What Is a Catio and Why Does Your Fur Baby Need One?

Cats are one of the favorite pets in the world. In the US alone, there are around 94 million pet cats. And while cats make great companions, they also have a reputation for being independent and aloof.

If you’re a kitty owner, you know how much your fur baby loves to spend time outdoors. But what about when it’s too hot, cold, windy, or wet outside for them to enjoy? That’s where a catio comes in! Catios are becoming popular among cat owners who want the best for their furry babies. Commonly known as cat patios or enclosures, these structures provide their furry friends with a secure outside space.

What Is a Catio?

A catio is a fenced-in outdoor space that allows your kitty to enjoy the great outdoors while staying safe and sound. Usually, catios are made of wire mesh or chicken wire and can be attached to your home or placed in your yard. It comes in various sizes, and you can customize them to meet your feline friend’s specific needs. It offers a safe place for your cat to roam and explore while keeping them away from the dangers of the outdoor world.

To build a catio for your cat, you can hire welding services. It is essential to do your research before you build a catio, as it needs to be the perfect size for your cat and have the correct type of wire mesh. To search for the best catio builders in your area, you may search online. For example, if you live in Billings, MT, you may search for “Welding Billings MT” or “Catio Builders Billings MT.” It will provide a selection of websites for you to compare and choose the candidate most suited for the job.

Why Does Your Fur Baby Need a Catio?

There are plenty of reasons why your fur baby needs a catio. This section will cover some of the most important reasons for building a catio for your cat.

1. It Provides Them with Fresh Air and Sunshine

Cats who spend most of their time indoors lack fresh air and sunshine. While you may crack open a window for them sometimes, it’s not the same as letting them outdoors to enjoy nature. A catio allows them to get some fresh air and take in some much-needed vitamin D from the sun. It gives your feline friends the best of both worlds – they enjoy the outdoors from the comfort of their catios.

2. Safe Place to Play

Another reason your cat needs a catio is that it provides a safe place to play and explore. Cats love to roam around, but they can quickly get into trouble if they’re not supervised. They love to climb and scratch, so providing them with a safe place to do these things is crucial. Fur babies outdoors are at a higher risk of being hit by cars, thrashed by other animals, or getting into spats with other cats. By keeping them indoors, you can help reduce these risks. A catio gives them the freedom to explore without you having to worry about them getting lost or hurt. It’s the perfect way to let them enjoy the outdoors without danger.

3. Protection from the Elements

Catios are also great for protecting your cat from the elements. Your cat can still enjoy the sunshine and fresh air from the comfort of their catio even if the weather is not pleasant. It protects them from the harsh weather conditions and allows them to stay comfortable no matter what the weather is like. It is especially beneficial for elderly cats or those with health conditions that make them more sensitive to the weather. A catio is a must-have for your fur baby if you live in an area with severe weather conditions.

4. Lessens Your Stress

As a cat owner, it’s natural to worry about your fur baby when they’re outdoors. Cats are naturally curious creatures, so it’s impossible to keep an eye on them 24/7. But with a catio, you can let them enjoy the outdoors without worrying about getting into trouble. It is beneficial if you work long hours or travel often. You may rest easy knowing your cat is well-protected even when you’re not home.

5. Loose Cats Are a Danger to Your Cat

If you live in an urban area, there’s always the risk of your cat coming into contact with other loose cats. These cats may be carrying diseases or parasites that can harm your cat. They may also fight each other, which can lead to serious injuries. Many diseases like rabies, FIV, and feline leukemia are fatal to cats. So, keeping your cat safe from other cats is essential by providing them with their own space in a catio.

6. It’s Good for Their Mental Health

Just like humans, cats need outdoor time to stay mentally healthy. Being trapped in a room can create feelings of boredom, sadness, and anxiety. It can lead to destructive behaviors such as scratching furniture or urinating outside the litter box. A catio gives them a place to explore and helps keep their minds active. It also allows them to get some much-needed exercise, which is essential for their mental and physical health.

7. It’s Good for the Environment

A catio is also good for the environment. Keeping your cat in catios can help reduce the number of birds and other small animals killed yearly by cats. According to a Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute study, outdoor domestic cats kill billions of birds and other small animals yearly. It has a devastating influence on the environment and wildlife populations. Keeping your cat in a catio can help reduce this number and positively impact the environment.


Giving your fur babies the best life possible is paramount for a pet parent. That means providing them with a healthy and happy environment. A catio is a perfect way to provide them with a secure outdoor experience. Not only will your kitty love spending time in their catio, but you can also feel good knowing they are living their best lives.