Wooden Furniture Cleaning Tips

wooden furniture
wooden furniture

Wooden furniture has an invariable level of aesthetically pleasing qualities and is frequently presented with a serious price tag, which means that you have to take good care of it in order to prevent it from being wasted, damaged, or otherwise have its  natural constitution reduced in any way, shape or form. Concordantly cleaning your wooden furnishings using methods that preserve their natural properties is essential if you wish to stop the irrevocable appearance decline of your wooden articles and lose the substantial investment you’ve made in acquiring them. Of course, wood, as a material, has inherent imperfections, ergo the eventual diminution in the condition of the furniture is inexorable. Be that as it may, you can still take action towards at least retarding the otherwise inevitable outcome. Here are some tips you might find useful in your quest.

Everyday Cleaning

All cleaning, be it everyday or special, should be performed with the utmost diligence and care and should employ the use of a microfiber towel for the best results. Microfibers pose little to no threat of scratching the surface of the wood which makes them ideal for this little endeavor. It is of paramount importance that you perform a prophylactic sweep at least once a week in order to prevent the eventuality of dust, dirt or bacteria accumulating near, in or on your wooden furniture. Prevention, as they say, is the best cure.

As for the cleaning agent you should employ for everyday cleaning, the market offers a wide variety of options so you have the opportunity to choose in accordance. It is important to realize, however, that there is a difference between a cleaning product and a polishing product, even though some will claim that they can do both. It’s advisable that you purchase different products for cleaning and polishing – one will take care of the exasperating dust and dirt, and the other will restore the material’s former beauty.

Most wood polishes are either wood or wax based. It is essential that you use the same type every time because otherwise the two types might interact, contradict and otherwise leave your wooden furniture in a substandard, unsatisfactory condition.

If you do not wish to purchase cleaning products from the store, whether you doubt their efficiency or simply wish to protect the environment, you can always use olive oil as polish and hope that the microfiber cloth alone will be enough to remove the dust accumulated through the week. Of course, if you wish to go down this path, it would be advisable that you clean more regularly. For the most part, it will be sufficient and will not pose threat to the environment. In interest of preserving the wood’s constitution, use no more than a few drops of oil on the cloth and use different cloths for the different stages of the purification process.

Special Cleaning

Special cleaning is a bit more tricky as it involves the use of intense cleaning methods and is usually caused by an emergency. For example, you have to perform this type of cleaning when there is a stain or something along these lines, which is otherwise breaking the routine. If you are facing such dire circumstances, fear not – it won’t be as hard to deal with as you initially might think. You will probably have to use synthetic materials this time around, though.

It’s important to act quickly. Try to remove at least part of the material you have to clean with a cloth. Imagine, for instance, that there is a ketchup drop on your wooden sofa. The first action you should take is removing as much of it as possible, without spreading it. Then use the synthetic cleaner and carefully polish. It’s important to act quickly, otherwise it might be impossible to remove later on. Clean the whole piece, not just the stained area and then polish it.

Author Bio: July Minor is blogger keen on cleaning and home improvement topics. She has a lot of experience at her job http://www.callcleaners.co.uk/cleaners-w6-hammersmith/ and she loves to share it.