren loves to write about home improvement and his expertise is in garage door.

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