Identifying an Underlying Pest Infestation in Your Home


Are you getting ready to move into a new home? Whether you’re buying the home or you’re renting it out, one thing you’ll be checking for is that the home’s integrity is in place such as structure, plumbing, electrical and other major components. In most cases, your mortgage company will likely require a pest inspection. Even if the pest inspection was done weeks or months ago, an infestation can still be new or it could have gone undetected. Here are a few pests that can unknowingly creep into your home and what you can do to eradicate the issue.

Battling Bed Bugs

Over recent years bed bugs have become more prominent and more problematic, especially in public places. Because of this, they are more widespread and a lot easier to carry back into your home. You can pick up a bed bug not just in a bed but in a movie theater, visiting a restaurant or by visiting someone’s residence that is infested with bugs. They love to hijack a ride on your clothing or in your luggage and other personal belongings. Some tell-tale signs of a bed bug infestation include:

  • Bite marks on the extremities that often appear as three small dots that itch and may be mistaken for a mosquito or spider bite
  • Dots of tiny blood stains on sheets and pillows
  • Black, crusty shells of the bugs on or near your bed
  • Presence of tiny crawling bugs that are around the size of an apple seed or as small as a sesame seed
  • Itchy bite marks anywhere on your body
  • Black specs or insects in the seams of your mattress, or underneath it as well as baseboards

Bed bugs are very resilient and can live up to five months without a blood meal. Not only are they very hardy bugs, they are also extremely hard to get rid of. Because they multiply so rapidly and are difficult to detect in their early lymph stage, an infestation can happen quickly and be hard to control. If you suspect bed bugs and you have bites or other signs of bed bugs, don’t hesitate to call experienced exterminators like Moxie Pest Control St. George. They not only have the knowledge necessary to successfully eradicate bed bugs, but the resources to get the job done right the first time.

Terrifying Termites

When moving into a new home another pest that can raise the blood pressure of any new owner is the termite. Termites are common in most warm climates and there are different species depending on where you live. Some of the most popular types in the U.S. include:

  • Subterranean
  • Formosan
  • Drywood
  • Dampwood

Termites consume cellulose plant materials. They can hide out without being visible to the human eye and oftentimes are only found through a professional termite inspection or after the destruction of property has already occurred. If you notice a sudden onset of winged insects, wood that is falling apart or sounds hollow, it could be signs of a termite infestation. Mud tubes on your walls or in crawlspaces are also signs of a possible problem with termites. You should have professional pest operator come out and destroy the colony and you also contact a professional contractor to check for structural damage and give you’re an estimate for repairs.

Battling Rodent Problems in the Home 

Almost everyone has likely spotted a mouse from time to time on their property and sometimes in the house. They are persistent little critters and can easily make their way inside through a small crack or gap in your windows, doors or crawlspace. Even though some people have rodents as pets, most people don’t appreciate one, much less a family of them roaming and rummaging through their personal space. Getting rid of a mouse or rat problem is a priority. If you’ve been noticing mouse or rat droppings, chewed up foodstuffs or ripped material throughout your home, you have a rodent problem. You may be able to control a small infestation with traps and sealing up gaps in your home, but for large-scale infestations, it’s time to call in a pro.

Keeping Spiders at Bay

Spiders love to find dark, moist environments to raise their little families and have a good life. Many times, this in the presence of your home. While a good dusting and keeping your home sealed up can help prevent a spider infestation, sometimes they multiply too rapidly for you to keep up. Because there are many venomous spiders, such as the brown recluse spider common in the U.S., you’ll want to have a pest control professional come and properly identify the spiders in your home.

Don’t fight pest problems in your own. Get the help you need now to protect your family and property year round.